Trivia: At one point during the song "Jack's Lament", Jack pops up between two tombstones. The tombstone on the left is a figure from the painting "The Scream", and the tombstone on the right is the horse from Picasso's "Guernica".

Trivia: The portable devo guns Mario & Luigi use to turn Koopa into slime are actually Super Scopes, (used in the Super Nintendo Game "Super Scope"). They're kind of the Super Nintendo version of the Nintendo Zapper from "Duck Hunt" for NES (Nintendo Entertainment System").

Trivia: The man playing Joel Glicker's father is Barry Sonnenfeld, the film's director.

Trivia: When they go into the police station, just before Robert Patrick walks out Sharon Stone walks out in her Basic Instinct outfit. Another nod to the "movie within a movie" concept.

Trivia: The moths that fly out of Billy's mouth after he cuts the thread are real, the actor held them in there for the effect.

Trivia: When Jennifer Aniston answers the phone and the Leprechaun's hand comes out, it's an homage to the scene from A Nightmare on Elm Street, when the main character was talking on the phone and it suddenly turned into Freddy's mouth and tounge.

Trivia: This comedy features several future stars. It was the feature film debut of Matthew Fox of "Lost" fame and superstar Matthew McConaughey (albeit in a very small role). It's one of Philip Seymour Hoffman's earliest movies. And it would have also been Renée Zellweger's feature film debut, but her scene was cut before release.