Best action movie quotes of 1987

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Movie Quote Quiz
The Running Man picture

Damon Killian: Hi, cutie-pie. You know, one of us is in deep trouble. You know who I am?
Ben Richards: I've seen you before. You're the asshole on TV.
Damon Killian: That's funny. I was gonna say the same thing about you.

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More Full Metal Jacket quotes
Predator picture

Poncho: Get that stinking shit out of my face!
Blaine: Bunch of slack jawed-f*****s around here! This stuff will make you a god damn sexual Tyrannosaurus! Just like me.
Poncho: Strap this on your sore ass, Blaine!

More Predator quotes
The Monster Squad picture

Horace: Wolfman's got nards.

More The Monster Squad quotes
Bad Taste picture

Derek: I'm a Derek and Dereks don't run.

More Bad Taste quotes
Robocop picture

Robocop: Dead or alive, you're coming with me.

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Beverly Hills Cop II picture

Inspector Todd: Don't think, Axel! It makes my dick itch!

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More Masters of the Universe quotes
More Lethal Weapon quotes
More Over The Top quotes
Innerspace picture

Jack Putter: We've got the chip.
Lt. Tuck Pendleton: All right.
Jack Putter: We're on the way to the lab.
Lt. Tuck Pendleton: All right.
Jack Putter: But I think they put someone in there with you.
Lt. Tuck Pendleton: All... what?

More Innerspace quotes
G.I. Joe: The Movie picture

Sergeant Slaughter: When I'm through, scuzzbucket, they're gona scrape you off the wall with a squeegee!

Quantom X

More G.I. Joe: The Movie quotes
Death Wish 4: The Crackdown picture

Nathan White: I know about your friend's daughter, Mr. Kersey. I also know that you shot the pusher who sold her the drugs. But I ask you, sir, what about the people behind him? How many children do we let them destroy before we say enough, Mr. Kersey? How many?

More Death Wish 4: The Crackdown quotes
Miami Connection picture

Jane: He's a friend of mine from school.

More Miami Connection quotes
Superman IV: The Quest for Peace picture

Lex Luthor: Lenny, I've always considered you the Dutch Elm disease in my family tree.

More Superman IV: The Quest for Peace quotes
More Stakeout quotes
Hamburger Hill picture

Washburn: Oh man, if you can't fry it, I won't eat it.

More Hamburger Hill quotes
R.O.T.O.R. picture

Captain Barrett Coldyron: It stops felons, judges the crime, and executes sentence. Justice served C.O.D.

More R.O.T.O.R. quotes
The Principal picture

Victor Duncan: Why don't you do yourself a favor and go back to your white-bread, suburban, cesspool land while you still have a chance?
Rick Latimer: I can't.

More The Principal quotes
American Ninja 2: The Confrontation picture

Wild Bill Woodward: I don't like that tiny maggot, I don't like him at all. I mean what is this? Ninjas? Drug pushers? My men being kidnapped and murdered? This is really beginning to get on my tits.

More American Ninja 2: The Confrontation quotes

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