Buzz Lightyear: Quiet, musical hog!

Winnie The Pooh: And the game is called "Say What You See." You, first, Piglet.
Piglet: Panic. Worry. Catastrophe.
Tigger: Speed! Danger! Recklessness! Hoo hoo hoo!
Eeyore: Disgrace. Shame. Humiliation.
Winnie The Pooh: Well, that's one way to play it. (01:18:45)

Tiana: There is no way I'm kissing a frog and eating a bug in the same day.

Pumbaa: Hey, Timon, ever wonder what those sparkly dots are up there?
Timon: Pumbaa, I don't wonder; I know.
Pumbaa: Oh. What are they?
Timon: They're fireflies. Fireflies that, uh... Got stuck up on that big bluish-black thing.
Pumbaa: Oh, gee. I always thought they were balls of gas burning billions of miles away.
Timon: Pumbaa, with you, everything's gas.

Hiccup: This is Berk. Life here is amazing. Dragons used to be a bit of a problem. But now they've all moved in.

Snowball: Welcome my dogs! Oh, you guys look weird. Hurry up, come on in.
Buddy: You said it was a costume party.
Mel: Why do you listen to me?

Robin: My name's Richard Grayson, but all the kids at the orphanage call me Dick.
Batman: Well, children can be cruel.

Butt-Head: Step aside please. We have white privilege.

Alex: What are you doing? Zebras can't drive. Only penguins and people can drive!

Tai: I've got to warn everyone! [Dials phone.]
Woman on Phone: All circuits are busy. Try again later.
Tai: Oh, great. It's busy! [Dials another number.]
Woman on Phone: All circuits are busy. Try again later.
Tai: How can that be busy too? [Dials another number.]
Woman on Phone: All circuits are still busy.
Tai: Don't tell me. [Dials another nymber.]
Woman on Phone: Did you hear me? It's busy!
Tai: I'm sorry, lady.