Audio problem: When the monster is climbing up the laboratory steps following the music Frau Blucher is playing on the violin, she says, "Your grandfather would play this music for the creature he was making", her mouth does not move.

Audio problem: In the scene after Reese Witherspoon and Luke Wilson are returning from questioning the ex-wife of the murder victim at a spa, they are driving up in Luke's car. You can clearly see, as they get closer to the camera, that what you hear Luke saying isn't what his lips are saying. It was a very obvious dub over...and a very bad one.

Audio problem: When Commander Taggert (Tim Allen) and Lt. Madison (Sigourney Weaver) first see the hallway with the chompers, she says, "Oh, screw that!" but if you watch her lips she clearly uses the 'f' word instead of 'screw'.

Audio problem: When Focker is going back to Chicago the woman who is typing stops moving her hands for a little while the clicking noise is still going.

Audio problem: At the beginning, when they steal the dolphin, you hear the peel-out sound effect as if the truck was on a paved road, but they were on grass. (00:07:15)

Audio problem: When Britney Spears gets pushed into the Pit of Death, you hear her talk and scream but her lips are not moving.

Audio problem: When Chunk flags down the car for help, he finds Jake Fratelli, who begins to sing loudly in Italian. Chunk screams, and as we hear Jake continue singing, we see his reflection in the side-view mirror as he is smoking a cigarette silently. (00:49:00)

Audio problem: While describing Miss Rhode Island during the Top 5, Kathy continues to say, "with a minor in elementary particles" however when Kathy can be seen on the live feed of the jumbo-tron onstage, she is just smiling and not saying those words. (01:32:20)

Audio problem: When Will Smith is looking at the two space ships at the MIB headquarters, if you look in the background Zed and K are there typing on the computer. But if you look closer you can tell that they're not even touching the keyboard and the sounds are just added into the movie. (01:16:00)

Audio problem: When we see the can-can dancers perform on-stage, the music is played by a full band including brass and drums, despite the fact that there's only a pianist on-stage. (00:22:10)
Suggested correction: This error is not unique to Carry On Cowboy. It seems that in very many western movies (and TV shows) there might be a scene in a saloon, in which a singer or some dancers are performing on a stage. In nearly all such occasions they seem to be accompanied by a full orchestra which is nowhere to be seen.
This is not a valid correction. To say the error exist in other films does not invalidate this error.
Sorry, I think I got that wrong. I was not trying to invalidate the error, far from it! What I meant to say was that I agree that this is quite an obvious error in Carry On Cowboy, and that this also seems to be a common, and rather amusing, error in many other western films as well.
Unfortunately at this time, valid mistake entries are not subject to forum discussion where one agrees or discusses the mistake. Just give the mistake a thumbs up if you agree with it.

Audio problem: When Kevin plays the tape of his Uncle Frank singing in the shower, it starts with "We know a guy that can really do the cool jerk" twice. Yet, when he first tapes his Uncle, he doesn't start the recording until after that has been sung. The recording also sounds very clear. When he tapes him the door is closed, but the tape sounds the same throughout. Also, when his Uncle says he's gonna "slap him silly" Kevin shuts the door behind him and you can hear it shut. On the tape there is no sound of the door shutting.

Audio problem: At the end of the film, where Big Momma is performing with Carrie's cheer leading squad, when Andrew breaks loose and climbs up the human pyramid that the girls made, and jumps, falling on Big Momma's stomach. Then Andrew says, "Big Momma" but his mouth doesn't move.

Audio problem: During "I Can Make You A Man," when Frank slides his finger down Rocky's chest while saying "ste-he-he-he-heam," you can hear a solitary beep from out of nowhere, from when the synthesizer was hit accidentally during that part of the song and was never edited out (it is on the CD too). (00:40:32)

Audio problem: On the first level of the video game, after Velma brings up what she remembers what Eric said about the Scooby snacks in the game, you hear Daphne talking but you see Velma's lips moving. (00:01:00)

Audio problem: When Patrick starts singing and gets that marching band to play, look closely at the cymbal player when he bangs them together - it makes the sound, but they don't touch. (01:01:40)

Audio problem: During "We Go Together" at the end, John Travolta's mouth is not in sync with the words "we'll always be like one." He appears to start singing "that's the way it should be" before realizing and correcting his mistake.

Audio problem: Right after Bert kills the second graboid he gets on the radio and says "we killed that mother-humper". Val replies "...be advised there are two more mother-humpers". However Val's lips don't seem to be saying "humper". This occurs even in unedited versions of the film. (01:01:40)

Audio problem: When the Fairy Godmother sings "Holding Out for a Hero" she tells the pianist to 'put it in C minor,' yet the pianist immediately begins to play in G minor, and the rest of the song is sung in that key. (01:08:15)

Audio problem: When Harry and Lloyd pick up the hitchhiking natives, when they were playing the mockingbird song, the guitar was playing but his hands weren't moving at all. (00:40:38)

Audio problem: Just after the car crash, when the zombies are taking Starla, Bill and Kylie yell after her, but they call her Carla.