Juliet: A man doesn't make you strong, but the right partner can make you stronger.

[Being chased by demon dogs.]
Chas: Who sent them?!
John Constantine: One of Beroul's competitors, no doubt. Wants to stop me before I stop them.
Chas: Can't you just, I don't know. Magic them away!?
John Constantine: Who the hell do you think I am, Benedict bloody Cumberbatch? (00:37:40)

Grinch: Today we will do mean things, and we will do them in style.

Winnie The Pooh: And the game is called "Say What You See." You, first, Piglet.
Piglet: Panic. Worry. Catastrophe.
Tigger: Speed! Danger! Recklessness! Hoo hoo hoo!
Eeyore: Disgrace. Shame. Humiliation.
Winnie The Pooh: Well, that's one way to play it. (01:18:45)

Wonder Woman: Take him down, Clark... Don't hold back. Or he'll kill everyone. (00:54:10)

Johnny: Oh, yeah! Dolphin surfing.

Chief: Don't ask me to fetch that stick.

Lord Nooth: The age of stone is over. Long live the age of bronze.