Trivia: If you look at the poster advertising the play "The Marvelous Marriage," you'll see it was written by Al Funcoot. "Al Funcoot" is an anagram of Count Olaf. This is a common theme in the Lemony Snicket Books.
Trivia: Because Robin Williams ad-libbed or improvised so many of his lines, the film was ruled ineligible for the Adapted Screenplay category at the Academy Awards.
Trivia: Ash's car has appeared in most of Sam Raimi's movies. Look out for it in Spider-Man and Darkman.
Trivia: The face on the small music box lid is visible when Will steals the key from Davy Jones. At Tia Dalma's, when Jack steals the ring, it lies beside a necklace whose pendant is identical to the face on Davy Jones's music box.
Trivia: If you look closely, there are many "Mickeys" in the scenery. For example, look in the bushes in various scenes and you will see three circles that form Mickey's head.
Trivia: The term "Prince with a Thousand Enemies" used in the prelude is a direct translation of the rabbit folk hero El-Ahrairah's name.
Trivia: Near the beginning, when Remy is in the sewers and begins to make his way up to the skyline of Paris, he is startled by a barking dog in one of the apartments. If you pause and look at the silhouette of the dog, it greatly resembles Dug the dog, from the 2009 Disney/Pixar release Up - another precursory nod to an upcoming movie by Pixar. (00:16:35)
Trivia: Betty Buckley really slapped Nancy Allen across the face during the detention scene. Brian DePalma wanted the right reaction.
Trivia: Check out the nurse that wakes Kristen up at the school infirmary. It is Robert Englund, out of his Freddy make-up. After Kristen wakes up, it is a different person.