Question: What kind of car did Ashton Kutcher borrow from his friend at the end of the movie?
Answer: 1971 Plymouth Satellite hardtop. You can see the Satellite's blue/white/red flag emblem on the grill.

Question: At the end, the audience were all naked in the "Yes" seminar. Why did they attend it undressed?
Answer: They had donated all their clothes to the clothing drive for the homeless. After all, they couldn't say no.

Question: I'm not sure if I was seeing things but during the fight between Hancock and Mary, when it goes all windy and stormy, at one point it cuts to some people who are screaming and running away. I thought I saw a figure that appears to be made out of rocks or similar material and about 10 foot tall, it wasn't our hero or heroine as they were not in that scene so what on earth was it?
Answer: I saw it, too, and wondered. He's a street performer in L.A. that just happened to be around during filming. See: http://io9.com/5023487/hancock-giant-robot-mystery-++-solved.

Question: Is Jack Handle actually a person in Step Brothers? Cause if so, we only hear his name when Robert announces that's who he will be moving in with.
Answer: I doubt it's a person. Jack likely refers to Jack Daniel's, and a handle is usually referred to as a half gallon. Hence the name Jack Handle.

Question: Why did the three boys pay Drillbit to protect them from Filkins, and not from Ron also?
Answer: They probably thought that Filkins was a bigger threat.
Answer: They didn't know Ron's name yet.

Question: When Wall-E and Eve are in the repair ward, and Wall-E is misinterpreting Eve's cleaning as torture, what is the second "scene" supposed to be? I understand that the first one looks like Eve is having her arm ripped off and the third looks like Eve is having her head chopped off, but I can't figure out what the second one with the malfunctioning umbrella is supposed to be.
Answer: It's a combination of what WALL-E sees happening to EVE, with her circuitry lighting up and her head bobbing up and down as she laughs, with the noise of the umbrella as the diagnostic arms try to force it down. All WALL-E can hear is something that resembles a mechanical screech, along with EVE reacting - he thinks that she's being electrocuted and is in pain.

Question: Everything that happens in the bedtime stories and then occurs to Skeeter in real life has a (pretty much) rational explanation (e.g. the rain of gumballs, "Abe Lincoln" actually being a penny), but why on earth do the women in the restaurant jump up and start doing the hokey pokey, apparently against their will?
Answer: The only reason for them to do the hokey pokey is because it's possible. Patrick said that they would do it in the story, and even in the story it's not impossible. Patrick made it happen.

Question: Do the earphones Ryan Reynolds uses at the beginning actually exist? I don't think I've ever seen wireless earphones that small.
Chosen answer: The closest thing to them available in reality appears to be these: http://www.sennheiser.com/sennheiser/icm_eng.nsf/root/press_releases__07.01.2008.

Question: What did the captain say and mean after Gina says that it's been rough sometimes without her husband but her and Josh are ok?
Answer: "There is a strength to this one." Just meaning he sees Gina as a strong, independent woman who's been able to keep going despite losing her husband.

Question: When Tess reveals to Jane that she has booked the Boat House as the location of the wedding she explains that she was only able to book it because of a cancellation. She then goes on to give details of that cancellation. How would she know those details and why would the people that booked her even give her those details or even know them at all themselves? Those things seem private even if it is based on fictional events.
Answer: I'm sure the person in charge of booking the location has these details. Sure it was unprofessional to give these details out, but it happens all the time.

Question: Is Gerard Butler playing two roles a reference to "Peter Pan," in which the same actor usually plays both Mr. Darling and Captain Hook?
Chosen answer: No. Gerard Butler plays Alex Rover because Nim imagines him looking like her father. Alexandra Rover sees him like that merely for the sake of consistency within the film.

Question: When Troy goes to the gym at night he looks at the basketball jerseys (there are 6 I think), one is Troy's, one Chad's and another Jack Bolton's. Who do the others belong to?
Answer: I think that they are just props. The owner of those jerseys has no relevence to the plot.. They might just be randomly picked names.

Question: What song does Demi Lovato sing in the Easter Egg that wasn't in the movie?
Chosen answer: Demi wrote a song for her castmates and the crew of Camp Rock, which she performs for them on the last day of the shoot, when principal photography wrapped on 10-6-07. The line, "We'll never be too cool for Camp Rock 3" got laughs, just before she was overcome with emotion by the last verse.
Answer: Sophie finds Donna's diary from 1979, being the year Sophie was conceived meaning she was born in 1980 (as the diary entries are from July/August). So the movie is set in 2000.