Deliberate mistake: At the end of the film, Gaston shoots the Beast with an arrow and pushes the Beast out the window. When the Beast lands on the edge of the castle rooftop, the arrow has disappeared. Even if part of the arrow has broken off, a piece of it would still be in his back. [This, like many other incidents in the film, is a longtime Disney animated tradition. The company seems to believe that violence is less unpleasant if all evidence of it disappears quickly. This is why so many cuts seem to disappear or become less serious. The arrow vanishing is just another example.] (01:16:55)

Deliberate mistake: In the scene where T& L are being pulled over for speeding, when they park, you see no protective rails on the side of the street they are on, but after they put the officer in the trunk and return to their car, on the passenger side, the rails are very visible.

Deliberate mistake: Marian is wearing pantaloons, or knickers, in the rape scene. Knickers were not worn by women until Victorian times, and then they were split at the crotch.

Deliberate mistake: When Laurence Fishburne goes to Reva's car when she delivers Tre, Lawrence's face can be seen in the inside rear-view mirror as he kneels down on the passenger side.

Deliberate mistake: When everyone is surfing at night, the sound of the waves in the background is significant, as it should be. However, at one point, when Keanu and Lori are having an intimate conversation on the water, the sound of the waves disappear. The wave sounds resume in the next scene.

Deliberate mistake: The eyewitness testimony that placed Oswald in the lunchroom at the book despository didn't come to light until the House Select Committee on Assassination in 1978, many years after the Shaw trial.

Deliberate mistake: While in the Japanese bath you see the fat samurai swim in the "pool" with an underwater camera. But when on the surface you can see the "pool" is no more than a man's length, in other words he could not have been swimming in there. (00:42:45)

Deliberate mistake: When Lithgow is shot in the leg and trips backwards over the crate or box, the stunt man is deliberately visible. It's not Lithgow making the fall.