Trivia: At the climax of the movie when Russell Crowe confronts Senator Collins about his involvement with the death of the senate research aid, he goes outside to leave and is accosted by the assassin, Robert Bingham. Bingham is apparently going to kill Crowe when the police show up in force. Bingham raises his M-16 to shoot Crowe and the police shoot him. In the next scene Crowe is entering the news article in the newspaper's computer. The camera gives us a glimpse of the computer screen. If you pause it and read the story it says that the assassin, Bingham, is found by the police dead at his apartment from an apparent suicide instead of being shot down in a fusillade of police gunfire in front of Senator Collins' office.

Trivia: During a speech in Toronto, Bradley Cooper told audiences that people in Las Vegas didn't even notice they were filming a movie, even though he had bloody tiger scratches on his neck, and Justin Bartha was beet red, nobody stopped to look.

Trivia: Kevin James's real-life wife, Steffiana De La Cruz, plays "the lady with the kids in the mall." She takes a lingering glance as he rolls away on his Segway.

Trivia: One of the bank scenes were shot at the Little Bohemia Lodge, where there was an actual shoot-out between John Dillinger and the FBI in 1934.

Trivia: In the scene with the French Giant all of the French lines they speak were originally in English. Director Guy Ritchie found out that the man actually spoke French as his first language and decided on the spot to change it to add to the mystery of the film.

Trivia: Tanedra Howard, who won Scream Queens and got a role in a Saw movie, is featured in the opening trap as Simone.

Trivia: At the start of filming Fast and the Furious, Jordana Brewster did not have her driver's license.

Trivia: The music in the strip-club scene is an early version of Donald Glover/Childish Gambino's song "Retro (Rough)."

Trivia: When Susie is in the mall bookstore watching Ray, there is an advertisement on the window for "The Lord of the Rings." Director Peter Jackson is best known for directing the film adaptation of this book series.

Trivia: Though sometimes billed as a sequel or remake to the movie "Bad Lieutenant," the films are not connected in any way beyond featuring a corrupt law-enforcement officer as the lead character. Director Werner Herzog tried to get the title changed because he didn't like the idea of it being compared to the original film since it was completely unrelated... and also because he hadn't even seen the original film.

Trivia: In the street car, look out for a small boy wearing a hat. This boy is director Renny Harlin's son, Lucas.