Other mistake: When Deckard visits the Tyrell Corporation, he prepares to test Rachel with the "VK" machine. He is shown putting his briefcase of the table and lifting the "VK" machine out and onto the table. If you look closely, the "VK" machine is already on the table and Harrison Ford is miming the lifting - there is nothing in his hands! (00:19:45)

Other mistake: At the beginning of the scene when Rocky's statue is unveiled and Clubber Lang challenges Rocky to a fight, the camera zooms out of one of the drums that is being played and it is easy to spot that Mr. T's signature is scrawled right across the centre of the drum.

Other mistake: On board the USS Reliant as it orbits Ceti Alpha 6 the systems panels show ship diagnostic diagrams including a wire model of a Constitution class hull, something the Reliant doesn't have. (00:13:01)

Other mistake: When Rambo turns himself in after the death of Deputy Galt, policemen fire several shots in the direction of the river. No impact of the first shots can be seen at the surface of the river when Rambo seems to be hurt by a bullet. (00:31:55)

Other mistake: In the Ring Game, Flynn throws a shot that Crom catches and returns. When the shot hits Flynn's rings, it takes out the third and fourth ring. Problem is that any other time, the impact only takes out the ring that it hit. Close inspection shows a solid hit on the fourth ring only. The only explanation is that since Flynn continues and jumps the "gap" in the rings, this was a deliberate set up to bring the end to this sequence and move the movie forward.

Other mistake: Towards the end of the movie when Paul Kersey goes into the doctors' locker room to steal an ID tag, he checks several lockers to see if they will open. All the lockers that he tries are unfortunately locked. The problem is there are no locks on any of the lockers. (01:13:55)

Other mistake: When the hunter throws his cross-x at the witch's backside, the witch screams a second before it even makes a strike sound. And when he goes to pull the cross-x out in the far shot, there is nothing in her back.

Other mistake: When Conan gathers flowers to "take to the girl", the flowers that he is holding as he mounts his camel, are very long-stemmed, and dark purple in color. In the next scene he is riding the camel and the flowers he is holding are not only very changing color as another post indicated, but they are also very fake plastic / fabric flowers. In the same scene, Conan is then seen wearing a strong of flowers around his neck, those too are very fake flowers. (01:05:00)