Tai: I've got to warn everyone! [Dials phone.]
Woman on Phone: All circuits are busy. Try again later.
Tai: Oh, great. It's busy! [Dials another number.]
Woman on Phone: All circuits are busy. Try again later.
Tai: How can that be busy too? [Dials another number.]
Woman on Phone: All circuits are still busy.
Tai: Don't tell me. [Dials another nymber.]
Woman on Phone: Did you hear me? It's busy!
Tai: I'm sorry, lady.

Princess Peach: There's a huge universe out there. With a lot of galaxies. They're all counting on us.

Sid: I say "they're vegetarians, " you say "grrr." I say "can we talk about this?" you say "grrr." I don't call that good communication.
Momma: Grrrrrrr.

Gloria: Found any water yet?
Moto Moto: No, just more diamonds and gold.

Spirit: There was no end to the strange ways on the two-leggeds.

Shaggy: Do you have anything bigger than the extra-extra-large?
Waitress: Yeah, but it's not on the menu. Oh and you have to sign a release saying we're not responsible if you die.
Shaggy: We'll take it!
Scooby: Yeah!
Waitress: Alrighty. But I'll have to move you to another table.
Shaggy: Why?
Waitress: Because this one is smaller than your pizza.
Shaggy and Scooby: Awesome!

Hiccup: This is Berk. Life here is amazing. Dragons used to be a bit of a problem. But now they've all moved in.

Buck Cluck: You gotta be ready to listen to your children, even if they have nothing to say.

Beetle: Stealth is my middle name.
Monkey: You don't even have a first name.

Robin: My name's Richard Grayson, but all the kids at the orphanage call me Dick.
Batman: Well, children can be cruel.

Michelangelo: Dudes, did anyone get the license plate number of that thing that hit us last night? Man, my head.
Donatello: Okay, that was just weird, first the Foot, then that hideous monster,.
Michelangelo: Yeah, it looked like your mom, dude.
Donatello: Yeah, that would make her your mom too, dufus.
Michelangelo: Whatever.

Sunset Shimmer: A demon. I turned into a raging she-demon.
Pinkie Pie: And tried to turn everyone here into teenage zombies for your own personal army.

Centipede: I wanna escape from Spiker and Sponge.
Earthworm: Escape? To where? We'll all be squashed and swotted and swooshed.
Grasshopper: No one's going to swoosh you my dear boy, you're six feet through now.
Earthworm: Bigger target.

Thomas O'Malley: Aloha, auf Wiedersehen, bon soir, sayonara, and all those good bye things, baby.