Question: Why didn't Rocky simply tell Ginger at the start that he couldn't fly, instead of dragging everyone through that whole charade. I realise that it was crucial to the plot, but was there any other reason?
Answer: The exchange was he would teach them to fly so he could hide out from the circus and he didn't have anything else to offer them.
Answer: Because Rocky is a coward.
He's a rooster on a farm full of female chickens. Think about it.

Question: What is Shane's quote in the last huddle? Something like pain is temporary...glory lasts forever"?
Answer: "Pain heals, chicks dig scars, glory lasts forever."

Question: What is the purpose or the story behind the little stuffed dog that appears in so many scenes? It's on the table when the guys are playing poker, it appears in the bowling scene too.
Answer: Presumably it's a favorite mascot of the group. There's likely no backstory per se, it's just something the filmmakers did to add to sense that these people have been together for a very long time.

Question: After the dog and Prince Wendell have been switched, why does the Queen even care about having the dog (who is really Prince)? She doesn't know that Tony can talk to him, so as far as she knows, no one can understand the dog at all. Why would she be concerned?
Answer: Because if Wendell and the switched dog somehow came in contact with each other then they would switch back. She does not want to risk this happening.

Question: The only way that the valley could be flooded by rampaging water is that a dam was broken up river. Otherwise the water rises very slowly. Does the movie explain this? If so I missed it. In which way was that river flooded?
Answer: Probably they have dismantled the coffer dam that was used while constructing the main dam. Hence, the flooding.
Good and reasonable last resort explanation - have the Coens ever addressed it?

Question: Is there a reason why Roger, Anita, and their child are not back for this sequel? Also, how and why did Dipstick get adopted by Chloe?
Answer: Because Jeff Daniels and Joely Richardson who portrayed Roger and Anita were busy filming other projects at the time and maybe they chose not to return. Or perhaps the writers couldn't find a way to fit them into the Story. As to how Dipstick got adopted by Chloe, maybe it's just a mystery we'll never know.
Answer: We are never told why they are not there and we are not told about how Dipstick came to live with Chloe.

Question: Does anyone know the story behind the "Creepy Thin Man?" Like why he likes to pull hair and smell it? Anything that helps me understand his character is appreciated.
Answer: This character gets a backstory in the sequel (Charlie's Angels Full Throttle). Supposedly he was a runaway from a circus, who found refuge at an orphanage. He didn't much like haircuts when he was little.

Question: In the scene where Elliot signs the contract, there is a magnificent red fountain pen on top of the papers. Does anybody know what the pen is, or if it is even a real commercial pen?
Answer: It definitely is a Montegrappa Oriental Zodiac pen, this brand has been making pens in Italy since 1912. I am not sure which of the three red pens in that collection (Oriental Zodiac) is the one seen in the movie, but given its association with the devil, my guess will be it is the Ox fountain pen.

Question: Usually a cheerleader team has a coach. Where is the coach during practices?
Answer: We always lacked coaches for sports at school and just did our own practices, maybe this film reflects that aspect also?

Question: Where exactly is Whoville located? And what year is the movie meant to take place?
Answer: Then why does it appear as a tiny speck in Horton Hears A Who?
In "Horton Hears a Who", both the book and the animated film, the speck of dust lands on a clover. In the 2000 Grinch film, the speck of dust has now landed on a snowflake because it's winter time. It should be noted that it's only the 2000 Grinch film that has Whoville as a speck similar to Whoville in "Horton Hears a Who." In the book and other adaptations, Whoville and the Whos are normal sized and probably located somewhere in Massachusetts.
Where are you getting Massachusetts from?
Dr. Suess was born in Springfield, MA and there are some that claim the drawings in the book are similar to Easthampton, MA and Mt. Tom (although others say it's La Jolla and Mt. Soledad in California). Residence of Easthampton put on an annual "Whobalation" to celebrate the legend Whoville is based on them.
Answer: According to the introduction, Whoville is located on a snowflake. Therefore they don't keep time like we do.

