Deliberate mistake: The same footage of Ms. Scarlet screaming when the cook falls out of the freezer is used when Wadsworth falls out of the freezer. (Note the cigarette.)

Deliberate mistake: Even if the kids split up on the water slide, only the last two fell out of sequence. Mikey exited first followed by Mouth, and Stef, but then Brand fell before Andy, he should have been last.

Deliberate mistake: David spots the boat with the old folk on and runs around the harbor, down the jetty and jumps towards the dive boat as it leaves the jetty. He doesn't jump very high and you can see he would miss the rail on the boat. In the next shot, a (larger) stunt double is shown leaping high in the air onto the boat and, of course, catches the rail.

Deliberate mistake: The 45's advertised as new releases on the record store sign actually came out at different times throughout 1955. A true selection of new releases from early November 1955 would have most likely included minor hit singles that 80's moviegoers wouldn't have recognized. The songs listed were some of the biggest hits of that year and were obviously chosen for their ability to help set the musical tone of the time. (00:34:30)

Deliberate mistake: During the finale of "One," near the end of the number when the entire cast and all of the extras, dressed in gold lame tuxedos, are doing the last kick line before the credits, one of the dancers (second row, third from the right) falls down and gets right back up again. While this mistake wasn't "deliberate" as such, it was probably simply prohibitive to film the entire kick line over again for the sake of the one fall that is barely noticeable, so was deliberately left in.

Deliberate mistake: When the Russian tosses a grenade toward the wood pile when Fitz-Hume and Millbarge are, Fitz-Hume catches it. Trouble is, he is looking up, as if expecting it, when anyone else would be hunkered down. Then when he tosses the grenade back, it's in a manner that would give it a high arc. Instead, it flies straight into the window of the building.

Deliberate mistake: In the scene where Pee Wee is dreaming after his crash, the crane that is going to pick up his bike misses the bike completely and then is shown in the air as if it actually had grabbed it. (01:07:50)

Deliberate mistake: During "Nobody Cares Like a Bear," Kim opens a gift box containing a balloon. Secret Bear then grabs it and floats away. But when Grumpy Bear tosses a star and pops the balloon, confetti flies out of it and, for the next second, keeps reappearing from nowhere. (00:14:05)