Question: Is there an alternate ending? Did Ving Rhames ever wear a sweater in the last scene?
Answer: My wife and I also believe that Agent Duane Stevenson wore a sweater at the end of the movie on the VHS version. The DVD version switched Duane with suit, white shirt and tie - no sweater.
Answer: I saw Ving Rhames in a navy crewneck sweater at the end of movie shot.
Question: When Manolo and Joaquin start fighting the wild boar, General Posada only sees Joaquin confronting the boar before he is knocked unconscious. Thus, he never sees Manolo fighting the boar like a matador. When the general recovers, he believes Joaquin defeated the boar and not Manolo. Despite the townsfolk being impressed by Manolo's action, why does no one, including the nun who thanks Manolo for saving her life, speak up and tell the general what actually happened? Why don't they confirm to the general that Manolo fought and defeated the boar?
Chosen answer: There was probably too much panic from the rampaging animals.
Question: After Elizabeth is brought to the Pearl, she threatens to drop the medallion overboard. Barbossa feigns disinterest but when Elizabeth pretends to drop it, the pirates gasp in panic. Why? So she drops it, big deal. They can't drown, the gold "calls to them" so what does it matter if she were to drop it?
Chosen answer: Because they'd have to find it. The gold may "call to them", but it obviously doesn't function as a millimetre perfect homing beacon or they'd never have missed the medallion years earlier when they attacked the ship carrying the young Will. Elizabeth drops it into the sea and they're going to have to spend what could be months trying to locate it - currents could take it well away from the dropping point. They've found the final missing piece; they're potentially just hours away from finally being cured. The last thing they want is to see it thrown into the sea.
Well, if the crew was anxious to get the medallion then why did they act like they weren't interested in it before Elizabeth pretended to drop it?
What do you mean by reverse psychology?
By showing they are not interested in the medallion they are hoping Elizabeth will just drop it on the floor or chuck it to them as it's of no real value. However when she releases a bit of chain and the medallion drops, and the pirates lurch forward revealing that they really want the medallion and as such Elizabeth now has the upper hand in negotiations.
I'm guessing Elizabeth wasn't fooled when the pirates showed disinterest in the medallion.
That's not called reverse psychology, which is used to encourage someone to change his or her mind. Doesn't work with a threat. They are feigning indifference to hide the importance of the object.
They didn't want to give her an advantage over them. Pretending to not care about the coin would make Elizabeth think that the coin is worthless and cannot use it to barter a deal.
Question: Can anyone please explain to me the deal about Nigel not getting a job in Paris? He thought he got promoted then Miranda picked someone else or something and he says something like 'when the time is right, she'll pay me back'. I've seen this film loads of times but I've never fully understood what happened. Thanks.
Chosen answer: Miranda was going to be replaced by Jaqueline and forced to retire. Miranda worked a deal to give Nigel's new job to Jaqueline instead. Since Jaqueline now has a job she wants, there is no one eager or qualified to replace Miranda. Miranda keeps her job. Nigel doesn't get a new job and must remain with Miranda. Miranda gets what she wants, Jaqueline gets what she wants, Nigel gets screwed, but maintains the (most likely futile) hope that Miranda will pay him back by some other means in due course.
Answer: Nigel was going to be James Holt's partner But Miranda made it so Jacqueline got or instead so Miranda could remain Editor in Chief at Runway.
Question: What two items were on Mr. Liotta's resume that should have been excluded?
Answer: Mr. Liotta's resume should have excluded her skills, favorite movie, and that she hates bees.
Question: What does the saying "Why don't you make like a tree, and get out of here", mean?
Question: Was there a deleted scene where Cathrine and Ellen were talking while making the turkey in the kitchen and/or doing something resulting in the bird being "overdone" totally and showing up in the scene at dinner causing the turkey to literally explode in a cloud of dust when carved by Clark? It just seems there was a scene missing there!
Answer: YES! You are 100% correct about the deleted turkey-cooking scene! Both my husband and I remember this scene. It was Catherine and Eddie that cooked the turkey to thank Clark and his family for being hospitable. They had never cooked a turkey before and they thought cooking it at a low temperature for a LONG time would be ideal. It looked great, but completely dehydrated. THIS is why Catherine is so upset when the turkey pops open and steams - she ruined the turkey for everyone.
Answer: There was never a scene as described in the film, nor was there anything in any of the special features. Also, there is no mention of it in any of the commentary.
I remember the scene with Catherine and Eddie in the kitchen, putting the turkey in the oven. Catherine said she thought they were putting it in too early.
Answer: I have a DVD with the exploding turkey scene It's a classic.
