Steve Rogers: Is everything a joke to you?
Tony Stark: Funny things are.

Matthias: It it each man's quest to find out who he truly is but the answer to that lies in the present, not in the past. As it is for all of us.
Doug Quaid: But the past tells us who we've become.
Matthias: The past is a construct of the mind. It blinds us. It fools us into believing it. But the heart wants to live in the present. Look there. You'll find your answer.

Barney Ross: That's how we deal with death. Can't change what it is so, we keep it light until it's time to get dark... and then we get pitch black. (00:53:55)

Peter Parker: We all have secrets: the ones we keep... And the ones that are kept from us.

Peeta Mellark: I just keep wishing I could think of a way to show them that they don't own me. If I'm gonna die, I wanna still be me.
Katniss Everdeen: I just can't afford to think like that.

Cop 1: Well, look at this. Power windows, power seats. I bet you the thing cost 6 grand.
Agent J: Ah, yes, and it has a roof, but it's hidden.
Cop 2: Hey, what kind of work do you do? An individual of your... Particular ethic persuasion?
Agent J: Mmm...
Cop 1: Maybe he's a noted athlete.
Agent J: Mmmm! Yes. Starting forward for the Detroit Darkies.
Cop 1: Where'd you get the car?
Cop 2: And the suit?
Agent J: I stole them both. Uh, car from your wife, suit from your grandmother.

Schmidt: When did I get stabbed? That's AWESOME!

Alfred: You are as precious to me as you were to your own mother and father. I swore to them that I would protect you, and I haven't.

King Fergus: The ancients spoke of it. It is the heart of this fierce land. It is carried in the wind. Born of our legends and when we are put to the test, it is the one thing that we must always be.

Judge Dredd: The perps were uncooperative.

Andrew Detmer: I could crush you! I could crush you.

Armon: This right here is your brand new Volkswagen EOS.
Molly: Come on. Can't I ride my own bike to school?
Armon: Girls your age would jump up and down at the chance to drive this thing.
Molly: Well I'm not like most girls.
Armon: Brooke Stonebridge is.
Molly: Who's Brooke Stonebridge?
Armon: It's your new identity.
Molly: Are you serious? That's not a name, it's a gated community.
Armon: I really don't care.

James Bond: Everyone needs a hobby...
Raoul Silva: So what's yours?
James Bond: Resurrection.