Question: How come Alex's parents or any other character from the last movie don't make, at least, a small appearance in this movie? I know that Bernie Mac, who voiced Zuba, is dead, but can somebody explain Zuba and Florrie's fate?
Answer: They don't appear because Zuba's voice actor, Bernie Mac, passed away and their absence was done out of respect for him.

Question: It's now clear why Angus is found in the circle of stones, even though he was afraid to enter it in the first place. There's one part of that matter I don't quite understand, though. Why is he afraid to enter that circle in the first place? Is there something in that circle frightening him? Is there a special effect?
Answer: The stone circle is like a gateway to the spirit world, something slightly supernatural. Angus senses this, and it makes him freak out.

Question: Why did it take so long for Dr. Hoffman to become a vampire? I'm referring to at the very end when she was underwater and opened her eyes.
Answer: It's unknown how long it took for her to become a vampire. She was tossed into the bay and sunk to the bottom, lying there unconscious for a period of time. She may have turned early on, but did not awaken until much later.
She had teeth when she was being bit by Barnabus. She had turned before he confronted her. He just drained her to a weakened state and she woke back up in the bay.

Question: In the end credits it lists the Batman theme in the music soundtrack. When exactly was the theme played in the movie?
Answer: It is used after Greg tells Rodrick that Heather has accepted loded diper.

Question: Is it common to be committed like Pat was to avoid a jail sentence? Is this up to the judge?
Answer: It's not exactly common, but yes, it would be up to the judge, and establishing that a person is a "clear and present danger to themselves or others" can result in involuntary commitment in Pennsylvania, where the film takes place. In this case, it would not be hard to argue that, "the person has inflicted or attempted to inflict serious bodily harm on another and that there is a reasonable probability that such conduct will be repeated" (50 PA. CONS. STAT. ANN. ยง 7301 (b) (1)), as he had just physically assaulted his wife's lover and she'd obtained a restraining order. His mental health problems would have been well-documented, so it would have been easy for a judge to order him to undergo psychiatric evaluation, which could (and, in the film, does) lead to extended involuntary commitment at the discretion of a mental health professional.

Question: O says that back in Cape Canaveral, in the unaltered time line, something happened to K that changed him. All that's really said though, is that he stopped and arrested Boris the Animal there. So what exactly was it that changed K?

Question: Why were the dwarves names changed for this movie? I was trying to find a correlation of each dwarf to the original dwarves, but couldn't. It seems like it was changed for no reason.
Answer: There are no "original" names for the dwarves, they are unnamed in the fairy tale. If you are referring to the names they had in the Disney movie, well, those were inventions by the Disney people. It might not even be legal to use them.

Question: After the saber-tooth squirrel named Scrat was eaten by a shark, how did he get out of it?
Answer: Because he is a survivor and this is a cartoon. There were plenty of other times through the series scrat was put in a deadly situation only to return later. In the first movie alone he was trampled by a dinosaur, electrocuted with a lightning bolt, and frozen in ice until he thawed near the volcano thousands of years later.

Question: Did one of the church ladies in the "Hit Me With Your Best Shot" scene, poop herself? The one with the floral shorts. Watch at the end when she is walking out of the church. (00:25:15)
Answer: The marks could be from when they were sliding across the pews.
Answer: 100% period! If you watch from the beginning of the scene, you'll see the stain slowly growing, also it's not on the side of her shorts, is in-between her legs, and eventually down the back.
Answer: Period shorts.

Question: If the island sinks underwater at regular intervals, then what happens to the tiny elephants, giant bees, etc (and the whole ecosystem) while the island is underwater?
Answer: There is a deleted scene on the DVD/Bluray where they attempt to give an explanation. Kailani asks "What happens to the animals when the island sinks? They can't all die!". Alexander replies "Even the mammals develop quasi-amphibian characteristics. They just burrow below the ground's surface and absorb the oxygen through their skin."

Question: I don't remember if it was mentioned in the movie, but are the three stooges brothers or friends?
Answer: In the film, they grow up as friends, but it is a bit misleading, considering they were all babies put on the doorstep together. That WOULD make one confused as to the answer to that question.

Question: Is Griffin always naked? Because his clothes (glasses) are visible but he is not.
Answer: There's a scene where he's wearing swim trunks which are visible, but he gets embarrassed when they're pulled down and he runs away. Obviously just meant to be a gag, but if the thought of people "seeing" him naked embarrassed him, one would think he must normally be dressed in clothes that can't be seen.

Question: Can someone please explain the photos in the yearbook? It seems like it was the gang in 1999, but they never posed for those photos in the first American Pie.
Chosen answer: They have been friends for a long time. They had plenty of time to take pictures. We only see them on screen for a few hours of their lives spread over a short while.

Question: I don't understand why Barker couldn't get unbuckled in the car. Why couldn't Artie just remove his hand from the seat belt?
Answer: It's demonstrated throughout the film that Artie struggles with the modern way of doing things. This may extend to modern car seat belts with their five point harness systems. That and the fact they're already late for school and holding up the traffic makes it a stressful situation for Artie and it was probably easier (and to add comedy) for Artie just to rip the seat out with the boy still in it.

Question: Why would Jesse forgive Beca just because she sang a song he likes?
Answer: It wasn't just that she sang a song he likes, she sang arguably the most well-known song from his favorite film in front of a huge crowd of people. It was a public, heartfelt apology rather than the abrupt, private apology she gave earlier.

Question: Why is Lionel shown naked in his home at the end of the movie?
Answer: In the beginning of the movie, it's mentioned that Lionel is a nudist. But by the end, he says that he is not in a very harsh tone. In the end, it's shown that he actually, really is a nudist.

Question: What caused Finn and Alexis to become technophiles?
Answer: I'll provide a "response." This seemingly simple/ straightforward question has a straightforward answer as well as a complicated one. The simple answer is it is impossible for anyone to know with certainty what "caused" them to be or become anything. There are theoretical perspectives that may offer different possibilities. Scientifically, there can be factors that are associated/ correlated with being a technophile, but there can also be unknown factor (s) that contribute. The complicated answer would break down your question and not take it for granted: What do you mean by "technophile"? What criteria are used to define someone as a technophile? Is "enthusiasm" measurable? Do Finn or Alexis meet the criteria for a technophile? Is using a technology that is readily available because of the historical time in which one lives the same as being enthusiastic over new technology? Is an addiction or obsession the same as enthusiasm? What evidence do you have that they are technophiles, etc?
Both Wikipedia and Home Alone Wiki state that Finn and Alexis are technophiles.
Does either provide a definition of "technophile" or provide criteria or evidence?
Finn is obsessed with video games and Alexis is obsessed with listening to music via headphones.
Answer: They don't make an appearance because they were irrelevant to the story. The decision to go back home would have been made with or without any character introduced in the previous movie, so they were simply not included. Alex's parents would have continued to live in Africa after Alex and the others left.
Casual Person
That makes no sense though because (I know it's a kids movie) but the way they portray it, it makes it seem like Alex doesn't care about leaving his parents and what he just recently realised is his birth home. Like, it feels like there was some necessary dialogue there (probably not for the kids though).