Best comedy movie questions of all time

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Dark Shadows picture

Question: Why did it take so long for Dr. Hoffman to become a vampire? I'm referring to at the very end when she was underwater and opened her eyes.

Bryanna Norris

Answer: It's unknown how long it took for her to become a vampire. She was tossed into the bay and sunk to the bottom, lying there unconscious for a period of time. She may have turned early on, but did not awaken until much later.


She had teeth when she was being bit by Barnabus. She had turned before he confronted her. He just drained her to a weakened state and she woke back up in the bay.

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George of the Jungle picture

Question: In the scene where Lyle returns, he tells his missionaries to subdue George. I think one of them is a young Colin Farrell, but I didn't see his name in the credits. Did he have an uncredited role? Can someone help, as I don't have the DVD to check up on it?

Answer: There's certainly no listing for him on the IMDb, which is generally good with uncredited appearances. Farrell was still working in the UK and Ireland at the time of the film, which was entirely US shot, and didn't become involved in Hollywood productions until about the year 2000, three years after GOTJ came out, which would seem to make it extremely unlikely that he appeared in it.


Answer: So frustrating that only three of the mercenaries are credited when there are 5 of them! I agree that one looks exactly like Colin Farrell.

Answer: No Collin Farrell was not in the movie.

More George of the Jungle questions

Chosen answer: Nope, nothing official was ever said. There are very few truly original film storylines these days; a close examination of most films would allow one to swiftly note plot similarities to any one of a number of preceding movies. Both Cars and Doc Hollywood fit neatly in a very standard storyline of an outsider coming into an unfamiliar cultural group, which they learn to appreciate and benefit from, while their presence likewise benefits the group they encounter. While the two are unusually similar, no comment on the subject was ever made.


More Cars questions
Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory picture

Question: How did Willy Wonka know that Charlie and Grandpa Joe had stolen Fizzy Lifting Drinks? The entire time they were in the room they were completely alone and security cameras obviously didn't come into existence at the time.

Answer: Closed circuit security was invented in 1942 and came into common use in the late 60s and early 70s. Beyond that, Wonka could have had Oompa Loompas monitoring the group or simply noticed that they were gone and guessed.

Greg Dwyer

More Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory questions
Wild Hogs picture

Question: After the fight scene when Blade is talking to the Wild Hogs, Tim Allen appears to have some type of business card in his hand. As Blade walks away, he looks at the card. Where did the card come from?

Answer: Most likely one of Tim's jacket pockets.

More Wild Hogs questions
Bruce Almighty picture

Question: In the film they find Jimmy Hoffa's body, but who is he? I've never heard of him.

Answer: Hoffa was the powerful and controversial leader of the Teamsters Union from 1957 to 1971. Often alleged to have ties to organized crime, Hoffa was convicted of fraud and jury tampering in 1964 and served four years in prison before his sentence was commuted by President Nixon. In 1975, while trying to regain power in the union, Hoffa disappeared from Bloomfield Hills, Michigan. He was widely assumed to have been killed by the Mafia. His body was never found, and in 1983 he was declared legally dead. Many movies joke of this, because to this day, his body has not been recovered.

T Poston

More Bruce Almighty questions
Wreck-It Ralph picture

Question: If Gene is the only Nicelander who is not afraid of Ralph then why does he scream with fear as he sees Ralph at the door during the party? Shouldn't he have given Ralph a stern look and told him to leave? (01:41:00)

Answer: It wasn't that he was screaming out of fear of Ralph exactly, but more surprise to see Ralph of all people, as well as sudden fear of Ralph wrecking the party.

Quantom X

More Wreck-It Ralph questions
Ghost picture

Question: Why was Carl laundering $4 million into the account? Was he in debt when he says to Willie "I'm dead if the account closes", which it does?


Answer: Carl is laundering money for drug dealers. If the account is closed and he can't get the money back then it would be lost. The drug dealers would then most assuredly murder him in retribution.


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What Women Want picture

Question: Why is it that Nick can't hear what his two women co-workers are thinking?

Answer: The joke is that they have no thoughts for him to hear.


More What Women Want questions
Austin Powers in Goldmember picture

Question: What film is the footage of the young Michael Caine from? And is the footage of him playing with a small boy in the 'Musical Number' deleted scene from his home videos or a film?

Answer: The footage of Michael Caine is from the 1967 film Hurry Sundown.

David Mercier

More Austin Powers in Goldmember questions
Yes Man picture

Question: At the end, the audience were all naked in the "Yes" seminar. Why did they attend it undressed?

