Other mistake: In the slaughterhouse scene, after Harrigan has injured the Predator with his shotgun and Keyes reappears, the Predator throws its disc, and severs Keyes in half at the waist. We see his legs flop to the ground, and blood pour from above, but his upper half (torso, backpack and weaponry) mysteriously remain hovering out of sight. (According to the director, the MPAA made him cut the footage of the top half of his body hitting the ground because it was too gory, creating this odd error). (01:21:50)

Other mistake: The female journalist is called Samantha Coleman through the movie, but appears in the credits as Samantha Copeland.

Other mistake: In the music within the ending credits, the lyrics incorrectly state that Raph is the leader of the group when all Turtle fans past and present know it is Leo.

Other mistake: When Durant uses his cigar cutter to cut off Eddie's fingers, no blood is shown squirting from his severed digits and no blood is seen on the cigar cutter. (00:05:15)

Other mistake: When Marty returns to 1985 from 1885 the time machine is destroyed by a train. What is strange is that not only does the train not stop (which is mandatory in the event of an accident) but there is also no reaction from people nearby, such as those in the vehicles waiting to cross the track at the level crossing. Later, when Marty returns to the site with Jennifer, there is still no sign of police officers or other officials.

Other mistake: When Seagal is in the factory in Jamaica, a "Jamaican" bad guy jumps up from behind a barrel, you can see that he is in fact white - you can see the make-up line on his neck, and his wig is crooked.

Other mistake: In the scene after Arnold kills the construction hoods he goes home to Sharon Stone and tries to convince her that it was real by showing her his bloody hands with which he was grabbing her shoulders, yet there is no blood on her or the appliances he turned off upon entering the apartment.

Other mistake: When Robert Downey Jr. lowers the helicopter onto the freeway to yell at the truck driver, he is very close to the truck driver, so close that the truck driver can even hit the helicopter. Why does a long haired man standing underneath a helicopter not have his hair blown around?

Other mistake: When Big Boys' men drive through the garage door trying to escape, Dick Tracy, the cops and the goons start opening fire. Yet, nobody seems to feel the need to stop and reload their weapon. They just keep firing without ever running out of bullets.

Other mistake: In the scene at the end of the film where Mr Kimble is being wheeled out on a stretcher his left bicep has a blood-pressure cuff on it, but moments earlier Mrs. Crisp shot him in the left bicep. That would be extremely painful.

Other mistake: Why do the good guys keep shooting 2.75in unguided rockets to kill the enemy aircraft? These are designed to kill lightly armored vehicles and trucks on the ground. You would have about as much luck with those as with chucking rocks at planes. There are infared (heat-seeking) Stinger missiles on the wing pylons, we see Billie pull one off and attach the hand held unit to shoot down a jet. Why aren't they using those?

Other mistake: A fast editing makes a double kick on the face all the more impressive not to mention impossible. Get the pause button ready. (01:08:00)

Other mistake: No warehouse would stack their products in a labyrinthial way. They would be stacked in rows. (01:05:30)

Other mistake: After the drivers enter their cars at the Daytona 500 at the end, there is a shot where Russ Wheeler's #18 Hardee's car is in the inside lane and mid-pack a row ahead of Cole's car on the outside. In the overhead shot as they get the "start your engines" command and the shot immediately following, you see Cole on the inside and Russ on the outside of the last row. This is compounded because they show Russ looking to his right and Cole to his left at each other indicating that they have reversed sides again. Also, Russ starting mid-pack would not be feasible and back of the pack unlikely since they said he won the pole. Even with the Duels races setting up the lineup, the front row qualifiers still stay the same at Daytona. Russ could be at the back if he made changes to his car (which Cole did). Not sure if either of those rules were different in 1993. Along the line of the Duels, the plot seems to imply it is Cole's first time back in the car and he is nervous. However, he would have run in practice and his duel race already by the start of the 500.

Other mistake: When the Political Officer reads the orders, they're supposed to test the silent drive and return home "on or about the 16th of this month." Shortly afterwards, Jack Ryan is briefing Jeffrey Pelt, and asks "isn't it the 23rd?", meaning the 16th of the month is in the past.

Other mistake: When the bad guy is sliding down the tube and there is a close up of his face, it's constantly lit. There couldn't have been any light in the tube, since it's completely closed.

Other mistake: When the President escapes from his cell, he immediately calls down to Sharon. Not only does he not know Sharon, no-one has given him any indication she's even down there, and she's also not said anything to raise awareness of her being there, or her name.

Other mistake: Tough beat cop Farley Wood in his spare time built a special electronic machine to feed his cat. He needs to take off for Miami at 3 PM. When his cat is eating before his departure though, the clock on the machine says it's "12 AM", which would be midnight, not noon.

Other mistake: When the coroner lifts the sheet to show the cops Jimmy Kong's body and shows them the dim mak bruise on his chest, you can see Jimmy breathing.

Other mistake: Even though Mason Storm is avenging his family's slaying by corrupt cops and a politician, he has committed several crimes while doing so - he snaps the neck of a person when he has them incapacitated after a fight, then he commits 2 car jackings, then he holds someone at gunpoint, innocent or not he would have been arrested along with the conspirators for the murder and carjacking.
Suggested correction: We don't actually know if the disc completely cuts Keyes in half (or just passes through him and leaves a gaping hole). You see the blood, but the movie is edited so that it cuts back to Harrigan looking on in horror for a split-second, then back to Keyes' body on the floor (mostly obscured by a cement pillar).
They blatantly show his legs hitting the ground without the top half! I can only assume you watched an edited-for-TV version or something. It's VERY clear in the movie that he was cut in half. (In actuality, the scene was the victim of the MPAA according to the director... they had to cut the bit where the top half of his body hit the ground because it was too gory... creating this odd movie mistake).