Tintin: We failed.
Captain Haddock: Failed. There are plenty of others willing to call you a failure. A fool. A loser. A hopeless souse. Don't you ever say it of yourself. You send out the wrong signal, that is what people pick up. Don't you understand? You care about something, you fight for it. You hit a wall, you push through it. There's something you need to know about failure, Tintin. You can never let it defeat you.

Puss in Boots: Fear me, if you dare!

Finn McMissile: My apologies, I haven't properly introduced myself. Finn McMissile, British intelligence.
Mater: Tow Mater, average intelligence.

Po: Ah. My old enemy... Stairs.

Lord Redbrick: I'm not illiterate! My parents were married!

Steve: This is Germany, Father. They drive on the right. National dish: sausage.

E.B.: Hey, wait. You're not surprised I'm a talking rabbit.
David Hasselhoff: Little man, my best friend is a talking car.

Maharajah of Pikachu: Please, Shiek Alleycat! I insist you take this Maharajah Talk 5000. You'll find it more valuable.
Top Cat: Why? Can it turn into rubies, too?

Christopher Robin: You know Pooh you did a very important thing today.
Pooh: I did?
Christopher Robin: Well yes. Instead of thinking of your tummy you thought of your friend.
Pooh: Oh thank you Christopher Robin. And now I don't think I shall be hungry again for a good long while.
Additional Voices: Growling sound.
Pooh: Oh bother.
Christopher Robin: Silly old Bear.

Shun Kazama: There's no future for people who worship the future, and forget the past.