Question: When Malcolm was hiding in the shower there was a window on his left - why didn't he use it to escape?

Question: What is the song that plays when Charlie first turns into Hank? (I think its in the scene in the grocery store).
Answer: "Fire Like This" by Hardknox.

Question: When Willy Jack picks up the girl on the side of the road (after leaving Novalee at Wal-Mart), why doesn't he want her to put the last of her bags in the backseat?
Answer: I assume he wanted the backseat empty to do dirty business with her.
Answer: I think he motions for her to put them in the backseat simply because nothing else will fit in the trunk. I'm sure that it's safe to assume that he and Novalee had placed all their belongings in there already, so there wasn't much room left.
Answer: There were stolen items in the trunk. The officer rattled off a list of items "same exact items stolen" from a store. He probably didn't want her to find it.
Actually those "stolen items" were stolen by the girl he picked up, she wanted to go "anywhere but here" because she had robbed the store (hence why she had all that loose cash).
Answer: Honestly, I thought it was because he assumed it was dirty laundry since it was in a trash bag. No one wants smelly clothes in the backseat smelling up the car.

Question: Toward the very end of the movie, when Tony and Jackie are going to see Billy dancing, it seems almost as if Jackie is reluctant to go on, and is seen walking slowly and looking all around. What is the significance of this?
Answer: Some time has passed since Billy left home and became a professional dancer. Jackie is older now and not as physically active as he once was. He has also seldom left his small, provincial town, and being in a major city like London is a little daunting for him, so he is a little uncomfortable and out-of-place.
I'd agree with "overwhelmed" (or in awe), but not to the point of being "daunting" because he was eager and excited to see what Billy had become and was not trying to avoid going there. (It was more like he was trying to not let on how excited he actually was).
There's nothing to suggest that he was excited or eager, let alone that he was trying to hide it. It's more likely he was simply overwhelmed.

Question: In the scene leading up to where the mirror is knocked off and the car stalls, there appears to be a billboard in the background with a cowboy with his head in profile. In large letters above it is what appears to be the word "Impotent." (Not "Important"). Does anyone know what is with that?
Answer: That billboard was part of an anti-smoking campaign from about 18 years ago. The image mocks the iconic Marlboro Man, with the cigarette in his mouth flaccid and drooping. The word "Impotent" is rendered large in the same type style as the old Marlboro logo. In much smaller text (not visible in the film), the sign reads, "WARNING: Smoking Causes Impotence."

Question: I heard in the DVD commentary that what the Russian gangsters are saying in the beginning is total bull, because they ran out of time to translate the actual dialogue. Is there anyone from Russia, or who speaks Russian, that can understand what they are saying?
Answer: Yes, I can speak Russian, and what they said in the movie did make sense but they spoke so horribly it was almost impossible to understand them. But it wasn't bull.
But what was said?

Question: Who is the guy who looks through Cindy's window at the beginning of the movie and says 'wrong set'?
Answer: That whole scene is a spoof of the show "Dawson's Creek". The guy is James Van Der Beek, who played Dawson Leery, the title character.
Answer: It's also worth mentioning that the song that is playing during this part - "I Don't Want to Wait" by Paula Cole - was the theme song to Dawson's Creek.

Question: Jack does not meet the Black mugger/angel again after returning to his former life. He wakes up in his apartment the same date he fell asleep, on Christmas. Were Jack's experiences all a dream?

Question: What is the translation of the Chinese drinking game Roy and Chon play?
Answer: One crab with eight feet, painted horns - what a big crab./ Blinking eyes, shrinking head,/ crawling, crawling everywhere./ Two and Two, who should drink?/ Three and three, who drink first?/ Five and Five, who should drink?/ Two and two, you drink first.
Chosen answer: Because he wanted them all to have something to look forward to, he didn't want to let them down. Plus Rocky is very bigheaded, it would no doubt be embarrassing for him to admit that he couldn't fly.