Other mistake: During the storm scene in the beginning of the movie, the astronauts' faces inside the helmets are brightly lit, meaning there's a light source pointed directly in their face. That's something that would render them mostly blind and unable to see and appears to be nothing but a dramatic effect for the camera. (00:05:00 - 00:08:00)
Other mistake: When all of the raptors look at Owen from the perspective of their head mounted cameras, they are all looking at him from roughly the same angle, despite being a distance from each other. (01:34:05)
Other mistake: Scott Lang is swept out of the tub after having shrunk for the first time. When he lands on the ceramic bathroom floor, falling roughly two feet, there is an audible glass breaking sound and it appears he has broken the flooring with his fall. He then falls through a plaster ceiling to free fall down to a turn table, landing on a plastic vinyl record played by a DJ. The album does not break despite him having fallen from three times the height and landing on a weaker material. Moments later, he is thrown through a second storey window and lands on a car in the street and his weight is now once again sufficient to form a small dent in the hood. (00:31:15)
Other mistake: As Ray and Emma are drifting around San Francisco in the speedboat, they come across a Navy ship that just got carried in with the tsunami and is now leaning 20 stories high against a building with water dripping from it. If the tsunami were that high, with the wave having now receded back down to ground level, why are there still fires burning down low? The wave would have snuffed them out. (01:30:40)
Other mistake: There's a typo in the end credits - an extra S in "3rd Asssistant." (02:16:30)
Other mistake: When Bond and Dr. Swann make out on the train, there are lights "flashing" in the room as if the train is passing streetlights. But they are travelling in the desert with no external lighting.
Other mistake: When Cam get his paycheck you can see his home address as 49-54 39th Street Queens, NY 11101. When Cam gets picked up by Miller in his blue van the logo on the door says M M CONST 49-54 39th Street Queens, NY 11101. It is the same address where Cam lives. (00:03:55 - 01:03:20)
Other mistake: There is no way for Eddie to enter cheat codes, and no way for his real-life vehicle to teleport or to go faster than it already could.
Other mistake: When being driven to the private DOD plane at Luke AFB in Arizona for the trip to Texas, the vehicle has a Texas registration sticker on the windshield instead of a Arizona sticker. (00:19:00 - 00:20:00)
Other mistake: At the beginning before the fight scene, Frank tells the hoodlum that the car will only start when he grips the steering wheel, but after the fight scene when he gets into the car to drive off, the car starts before he grips the wheel.
Other mistake: During the "escape from East Berlin" sequence, Kuryakin fires a single shot at Gaby's car. Aside from the extremely unlikely possibility of hitting anything like a tire with a handgun from more than half a block away, we see just her left rear tire deflated and shredding off the rim. For the rest of the sequence, sparks fly from both rear wheels as she and Solo avoid capture.
Other mistake: When the T-1000 is shot with a pistol, it gets knocked backwards, but when it's shot with a shotgun or carbine rifle, it doesn't even budge.
Other mistake: After Dr. Palmer and his friend Ryan have placed the miniature horses in the back of his truck, he drives off. After this, a robot runs past Ryan chasing after Dr. Palmer. The robot takes a shortcut through a forest and then leaps off a very tall cliff, but somehow Dr. Palmer's truck is directly below, driving at the bottom of the cliff, despite only driving off a couple of seconds ago. (00:13:30)
Other mistake: If you look closely after the film leaps ahead a year, Reed's file on Ben lists his birthdate as 1986, but the prologue of the film which features Ben and Reed at roughly 10 years old each is set in 2007. The math doesn't add up.
Other mistake: When Paul goes spying using the drone he flies just behind one of the bad guys. There's no way he wouldn't hear it as drones make a significant amount of noise.
Other mistake: The protagonist is reading the booklet illustrating the wonders of his home. Something strange about it; the paragraph by the title "State of the art lift system", with a big lift icon to the side, has merely the first couple of lines talking about lifts, and then moves on, without any transition, to the subject of pets, adoption and all related matters. (00:03:35)