Ebenezer Scrooge: What do you want with me?
Jacob Marley: You will be haunted by three spirits.
Ebenezer Scrooge: I'd rather not.

Alvin: Don't worry about picking us up after school, Toby. We'll catch a ride - IN A HEARSE!

Tiana: There is no way I'm kissing a frog and eating a bug in the same day.

The Missing Link: She's speechless.
B.O.B.: She"? It's a boy; look at his boobies!
The Missing Link: We need to have a talk.

Sid: I say "they're vegetarians, " you say "grrr." I say "can we talk about this?" you say "grrr." I don't call that good communication.
Momma: Grrrrrrr.

Lex Luthor: You can't touch me. We're on American soil now. And I am the president.
Superman: Consider yourself impeached.

Max Jerry Horovitz: It would be good if there was a Fat Fairy. She would be a bit like the Tooth Fairy but would suck out your fat.

Mata Nui: Before this day, I've never needed help from anyone or anything. Thank you. I spared your life and you saved mine. Shall we call it even, and go our separate ways?

The Sea Captain: God has damned me. God has damned us all. Truly, life is hell, and death's rough hand her only deliverance.

Lem: Lem. Llllleeeeeemmmmmm.
Charles Baker: Either your name is Lem, or you want to mate with me. Houston, we have a little problem.