Character mistake: After Captain Willard walks through the front door of the burnt out French plantation dock there's a close-up of Chief Phillips at the wheel the boat. He turns around and looks right at Chef and says, "Lance". (01:56:40)

Character mistake: When Steve is at the Smithsonian, he reads the biography of his friend Bucky. At the start of the description, the bio reads "Born in 1916...", but at the bottom of the description, it reads "Bucky Barnes: 1917 - 1944." (00:18:35)

Character mistake: After the robots first attack New York City, a series of newspapers is shown. One of the headlines in the French one reads "La Tour Eiffeil est détruite". The proper spelling is "Eiffel" (00:15:55)

Character mistake: When Bond and Stacey are in the file room in San Francisco City Hall, Bond pulls out the Division of Mines Paperwork on Zorin's wells and it has "HAYWOOD" written across it. The actual fault is spelled "HAYWARD." (01:21:40)

Character mistake: About half-way into the movie the Captain asks for a fathometer reading and is told 150 fathoms. He preforms a mental calculation and says that it is 310 meters and over a thousand feet. In fact, 150 fathoms is 275 meters or 900 feet (1 fathom = 6 feet = 1.83 meters). (00:57:15 - 00:57:40)

Character mistake: When the T-1000 comes from the checkerboard floor and turns into the security guard at the mental hospital, the guard has just gotten a cup of coffee. On the side of the cup he has Jack, Jack, Ace, Ace. He looks at the bottom and says he's got a full house, but the card value on bottom of cup is Queen, which leaves him with only two pair.

Character mistake: When Guile promises to rescue the hostages while on camera with Bison, he makes it a point to mention Charlie by name to reassure him that he wasn't forgotten. Anyone in charge of a major hostage recovery operation would avoid naming a specific hostage unknown to the enemy due to the special focus that the enemy may put on that hostage for further abuse. This was promptly proven when Bison specifically chose Charlie to transform into a beast due to Guile identifying him as a personal friend.

Character mistake: When the Japanese attack is imminent, a soldier loads the 50 caliber machine gun rounds into the box backwards, with the rounds facing the gunner.

Character mistake: In the scene with the ants, Jones refers to them as "Siafu", which is actually the Swahili name for driver ants which are native to Africa, not South America.

Character mistake: In the New Orleans scene in the cop car he calls in an officer down and describes the black vehicle as a Tahoe, but it's a GMC Yukon. He also describes the suspect as "Male, black suit and tie" but when he exits the vehicle they are both blue.

Character mistake: When Curtis and Connie stop at the first gas station, the word diesel is misspelled as disel.

Character mistake: When the group is escaping from the killer gorillas, they find a cave and Ross say "It's a geode, a giant diamond." A geode is not a diamond at all, it's basically a hollow rock with crystal formations inside.

Character mistake: When 007 is interrogating Professor Dent at Miss Taro's house, Dent attempts to shoot him when he asks "who are you working for?" But a minute ago, his gun ran out of ammo when he was shooting at the fake 007 in the bed. So there is no point of picking it up and trying to shoot him. Also, when this happens, 007 says "that's a Smith and Wesson. And you've had your six." This is incorrect, as Dent carried a Colt M1911. However, he did fire six shots before running empty, which is one bullet less than the magazine capacity of an M1911. (00:56:30)

Character mistake: When Chris joins the Marine unit they are going to breach a door. Chris removes his shooting hand from his weapon to signal the breacher. He would have used his support hand.

Character mistake: At the beginning they refer to the G8. Russia was removed from the group in 2014, making it the G7. (00:07:20)

Character mistake: In the build-up to the final race, a TV commentator says, "Jimmy Bly starting in the 26th pole position because he didn't qualify today." This makes no sense, as Bly cannot be starting from both 26th place and from pole. (01:36:37)

Character mistake: After the Lieutenant is shot and is in hospital, his CO is explaining what the GHOST system is. He explains that the acronym is "Guided High Altitude Scrambling Transmitter" - which would be GHAST. Replacing "altitude" for "orbit", which is probably what was intended, would make a Guided High Orbit Scrambling Transmitter - or the GHOST system henceforth referred to in the film. (00:06:25)

Character mistake: After Wade is going over the second clue in his mind and trying to figure out what part of Halliday's past is he trying to escape from, he looks over the wall of article clippings and notes he has hung up. When the camera stops on Karen Underwood's obituary, there is a hand written note beside it listing movies set in New York, with the sentence "Set in New York" underlined. This apparently him looking for clues in films set there for the race challenge that is in Manhattan. However, one of the films he has written on that list is Mad Max, which takes place in Australia, not New York. (00:35:00)

Character mistake: A character mentions carbon-dating one of the fossils found. This is preposterous... you can't carbon-date fossils like the ones being shown. Radiometric dating maybe... But certainly not carbon dating. He's a professional and should know more than better that carbon dating wouldn't work.

Character mistake: When Gaby's car becomes wedged between two buildings, she says, "Good plan. All we have to do is get over two twenty-foot walls and a minefield." While minimal backstory is given, I think it reasonable to assume that she has lived in what was East Germany all her life. It is thus highly unlikely that she would express a measurement in English units (being bilingual doesn't mean you automatically convert measurements). She would have said something like "six meters."