Applejack: Hold on now. Lemme get this straight. When the Storm King came, you just abandoned your entire city and fled?
Princess Skystar: We didn't flee! We swam! Y'know, in order to flee.
Tempest Shadow: Why are you saving me?
Twilight Sparkle: Because this is what friends do.
Capper: Y'all sure you want the hippos?
Pinkie Pie: Ye-siree! The queen of the hippos.
Capper: Not like the queen of the lions, or tigers or bears?
Fluttershy: Oh my.
Princess Celestia: "Tempest" is it? How may we help you?
Tempest Shadow: Oh, I'm so glad you asked. How about we start with your complete and total surrender?
Applejack: Everypony okay?
Rarity: I think my bottom's on backward.
Tempest Shadow: All this power, wasted on parties, when there are far greater uses.
Rarity: That's it! I simply... cannot... even! I have nothing! The bad guys have won! I'm so sorryyyyyyyy-y-y-y.
Captain Celaeno: Let's show these little ponies how it's done.
Twilight Sparkle: Celestia told Luna to find the Queen of the... "Hippos." Luna can't, so I have to.
Rainbow Dash: Uh, hippos? Seriously?
Pinkie Pie: I've heard they're surprisingly graceful for their size. Huh, but they're always hungry.
Spike: Hungry?
Applejack: Hippos?