Best drama movie deliberate mistakes of all time

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Changing Lanes picture

Deliberate mistake: After Doyle and Gavin agree to meet at the court (right before Gavin's second highway crash), there is a scene of a taxi driving on the left side of the road. This shot was obviously flipped, as everyone in the U.S. drives on the right-hand side of the road. (01:00:15)

Paul Plesser

More Changing Lanes deliberate mistakes
All the Right Moves picture

Deliberate mistake: When Lisa fights off Stef in her car when they go parking and they both sit up straight, it is quite clear they're not sitting in an actual car, but on a bench made to look like it's supposed to be in a car.

More All the Right Moves deliberate mistakes
Revenge of the Ninja picture

Deliberate mistake: When Braden confronts Cho on the rooftop, he uses dummies of himself to throw his opponent off-balance. But how could he have brought the bulky dummies onto the roof without being in the first place, or without proper preparation?

More Revenge of the Ninja deliberate mistakes
Battle Royale II: Requiem picture

Deliberate mistake: When the teacher walks over the floor towards the blackboard, he walks through a lot of blood. However when it cuts, he leaves no traces of blood where he steps.


More Battle Royale II: Requiem deliberate mistakes
More The Odyssey deliberate mistakes
Sleepers picture

Deliberate mistake: In the scene where the boys scratch off the paint on the window so they can look at the ice skaters getting dressed, there's a grille about 6 inches from the window. When viewed from outside their faces are pressed against the grille, but when the shot changes to inside the building looking at their eyes moving, their eyes are much closer to the window than the grille would allow. (00:09:30)

More Sleepers deliberate mistakes
Bridget Jones's Diary picture

Deliberate mistake: When Mark is catching a cab outside "JFK" airport, the cars are driving on the left hand side of the road - if they were in America they would be going the wrong way (the director points out in the commentary that this shot was filmed in London to save money).

More Bridget Jones's Diary deliberate mistakes
Schindler's List picture

Deliberate mistake: The movie shows events between 1939 and 1945 but the children look the same at the beginning and the end, they don't grow up. Pay attention to Danka Dresner, Adam Levy and Olek Rosner.

More Schindler's List deliberate mistakes
Prom Night picture

Deliberate mistake: It is shown throughout the film that card keys are to be used to open the hotel room doors; this is a security measure that is used for doors in elegant and expensive hotels (if not all). There are no hotels that use this measure without having break-safe metal material inside of these doors, yet the killer and cops are shown breaking down doors fairly easily. Add to this the fact that only thin slices of wood are shown breaking off of the doors, not metal nor even the card-keying device.

More Prom Night deliberate mistakes
Searching For Bobby Fischer picture

Deliberate mistake: Towards the end of the film, Josh is playing a game in the park with Vinnie, and Vinnie asks "What's that?", to which Josh replies "Schliemann Attack." However, this dialogue occurs while the game is still in standard opening theory and before Josh has played the move that introduces the Schliemann Attack (pawn to f5).

More Searching For Bobby Fischer deliberate mistakes
Point Break picture

Deliberate mistake: When everyone is surfing at night, the sound of the waves in the background is significant, as it should be. However, at one point, when Keanu and Lori are having an intimate conversation on the water, the sound of the waves disappear. The wave sounds resume in the next scene.

More Point Break deliberate mistakes
Shallow Hal picture

Deliberate mistake: Throughout the movie, you can see the size of true-size Rosemary, particularly her waist and legs. Notice the size of undies she was going to purchase when she and Hal first meet. Notice the size of her bathing suit bottom. However, in the scene where she throws her purple nightie undies at Hal and he catches them: the panties are WAY TOO BIG. Especially the leg holes, which could go around her true-size waist.

More Shallow Hal deliberate mistakes
Buffalo Soldiers picture

Deliberate mistake: The tanks used in the film are German "Leopards", never used by the US army.

More Buffalo Soldiers deliberate mistakes
The Great Dictator picture

Deliberate mistake: The barber is on the roof scarping from the stormtroopers and he falls down face through a window. When the shot changes to the inside of the house where the window is, he is falling on his back.


More The Great Dictator deliberate mistakes
Luck of the Draw picture

Deliberate mistake: When Carlo and Bonehead go upstairs to confront Jack at the hotel, Bonehead accidentally shoots Carlo in the leg and Carlo fires eight shots in retaliation at Bonehead killing him. Carlo immediately bursts into Jack's room same gun drawn. When Jack jumps out the window Carlo begins firing and shoots another 15 times. There is no way the single clip in the gun Carlo uses could possibly fire 23 rounds.

More Luck of the Draw deliberate mistakes
Little Miss Sunshine picture

Deliberate mistake: At the very end when they are all running to get the car started, the boy is the last to hop in. In the first scene, he is well along side the car, but in the very next shot he is farther again. In the last shot, he is closer to the door and finally gets in.


More Little Miss Sunshine deliberate mistakes
Rock Star picture

Deliberate mistake: During "Izzy"'s inaugural concert with Steel Dragon, there are two shots that are recycled during the first song. One is the rear shot of the guitarist in a low stance rocking back and forth, and the other is Jennifer Aniston raising her arms in the air and screaming for the band. Not only is the repeat a mistake, but when they reuse the shot of the guitarist, the second time it is not in time with the music.

More Rock Star deliberate mistakes

JFK (1991)

JFK picture

Deliberate mistake: The eyewitness testimony that placed Oswald in the lunchroom at the book despository didn't come to light until the House Select Committee on Assassination in 1978, many years after the Shaw trial.

David Mercier

More JFK deliberate mistakes
More The Philadelphia Experiment deliberate mistakes
The Fast and the Furious picture

Deliberate mistake: During the final scene, where Dom and Brian are dragging, you clearly hear that the Dom's car is straight piped. When the Charger (Dom's car) is spinning, you see that the car has a complete exhaust system.

More The Fast and the Furious deliberate mistakes

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