Bunch Son

Answer: They had donated all their clothes to the clothing drive for the homeless. After all, they couldn't say no.

Brian Katcher

More Yes Man questions

Answer: Yes, he is. He can be seen wearing the same black t-shirt with a skull motif that his younger self wore in the first movie and Pixar have confirmed that the character's intended to be Sid.


In addition, they are voiced by the same person.

More Toy Story 3 questions

Chosen answer: He found the book in his house, saw the title, and just naturally assumed that they were there because the snowman needs to be in a place where it is cold.

The book was with the kids not in the house.

Well my guess is that he followed the destruction that the abominable snowman left behind. He also must have checked his books over as well and saw which one was missing because there were some books on the floor.

More Goosebumps questions

Chosen answer: According to the IMDB, the answer is yes. Both movies used the same two high school locations: Glenbrook North High School, Northbrook, Illinois; and Maine North High School, Des Plaines, Illinois. The director, John Hughes, directed both movies and decided to use the same school. He also uses the name Shermer for the name of the high school in Breakfast Club and for the name of the suburb in which the Bueller's live.

J I Cohen

More The Breakfast Club questions
Ghostbusters: Afterlife picture

Question: When Phoebe is on the phone with Ray, he mentions that the Ghostbusters fire house is now a Starbucks. In the post-credits scene, we see that Winston has purchased the fire house so the Ghostbusters can get back to business, but the fire house looks like it has been abandoned for several years and no other company ever took it over. Did I miss something here?


Answer: Ray was probably being sarcastic, and was simply making a general comment about gentrification in the area.

Answer: Perhaps nobody wanted to take over the place for a few reasons. Historical purpose, high cost... hauntings.?

Answer: It's been 40 years since the Ghostbusters disbanded, Ray mostly likely passed by the old place and saw a Starbucks there. It has since shut down.

But they left the ghost trap active? Not likely.

Brian Katcher

More Ghostbusters: Afterlife questions
Kingdom Come picture

Question: Why does Vivica Fox start crying when she sees fried chicken on the table?

Answer: In a storyline that was not shown but discussed vaguely, Vivica's character lost her first child one day while her husband (LL Cool J) was at work. The only thing she had to put the child in was an empty bucket of chicken. So the bucket of chicken on the table brought back horrible memories for her.

More Kingdom Come questions

Answer: It is never stated.

Answer: As the other response says, the number of years is never stated. Physically, I think he is supposed to look about twenty years old. Bill wants him to start a proper business. None of the adults seem to think that he should be in school.

More Edward Scissorhands questions
Florence Foster Jenkins picture

Question: Every time Florence would perform before a live audience, people would respond by either laughing at her or booing at her. With these kinds of reactions, how could Florence not realise that it was because nobody liked her singing and that they considered her a terrible singer?

Answer: People believe what they want to believe and can have an uncanny ability to filter out anything negative or unwanted. Eventually, she realised the truth.


Also, Florence's friends and supporters protected her and would do whatever they could at the concerts to suppress any audience member who reacted negatively.


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Like Mike picture

Question: What is the name of the song when Tracy and Calvin are in the car going to the drug store?

Answer: "Party Up" (by DMX)

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Casper picture

Question: What was the treasure? Because Casper says its just his baseball bat and glove, but then what does the note at the beginning mean that Carrigan and Dibbs find when the deed is thrown in the fire? Because it talks of treasure but its really only a baseball.

Answer: When Carrigan tosses the Whipstaff documents into the fireplace, one paper's hidden message appears on the back from the heat (if using lemon juice instead of ink, messages stay hidden and only appear when heated); it has a drawn map and handwritten "Buccaneers and buried gold, Whipstaff doth a treasure hold." Later, Casper tells Kat that he and his dad had great fun together playing pirates down in the lab, and Casper quotes the words from their hidden "pirate" message. So the handwritten note with map was actually part of their father/son beloved pirate-playing shared fun (note when the living Casper appears at Kat's party, he wears a piratey costume with a sword at his side). The pirate "treasure chest" contents were merely Casper's personal treasure: his glove and cherished autographed baseball, and it was kept in the lab's vault; even after Casper succumbed to pneumonia, Mr. McFadden kept it in the vault.

Super Grover

Answer: A machine that could bring dead people's ghosts back to life would be worth trillions of dollars. And that's why It was kept "secret" and hidden away from the rest of the world.

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