Character mistake: The sign Riggs holds outside the South African Embassy has a spelling mistake. The sign says "end apartheid now" but the word apartheid is misspelt as "aparthied".

Character mistake: Paul Walker is told of a 240SX with an illegal mod. You then see it is an S15. There was never an S15 240SX. It is a Japanese spec 200SX, chassis code S15.

Character mistake: Just before the fire starts on the 81st floor, a man is shown telling an elderly couple that business offices only go as high as 80, and that 81-120 is exclusively residential. Not long after O'Hallorhan arrives, he asks Jernigan for a list of business tenants from 81-85, which Jernigan replies "most are yet to move in and those that have are not working at night". As said by the man earlier, these floors do not house business tenants, only residential. (00:12:05 - 00:43:45)
Suggested correction: Chief O'Halloran asked Doug for the floor plans from 81-85. He then asked Jernigan for a list of business tenants. Chief O'Halloran did not ask for businesses on any specific floor.

Character mistake: When Spencer Tracy is talking to his wife and daughter on two separate telephones, he places the phones up against each other so mom and daughter can talk to each other. One phone should be upside down so it would be speaker to transmitter rather than speaker to speaker.

Character mistake: In the scene at Roger Podacter's condo building, you hear the reporter mention that he allegedly leaped to his death from his own 20th story balcony. As the camera pans down, you can see the flashlights and people up on his balcony doing the investigation. This is the 2nd from the top floor. If you count the floors as the camera moves down, there are more than 20 floors to this building. The number is actually closer to 30. Even though it is difficult to get an exact count of the floors, it is still possible to tell with 100% certainty that his unit was on a floor higher than 20.

Character mistake: When Scorpio hijacks the school bus near the end, he says something to the effect that they are going to take Sir Francis Drake Boulevard to the Santa Rosa Airport. Unfortunately, Sir Francis Drake Boulevard doesn't go anywhere near Santa Rosa, it heads west through Marin County and ends up near Pt. Reyes. They should have stayed on the highway and kept going north to get to Santa Rosa. (01:27:25)

Character mistake: When Sharp is teaching AJ to remote detonate the bomb, he says to "lift, press, hold" the trigger device. But the actions with the hands are actually "lift, hold, press." Even AJ repeats it wrong. (02:11:00)
Suggested correction: Lift (the cover), press (the button), hold (the button). That's the sequence.
The suggested correction sequence leaves out the trigger. The original mistake entry seems to be accurate. After watching again, Harry lifts the cover off the trigger, holds the trigger, and then presses the button. Lift, hold, press.

Character mistake: One of the top most taboo things for a super hero to do is reveal any aspect of another hero's identity to someone, especially a villain. But when Flash is trapped by the gray adhesive and the other Justice League members are about to take the villains away to disarm the bombs, Flash tells Green Lantern "Hal, go", calling Green Lantern by his first name right in front of Mirror Master. (00:08:05)

Character mistake: When Johnny Blaze plans on jumping the football field he says he is jumping field goal to field goal. The movie says multiple times he is jumping 300 feet. End zone to end zone is 300 feet. Field goal post to field goal post is 360 feet.

Character mistake: When Will Riker comes to Troi's office and kisses her, Troi says that she has never kissed him with a beard before, but in the third season episode "Menage a Troi", Troi does in fact kiss a bearded Will Riker, while on leave at Betazed, in the Fifth season "The Outcast", and again in season six's "Man of The People." (00:26:45)

Character mistake: Before they jump off the plane Halloran should at least have checked if Sellinger has his parachute strapped on properly, knowing that the other guy has absolutely no experience. (01:05:55)

Character mistake: When Brian, Roman and the thugs are racing to get Verone's package, Verone does a little research on them. When he looks at Roman's folder there are a couple of shots where they show information about him. If you look closely, you can see that in the last shot they refer to him as Brian and later on as "she". They also talk about his relationship problems in the next paragraph of the same shot. (00:31:50)

Character mistake: In the training room, after Randall is discussed as the record holder, the students are brought to attention. All but one is standing at attention, he is in the back on the right hand side, standing at ease.

Character mistake: The laser pointer and the subtitle reads "Gemeinschaft Bank". That's wrong. It has to be Gemeinschaftsbank. (00:04:20)

Character mistake: When the elder Vulcans inform young Spock of the death of the older Spock, they show him a tablet that has him listed as "Second Officer - USS Enterprise." Spock was First Officer.

Character mistake: Hicox salutes General Fenech, who returns the salute. But Fenech is bareheaded and therefore under British military protocol cannot salute. He would instead acknowledge the salute with a nod.

Character mistake: Stallone says he knows they are in the Northern hemisphere because of the way the water goes down the toilet. The Coriolis effect has no impact on water in the toilet.

Character mistake: The "MAC-10" machine pistol used by Darryl and Sergeant Murtough is actually a Cobray M11/9.

Character mistake: When Nedry is stealing the embryos, an extra "n" is missing on the label "Tyranosaurus".

Character mistake: In the scene where Maverick flies into Iceman's jetwash, as they are descending, Maverick calls out the altitude as 6,000 however the metre is displaying between 2,000 and 3,000. (01:04:25)