Deliberate mistake: During the finale, the backround looks like a sunset and there is a big door in the back. Watch closely and all of a sudden from one camera angle to the next (it's right after the big puff of smoke), the background changes to an elaborate background of layers of hearts, the door is gone, and there are about 60 more extras onstage. During the DVD Baz explains that they filmed the scene with both backgrounds and it just so happened that the beginning was better with one and the end was better with the other, so they put the puff of smoke in there to distract the audience so that they wouldn't see the change.

Deliberate mistake: In one of the dogfight scenes a Japanese Zero crashes into a tower. It's a quick shot, but you can still see that what crashes is an American P-40 with Japanese markings.

Deliberate mistake: In the shot near the end of the film where Donnie grabs the keys for the station wagon, you can see a Blockbuster Video member card in a cup. That card design wasn't used until the mid to late 1990's. This movie is set in 1988. Deliberate as it's a product placement, but still wrong. (01:37:10)

Deliberate mistake: The 'NNN' news program shows a picture of some animal crackers in Frank's stomach. The problem is, they are still all in one piece and are pretty big. I don't think Frank would swallow them whole.

Deliberate mistake: Winners of the Nobel prize don't give an acceptance speech - they usually give a lecture before the award is given, and then at the most say "thank you," or in Nash's case "money would be nicer".

Deliberate mistake: When Boyd has saved the Vice President's life after chucking him into the water, Boyd looks down at the VP who is being dragged out. Suddenly, there is a picture taken that appears in papers, but there was no press or person on the bridge where Boyd is with a camera, so where did the photograph come from? (00:06:55)

Deliberate mistake: When the list of the KIA during the raid is showing, the name of Matt Rierson is up there but he died 3 days later from a mortar attack on the base. (02:11:50)
Suggested correction: Although he was killed 2 days later, he is still considered a casualty of the battle in official records so it's not a mistake.

Deliberate mistake: The French NATO rescue team is flying an old, Russian-made Mi-17 helicopter which is not in service in France. It was probably rented in Slovakia where most of the film was shot. The Mi-17 is easily distinguished from the French multi-purpose helicopter Puma: the Mi-17's landing gear is supported by huge rods, its side windows are round, and it has a sleek boom with the tail rotor on the left side. The Puma has smaller gear support, rectangular side windows, and a thicker boom with the tail rotor on the right side. (01:15:42)

Deliberate mistake: When Mark is catching a cab outside "JFK" airport, the cars are driving on the left hand side of the road - if they were in America they would be going the wrong way (the director points out in the commentary that this shot was filmed in London to save money).

Deliberate mistake: Throughout the movie, you can see the size of true-size Rosemary, particularly her waist and legs. Notice the size of undies she was going to purchase when she and Hal first meet. Notice the size of her bathing suit bottom. However, in the scene where she throws her purple nightie undies at Hal and he catches them: the panties are WAY TOO BIG. Especially the leg holes, which could go around her true-size waist.

Deliberate mistake: The tanks used in the film are German "Leopards", never used by the US army.

Deliberate mistake: During "Izzy"'s inaugural concert with Steel Dragon, there are two shots that are recycled during the first song. One is the rear shot of the guitarist in a low stance rocking back and forth, and the other is Jennifer Aniston raising her arms in the air and screaming for the band. Not only is the repeat a mistake, but when they reuse the shot of the guitarist, the second time it is not in time with the music.

Deliberate mistake: During the final scene, where Dom and Brian are dragging, you clearly hear that the Dom's car is straight piped. When the Charger (Dom's car) is spinning, you see that the car has a complete exhaust system.