Magnum, P.I.

Magnum, P.I. (1980)

1 factual error in Mr. White Death - chronological order

(12 votes)

Mr. White Death - S3-E8

Factual error: The episode opens with a caption "Miami, 1955." However, as Salvatore Marchese sits in the barber's chair, he picks up as his reading of choice a copy of the National Geographic...the April 1982 edition. (00:02:20)


More mistakes in Magnum, P.I.

Almost Home - S3-E10

Magnum: I could appeal to his heart.
Lieutenant Maggie Poole: Yeah. And his stomach.
Magnum: Oh, come on! That food stuff, that was just an excuse. Listen, underneath that stomach was a heart as big as...that stomach.


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