Plot hole: Throughout the entire movie, barns, houses, cars, 18-wheelers, etc. are demolished and lifted into the air like they were made of paper. And yet Jo and Bill pass through one tornado after another with nothing more than their hair getting messed up a little. You'd think the debris alone flying into their faces at 100 miles an hour would be enough to give them a few injuries.

Plot hole: After the kidnappers kill the trooper and then one chases after the 2 eyewitnesses you can see that they are on a straight road (no turns and he catches up to them fairly quickly) but the next morning when Marge arrives on the scene of the 2 bodies she arrives from the direction of the trooper's body (the first shooting). After examining the bodies of the eyewitnesses she asks her deputy "where the trooper is" and the Deputy points in the direction she just came from and states "down the road a bit" how did she miss it? She would have had to have driven right past the trooper's crime scene to get to the 2 bodies.

Plot hole: Sgt Monfriez would have never been on a medevac helicopter with an automatic weapon. I served several years in U.S Army Medical units and they are allowed defensive weaponry only, medical units are not ever issued automatic weapons period. The plot says the Monfriez is from another unit and is asked to accompany the medevac but that would never happen; it is against the law of land warfare to put an automatic weapon on any type of ambulance vehicle.

Plot hole: At the end of the movie where David and his friends are attempting to break into Steve's house, David has the door code and attempts to gain access once by using it. Steve then tells his wife and the kids to go hide upstairs and turn off all the lights so nobody will know where they are. Then Steve and his wife go to another part of the house, away from the front door. Then, we hear David and his friends using axes and a big log to try and break down the door, "before* Steve secures the door with household appliances later on. Why wouldn't David have just kept trying the code?
Suggested correction: The reason David can not keep trying the code, is because the door has a lock on the top, and one at the bottom (middle regular lock). That middle lock is able to respond to the key/pass-code system, but the top one is not. In order to get in the house, David would have to be able to enter the pin (which, yes he knows) but with the top lock still locked from the inside he can not get in. I am assuming there is a key slot on the outside where he would need a key, and also I'm sure the family doesn't bother locking the top half of the door as no one else knows the pin (so they thought). And I'm guessing that they never locked it during the day either, and only at night.

Plot hole: There's absolutely no reason why Kruger had to page Lee from the plane after he'd been drugged. The bad guys had no idea where Lee was until he did that and they traced the phone call. Not only did Kruger give away Lee's location, but he also gave away the only thing keeping the bad guys from killing him.

Plot hole: When the monster sinks the boat, there is an underwater shot of the crew drowning. As one of them is struggling to the surface, a bottle of Bells whiskey sinks past him. The bottle is only one-third full, and the top is screwed on, so the bottle should float on the surface, even without a message in it.

Plot hole: In the scene where Lorenzo gives the evidence to the policeman (in the back of King Benny's policeman-nephew's car), he gives him a gun with shell casings and Adam Styler's prints on the gun. Where exactly did he procure these items?

Plot hole: It is highly unlikely that something as unusual and noticeable as a long severed ponytail would have been overlooked at the crime scene where Bob was shot when it was originally combed for evidence. Especially after Vanessa told the police he'd done it; they would have looked for it as evidence.

Plot hole: When Tom Berenger is talking about Vietnam, the school bell rings and everyone leaves class. After everyone leaves, Tom Berenger puts the ice pick in his overcoat and quickly picks up his briefcase and opens it. Around 10 to 20 seconds after the bell rang, he looks at the portable surveillance in the briefcase. He flips through all the cameras. How did the entire school clear out with no one in site from the time the bell rang? Are there not usually some people around in the hallways after school?

Plot hole: In the scene where Roy takes his ball out of the hole, at the last round of the US Open, the crowd are going wild etc. Dave, who has a chance to win the competition, doesn't finish off his round.

Plot hole: There is no reason that Eden Hall couldn't have accepted the Ducks and also kept some of the JV players as well other than they didn't want to hire more actors for the team. Keep in mind, by the time the Ducks actually attend E.H. they only have 12 players (with two goalies). Once Banks gets transferred to Varsity they only have 9 skaters. Surely they could have allowed the cut JV players to rejoin the team since they barely had enough skaters for 2 full lines.

Plot hole: When they rescue the boy he is with Gary Sinese. Surely the boy could hear his voice and tip off authorities he was one of the bad guys? Yet later in the movie when Sinese comes by the home for his reward, he hears Sinese's voice and recognizes it.

Plot hole: When Quasimodo is revealed to the crowd during the Festival of Fools, someone identifies him as "the bell-ringer from Notre Dame." This is the first time Quasimodo has ever left the cathedral, so he shouldn't know that.

Plot hole: Spyro says to Rafael the gun dealer that they need the "hardware" (guns) cause they're going to be hit, but in the scene before we see the Diablos already hitting them after the Mayor finishes talking to the police over the phone.

Plot hole: In the scene after Gil saves Bobby's son Shawn, Gil claims he doesn't know who Bobby is. Even guessing that he may be Barry Bonds. Then in the next scene when Gil is pitching to Bobby he knows all about his slump, number, contact, and about Primo's death and this did not strike him as odd?
Suggested correction: The trooper wasn't visible from the road, he was dragged into the ditch. She also could have been asking if he was in the hospital or morgue.