Nick Fury: Sir! I'm going to have to ask you to exit the donut!

Scott Pilgrim: When I'm around you, I kind of feel like I'm on drugs. Not that I do drugs. Unless you do drugs, in which case I do them all the time. All of them.

Mr. Han: You've already proven everything you needed to prove. Why do you still want to fight?
Dre Parker: Because I'm still scared. No matter what happens, tonight, after I leave, I don't want to be scared anymore.

Eli: In all these years I've been carrying it and reading it every day, I got so caught up in keeping it safe that I forgot to live by what I learned from it.

Col. John 'Hannibal' Smith: Overkill is underrated.

Frank Moses: Kordeski trained you?
William Cooper: Yeah?
Frank Moses: I trained Kordeski.

Jensen: Did you know that cats can make one thousand different sounds and dogs can only make ten? Cats, man. Not to be trusted.

Dave Lizewski: How do I get a hold of you?
Hit Girl: You just contact the mayor's office, he has a special signal he shines in the sky. It's in the shape of a giant cock.

Pirate leader: Drop your guns!
Lee Christmas: Fat chance.
Barney Ross: Why do they always say that?

Remy: My job is simple. Can't pay for your car, the bank takes it back. Can't pay for your house, the bank takes it back. Can't pay for your liver, well, that's where I come in.

Roy Miller: I warned you about the plane.
June Havens: No you didn't!
Roy Miller: I said that some things happen for a reason.
June Havens: That's not a warning! A warning is, June, if you get on this plane, you will fucking die!

Dieter Von Cunth: Weak.

Alice: Hey, boys. Is that any way to treat a lady?

Kevin Flynn: The only way to win the game is not to play.

Richard Stevens: I'm not your driver. I'm your partner.
Charlie Wax: Yeah, you're the chess player. I read your file.
Richard Stevens: You play?
Charlie Wax: Do I look like I play board games?

Nicole Hurley: Life is making mistakes.
Milo Boyd: And death is wishing you had made more.

Frank: This ain't training. In training they just give you an F. Out here you get killed.