Deliberate mistake: It wasn't Mike Eruzione shouting his own name that finally convinced coach Brooks to stop making the players do sprints. It was Mark Johnson, who smashed his stick against the glass in a fit of rage.

Deliberate mistake: After the airplane loses its propeller and descends to lower altitude, the cockpit constantly shakes due to turbulence, and the flight crew complains about it in one scene. However, when the camera switches to the passenger cabin, everything remains perfectly still and serene until the airplane is on its final landing approach near the end of the movie.

Deliberate mistake: This is a mistake which is a function of the limitation of the special effects at the time and what the censors would allow in the cinema but the wounds suffered by the Zulus do no justice to the horrific injuries that the Martini Henry rifle would have caused. The Martini Henry fired a big .45 inch soft nosed bullet that usually shattered on impact. It would have caused massive gaping wounds rather than the little red dots and trickles of blood shown on the Zulus and left many of them limbless as the bullets tore off arms and legs.

Deliberate mistake: When Kate Barlow shoots the Sheriff, she shoots him between the eyes, but when she kisses him there is no hole or anything on his face.

Deliberate mistake: When Leonard snaps a picture of Jimmy's body his head is lying between his shoulders looking straight up, but in the polaroid his head is lying to the right, and it is, in fact, a different actor altogether. (01:39:10)

Deliberate mistake: At the end of the film when Pacino and the gangsters are shooting each other on the escalator, the escalator takes a long time to get to the bottom, way too long.

Deliberate mistake: When Tom Hanks is picked up at the airport by a taxi, its license plate number is TX7943. Later when he is picked up at the Ramada Inn, he is picked up by a taxi with a different driver, different numbers on the top, but has the same license plate number.

Deliberate mistake: When Arthur follows Guinevere to the meeting with Merlin, her and the trees' shadows point at the viewer. Only Arthur has two shadows, one points to the left. The source of the moonlight is below the next ridge, and it's bright like a floodlight. Later, when Arthur is talking to Merlin, his face is always illuminated, even after a 180°-turn. (00:59:00)

Deliberate mistake: Near the end of the movie, there is a shot of the "Iwo Jima" with the two recovery helicopters taking off. For a moment, you can see the number 11 on the inboard side of the ship's island, which identifies it as the USS New Orleans (LPH-11), a sister of the Iwo Jima. Admittedly, it was the best the producers could do, since by the time the movie was made, the Iwo Jima (LPH-2) had been decommissioned.

Deliberate mistake: In the funeral scene of Wallace's father and brother, the little girl picks a flower for young Wallace. Look closely when she picks the flower- its already been cut. [This was to make it easier for the little girl to pick it so not to hurt herself on the thorns.]. (00:11:20)

Deliberate mistake: When Denzel Washington is in the bathroom, he discovers the camera monitoring him from the air vent, by seeing the light on the front of the camera. Any spy with common sense would not install a hidden camera with a light on it.

Deliberate mistake: Elizabeth Shue uses a drawer handle as an electromagnet. OK if it's really a magnetic material but lab furniture is generally made of aluminium or stainless steel which is not. There is no way that they would use an iron handle in a potentially wet, and hence corrosive, environment such as a freezer.

Deliberate mistake: Frankie's voice-over reading of the letter to his father does not match the text of the letter. He says, "Ricky Munroe told me. Trust him to put his big feet right in it. I've told him hundreds and hundreds of times." but the letter reads, "Ricky Munroe told me. Trust him to put his size threes right in it. He is rubbish at secrets. I've told him hundreds and hundreds of times." (00:21:15)

Deliberate mistake: The tiny hot air balloon that Francesca released in the debate room would never be able to support Casanova's weight.

Deliberate mistake: When Reinaldo is narrating right after the police begin to crack down on the gay movement in Havana, he speaks of "sex as a weapon against the regimen". Shouldn't it be the regime? (00:44:20)

Deliberate mistake: When Cochran sabotages the Jet Ranger helicopter by loosening the nut on the bolt securing the linear actuator governor, the bolt is inserted in the wrong direction. The bolt should have been heads up to prevent it from falling out as it did causing the helicopter to crash. Moreover, the linear actuator is on the opposite of the engine from where Cochran disconnected it. (00:38:05)

Deliberate mistake: The majority of the Japanese planes were actually done-over North American AT-6 Texans and their Navy counterpart, the SNJ.

Deliberate mistake: In Raymond's flashback to "when he was once loved" there is a scene where he is having dinner with the Senator and his daughter. Evidently someone didn't feel that this scene was quite long enough as shot. Raymond picks up a piece of meat on his fork, puts it in his mouth and then begins to laugh. Then he puts the empty fork back into his mouth, removes the piece of meat and replaces it onto his plate. Obviously, the film was reversed briefly to give the illusion of a longer scene.

Deliberate mistake: During the part of the movie where the USS Alabama is sinking deeper into the ocean a shot of the depth gauge was made showing the sub passing 1800 feet at a quick rate. About 20-30 seconds of shots were shown after this to further dramatize the peril of submarine and then the scene cut back to the depth gauge. This time however, the gauge was moving much slower and only shown the sub had sunk 15-20 more feet without any reason for the sudden slowdown in decent.

Deliberate mistake: When David brings Jack home to meet the family and at the beginning of Santa Fe number.It starts raining buckets during dinner and the cake scene, but less than a minute passes and it is dry enough to sit down on the stairs at the beginning of the Santa Fe number. Then during the song "Santa Fe" and later in the dance sequence, the ground is dry as Jack is kicking up dust.
Suggested correction: This is not a documentary. This is a movie based on the events that happened. Therefore since it's not a documentary, they can make any changes to events they want.
I had the chance of skating with Ken Morrow and he confirmed that Johnson was the one who stopped the sprints. Morrow said the Brooks knew if he had gotten to Johnson, he got to all the players.