Other mistake: In the Darkstar takeoff sequence, there is a cockpit shot where Maverick looks back after passing over the Admiral, then looks forward into the cockpit. You can see that the landing gear handle is still in the "down" position and the 3 "gear down and locked" lights are illuminated. At this point in the flight the gear has already been retracted (confirmed visually in the previous external shot).

Other mistake: When Batman is video calling the Riddler and passes the phone over to the D/A, you can see Batman's face still looking at the phone in the reflection of the Riddler's glasses.

Other mistake: When Tsireya is shown swimming with Aonung and Rotxo, her right shoulder strap is glitching through her shoulder. It then proceeds to slip back out of her shoulder and into its correct place. (00:59:10)

Other mistake: When Nate and Sully first meet Chloe in Barcelona, Chloe steals the cross from Nate. In none of the shots is Chloe's arm reaching anywhere. And the backpack never appears to be jostled. (00:33:45)

Other mistake: When Robotnik, Stone, and Knuckles are eavesdropping on Sonic and Donut Lord's text conversation, the third text is supposed to be from Sonic but it appears as Donut Lord's text, on the wrong side of the conversation. (00:40:00)

Other mistake: In this movie Korg has two biological fathers (he calls them that way); his race appears to be formed by males that reproduce by holding hands in lava pits. However, the first time Thor met Korg in Thor: Ragnarok, his backstory was that he started a revolution that failed because just his "mum and her boyfriend" showed up.
Suggested correction: It is possible among the Kronans, that one of the males is still called mum and use female pronouns. It's also possible that despite the fact 2 males can breed, it does not exclude females from existing.
Suggested correction: I see no reason why Korg couldn't have had a mother figure in his life, and not necessarily being of the same race. Technically speaking, he never specifically stated that his mom is who conceived or gave birth to him. I have no doubt that the writers didn't plan this, but it also doesn't create a contradiction.

Other mistake: In the hot dog finger universe, everyone uses their feet for dexterous things, like playing the piano...but the pianos themselves are still designed exactly like our universe, at waist height where it's convenient for playing with hands, but very uncomfortable to play with your feet.

Other mistake: A bottle of prescription pills dropped onto a cement parking garage floor is not likely to have its cap come off (unless it was already loose). If the cap does come off, the pills (especially round ones) are not likely to settle around the bottle, but the police photo showed the pills clustered around and in close proximity to the bottle. Also, Alex - a professional assassin - did not bother to at least pick up the prescription bottle that had his name and other identifying information on it. (00:44:30 - 00:48:30)

Other mistake: Several scenes have palms in them or in the background. Story takes place in NH, so impossible for those trees to be there. Also, in the scene at their NH home out on the dock, their boat is registered in Georgia with the GA before the numbers clear as day.

Other mistake: When Captain Collins climbs out of the water after falling in, her tank top is completely dry. (01:22:00)

Other mistake: When the interior of the tank truck is burning, and Julian leaves through the back door, in the windows there are no reflections of the light of the flames. (01:22:45)

Other mistake: In the theatrical end credits, Alan Silvestri's credit under the Captain America theme was misspelled as SilveRstri. This was fixed for home streaming.

Other mistake: During the brief for the Yalu River bridge attack the Corsair pilots are told to suppress antiaircraft so the "Panthers" can then safely go in to take out the bridge. But in the attack scene, the other aircraft are not Panthers but Douglas Skyraiders.

Other mistake: When Jaeger is teaching Searcher how to throw. Through the scene Jaeger is handling Pando without gloves and Callisto is wearing fingerless gloves while also handling Pando. They should both have been shocked by the energy from the Pando. Jager is not immune, as he and Searcher are both shocked later by the Pando roots while using pickaxes to free the pando roots from the creature's heart later on in the movie.

Other mistake: The woman told James that Salim Mohsin was 42 and conducted research at a private laboratory. The part about Mohsin being "professor emeritus" of virology at Humboldt-Universitat seems contrary to his age (42) and the common meaning of "professor emeritus", which is retired and collecting a pension. It might also be unusual for a tenured professor conducting research at a university to leave in order to conduct research at a private lab. "Other" mistake because not sure of emeritus in Germany. (00:29:33)

Other mistake: It didn't make sense Catherine was a Catholic preacher but worked at The First Baptist [Protestant] Community Church" and drove a van with the same on it. (00:31:00)

Other mistake: It didn't make sense that the "fighters" were given protective gear (vests, boots, arm and elbow pads, etc.) if death was an expected outcome. Also, a private "for profit" prison is paid per number of inmates housed, so deaths in The Dungeon would reduce profits and would be avoided, not encouraged. (00:34:00)

Other mistake: Visser was face-to-face with Omar when she shot him in the neck (looked more like it would be in his mouth before the camera shift) yet she did not get any blood splatter on her shooting hand, face, or clothes. There also wasn't much blood on Omar considering he was hit with a near-contact if not actual contact shot. (00:45:41 - 00:47:12)

Other mistake: James told Det Vargas he left the bar "2:30, give or take" and Vargas responded, "bar closes at 2:30 [AM]." When Star approached James at the bar, she said, "When I see a guy alone at the bar at three in the morning..." It is questionable if Detective Vargas was correct about the closing time. Traditionally, bars in L.A. closed at 2:00 AM. CA's Business and Professional Code on serving alcoholic beverages apparently now allows serving alcohol until 3:00 (not 2:30) AM - was this in effect? (00:04:33 - 00:11:50)

Other mistake: Virgil drives the truck across flat land, yet the dashboard and A/C unit atop it are angled at about 45°. Views of Keith in the passenger seat show a level/horizontal dashboard and A/C unit, like they should be. (00:17:12)