Douglas Gordon: Listen kid, there are two things you didn't know about the Earth. One is me. And the other is... Godzilla.

Guy Fleegman: I'm not even supposed to be here! I'm just "Crewman Number Six"! I'm expendable! I'm the guy in the episode who dies to prove how serious the situation is! I've gotta get outta here!

Professor Fate: Leslie escaped?
General: With a small friar.
Professor Fate: Leslie escaped with a chicken?

Carlos: You son of a bitch! How could you do this? Friendship is the only choice in life you can make that's yours! You can't choose your family, God damn it - I've had to face that! And no man should be judged for whatever direction his dick goes - that's like blaming a compass for pointing north, for Christ's sake! Friendship is all we have! We chose each other. How could you fuck it up? How could you make us look so bad?

Eric Draven: It can't rain all the time.

Frau Farbissina: Remember when we froze your semen? You said that if it looked like you weren't coming back we should try to make you a son so that a part of you could live forever?
Dr. Evil: Oh, sure.
Frau Farbissina: Well, after a couple of years, we got a little impatient. Dr. Evil, I want you to meet your son.
Dr. Evil: My son?
Frau Farbissina: Ja. SCOTT!

Marlboro: My old man told me, before he left this shitty world, never chase buses or women, you'll always be left behind.

Harry Stamper: You got any more bullets in that gun, Sharp?

Henry: Come on, Junior.
Indiana: Will you please stop calling me Junior?
Sallah: Please, what does this mean? Always with this Junior?
Henry: That's his name: Henry Jones, Junior.
Indiana: I like Indiana.
Henry: We named the dog Indiana.
Sallah: The dog? You are named after the dog.
Marcus: Can we go home please?
Indiana: I have a lot of fond memories of that dog.

Sonic the Hedgehog: Look at this, I took nine million steps today.

Hutch Mansell: Give me the goddamn kitty cat bracelet, motherfucker.

Bucky Barnes: [Webbed down after the Falcon got rid of Spider-Man.] You couldn't have done that earlier?
Sam Wilson: [Also webbed down.] I hate you.

US Army soldier: Wait! You know what you're doing?
Steve Rogers: Yeah, I've knocked out Adolf Hitler over 200 times.

Sam Witwicky: Fifty years from now, when you're looking back at your life, don't you want to be able to say you had the guts to get in the car?

Frank Drebin: Hey, Rocco. Who's the old bag? She take one in the face?
Rocco: She's my mother.
Frank Drebin: Oh. Mrs. Dillon, your son is a ruthless, sadistic, cold-blooded animal. You must be very proud of him.
Mrs. Dillon: I am.

Paul Blart: Safety never takes a holiday.