Other mistake: As the Veridian star is destroyed, Picard raises his hand to supposedly shield his eyes from the sun's light, but he is looking in the wrong direction; the sun is behind him, and there is no light on the rest of the front of his body.

Other mistake: At the end of the first movie Rybak is a Chief (E7), and he is a retired Lieutenant (O3) during this movie. Assuming he got commissioned to Ensign (O1) immediately after the events of Under Siege, it would take a minimum of 42 months to be promoted to Lieutenant. This movie takes place within 4 years of the first movie, because Admiral Bates is still the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The picture of Rybak in his Lieutenant uniform is at least 5 years old according to his niece. None of these timelines make sense for the rank he is in the movie.

Other mistake: With how fast Alexander is traveling through time, when the pendant falls out of the time machine, he shouldn't be able to see it fall or hear it hitting the ground.

Other mistake: When Elastigirl is chasing the high-speed train, as she is in the middle of making her second final jump to reach the train, if one were to look closely, the train actually drives right past her before she lands. (00:31:40)

Other mistake: In the Darkstar takeoff sequence, there is a cockpit shot where Maverick looks back after passing over the Admiral, then looks forward into the cockpit. You can see that the landing gear handle is still in the "down" position and the 3 "gear down and locked" lights are illuminated. At this point in the flight the gear has already been retracted (confirmed visually in the previous external shot).

Other mistake: When Sugimura is looking for Kotohiki, he activates his scanner to see if she is nearby. The scanner shows her location, but fails to show either Mitsuko or Kiriyama, who show up quickly after.

Other mistake: When Deckard visits the Tyrell Corporation, he prepares to test Rachel with the "VK" machine. He is shown putting his briefcase of the table and lifting the "VK" machine out and onto the table. If you look closely, the "VK" machine is already on the table and Harrison Ford is miming the lifting - there is nothing in his hands! (00:19:45)

Other mistake: When Vlad is in the armory of the monastery, he is standing directly under sunlight. This should have caused his skin to burn immediately and give away that he's a vampire. (00:52:05)

Other mistake: After the shoot out at night the American forces are faced with a group of hostile locals, and the team are told to pull out and get in the vehicles. As they drive off we see a back shot of them sitting on the back of the one of the vehicles, but on the right hand side you can see a backpack and part of an American soldier, did they just leave him? (01:12:50)

Other mistake: When Rocco taunts the Russians he is punched in the face, yet he continues talking in a steady tone, and finishes his joke while falling into the bar. (00:20:39)

Other mistake: When Chester is taking Jacko's pipe, Nelson gets up out of his seat. When they show Jacko really really mad, you can look in the background and Nelson is sitting down. When they show him again he is out of his seat.

Other mistake: Towards the end where they steal the chip, they are detected and about a million security guards are all running around, yet 30 seconds later, the only security guard is one man with a shotgun. What happened to their big army of security guards? (01:41:30 - 01:42:55)
Suggested correction: This isn't a mistake. Bishop had been directed to a part of the building where there weren't any security guards; this was shortly before one of the guards found their camera feed. The guy with the shotgun was the only person to head into that location. Unlikely maybe, but possible.

Other mistake: During the Battle of Teth (the pillared jungle planet), the AT-TE's shoot the ledge at the top and there's not a single mark on the ledge afterwards, despite being hit with several joules worth of fire.

Other mistake: When Robert the Bruce returns to the battlefield at Falkirk, there are 2 children supposedly crying over a loved one. If you look at the blonde girl she is actually laughing. (02:12:00)

Other mistake: To escape from the elevator, Anakin cuts a hole in the ceiling. Later, when they rescue the Chancellor, they almost get crushed by another elevator (it is another one. Each elevator has a number. Obi Wan said the number of this elevator before and it was different than the one that had the hole). However, when a shot of this elevator is shown, it has the same hole that the other elevator has (better seen in slow motion).

Other mistake: The old man executed in District 11 was shot in the head from behind. However, when Katniss looks out the window from above there are no blood stains on the floor, nor is there a gunshot wound to the head. (00:20:50 - 00:22:30)

Other mistake: At the beginning of the scene when Rocky's statue is unveiled and Clubber Lang challenges Rocky to a fight, the camera zooms out of one of the drums that is being played and it is easy to spot that Mr. T's signature is scrawled right across the centre of the drum.

Other mistake: Another "Recycled Footage Segment" via Tora! Tora! Tora!: When 3 Officers on Midway come out of their bunker and say that the runway is still operational, the footage of the B-17 with the landing gear problem mentioned elsewhere is blatantly used.

Other mistake: Leo Crow grabs Anderton's gun and they each fight for control of it. Crow succeeds in forcing Anderton's hand to pull the trigger, killing Crow. The problem is, right after the gun is fired, we see a shot of Anderton with his arm fully extended and with his entire hand holding the entire gun, as if he had aimed and fired the gun himself. Such a sequence of events is at least totally illogical if not physically impossible. (01:44:10)

Other mistake: When Durant uses his cigar cutter to cut off Eddie's fingers, no blood is shown squirting from his severed digits and no blood is seen on the cigar cutter. (00:05:15)