Answer: I also remember vividly the scene where Catherine is cooking the turkey and have been trying to get a copy of the film where that scene is not deleted. Also checked with my wife, she recalls it too. I think we might have seen it on a very early VHS or LaserDisc version.
Question: Did the old man really die at the end or was this just a ploy to give Clark the money for considering him part of the family? It all seems too fake. Winking, paramedics not doing anything to revive him, barely checking to see if he is alive, etc.
Chosen answer: Typically people don't give a knowing wink to someone when they are at death's door. I think what the paramedic says was the case. He just really wanted to feel like he belonged to a family. He met them, and they included him, so he wanted to "give back". This was the way he could.
Question: What is the purpose or the story behind the little stuffed dog that appears in so many scenes? It's on the table when the guys are playing poker, it appears in the bowling scene too.
Answer: Presumably it's a favorite mascot of the group. There's likely no backstory per se, it's just something the filmmakers did to add to sense that these people have been together for a very long time.
Question: Does "pattycake" also mean something sexual? We were obviously at first supposed to think Jessica and Acme had sex, but if they were, why would she say "pattycake" and why does Maroon say "You're not the first guy whose wife went pattycake on him"? Am I missing out on something?
Chosen answer: According to the director, Pattycake is the toon equivalent to sex.
Question: Was there any physical indication of what killed the Maitlinds? The football players died in a bus crash and looked mangled. The girl who committed suicide had slashed wrists. I never noticed anything suggesting how the two of them died by their appearance.
Answer: They died by drowning. Jane's daughter even tells Lydia when she asks what happened. Although Adam and Barbara should have been completely wet for the whole movie, Tim Burton decided to keep Alec and Geena dry as he felt that keeping them wet the entire time would be an uncomfortable experience for both of them.
Question: It's now clear why Angus is found in the circle of stones, even though he was afraid to enter it in the first place. There's one part of that matter I don't quite understand, though. Why is he afraid to enter that circle in the first place? Is there something in that circle frightening him? Is there a special effect?
Answer: The stone circle is like a gateway to the spirit world, something slightly supernatural. Angus senses this, and it makes him freak out.
Question: At the end of the movie, Fungus is seen amongst the employees promoting doing fun stuff, but since he is seen assisting Randall, and generally helping him and Waternoose with the scream machine earlier on, shouldn't he have been banished (like Randall) or hauled off by the CDA (like Waternoose) when the whole plan came to the CDA's attention?
Question: When Evil is walking down the alley, why did Jerry chase after him? Evil didn't believe in the existence of vampires, so he wouldn't have been a threat to Jerry at all.
Answer: Peter's odd behavior at Jerry's house made Jerry suspicious. When he discovers the shard of the mirror on the ground he finds out why Peter was spooked: Jerry doesn't cast a reflection. Jerry then decided that Charley's friends must be dealt with. In Ed, Jerry sees something which would lead him to believe Ed would make a good servant. Jerry turns Ed into a vampire and sets him against Peter while he himself deals with Charley and Amy.
Question: Is there some reason that we are considently seeing planes fly over her house? Is that supposed to symbolize something?
Answer: Jess' house is supposed to be on the main flight path of Heathrow airport. Her mum and dad work there.
Answer: I doubt it; it's probably because the film is set in the Borough of Hounslow, which is in the flight paths of many London airports, including Heathrow.
Question: Would the labels on the Budweiser bottles be the same in the older era during the beginning of the movie, as it is in the latter part of the movie (1994)?
Answer: The color and design of the label hasn't changed in decades, although the script on it has changed some over time. They all look almost identical from a distance.
Question: Can anyone translate what Adam and his dad are saying when Adam is a teenager and they are in the classroom?
Answer: Adam: Tempus fugit (Latin) = Time flies. Dad: Que les bons temps roulent! (French) = How good times roll! Adam: Geradeaus, dann links (German) = Straightforward, then left. Dad: Sorgen Sie bitte dafür, dass die [das] Gepäck sorgfältig behandelt werden [wird] (German) = Please make sure that this luggage will be treated carefully. Adam: Haben Sie etwas Nettes in Leder? (German) = Do you have something nice in leather?
Answer: A 1964 Dodge Dart.
Answer: Don't know if it's confirmed but that's believed to be Heath Ledger's Dodge Dart that he had at the time.
Answer: I have repeatedly told people he wore a sweater. There has to be one, more original, that has him in a sweater. I remember almost like a Easter yellow.
It should be noted Rhames does wear what looks like a yellow sweater in "Pulp Fiction." Although I wouldn't call it Easter Yellow.
I saw Ving Rhames in a navy crewneck sweater in the closing shots of this film.
I also can swear I saw an ending with Ving Rhames wearing a sweater. This would be in keeping with Klein asking him earlier in the film if he ever wears sweaters.