Magnum, P.I.

Magnum, P.I. (1980)

8 continuity mistakes in Mr. White Death - chronological order

(12 votes)

Mr. White Death - S3-E8

Continuity mistake: The first time we see Mr. White Death in the ring, he gets pushed into the corner by his opponent but he shoulder-tackles him to the ground. So when Rick talks to Harry, makes sense that both wrestlers are rolling on the canvas. Less sense though that after they cut to footage of the two wrestlers trading blow standing, Rick and Harry are still talking with the two big guys downed and tumbling around. (00:04:40)


Mr. White Death - S3-E8

Continuity mistake: Magnum chirps "Hey, we can talk about this!" as a guy grabs him from behind and Rick is on the ground holding a hand on his cheek. But in the close-up, Larry Manetti's hand is noticeably lower on the jaw. (00:06:20)


Mr. White Death - S3-E8

Continuity mistake: During Earl's story about the dead sumo wrestler, Ernst Borgnine and Tom Selleck's hands have inconsistent positions between cuts. Magnum's hands hold the chopsticks at or well below the table level, and White Death's hand is closed first, then open. (00:09:20)


Mr. White Death - S3-E8

Continuity mistake: Once Higgins sends away Zeus and Apollo, Magnum looks down briefly at his own feet, which are one in front of the other. A close-up on Higgins happens then, and then another on Magnum, who only then is looking down at his feet and realizing he's standing on the prized soil, and in the following close-up steps away from it, having both feet together at the same level. (00:16:00)


Magnum, P.I. mistake picture

Mr. White Death - S3-E8

Continuity mistake: Magnum walks back to the car after spending 4 hours at the archives. A woman with a brown dress with a red belt crosses his path and walks away. Magnum then stands in front of the parkometer (and the parking tickets), but the woman is just then passing him by. (00:23:00)


Mr. White Death - S3-E8

Continuity mistake: Magnum goes to the archives, back home and then to Earl' son wearing khaki shirt and shorts and his Detroit Tigers cap. When he rushes his Ferrari back home, he's wearing jeans, a purple sweater and his Da Nang cap. (00:28:40)


Mr. White Death - S3-E8

Continuity mistake: When Cora stands up saying "I don't have to listen to this", the blinds at the window Phil Lewis is standing close to are half open (that is, the top half open, the bottom half of the window obscured). In the rest of the scene the blinds are fully open. (00:37:55)


Mr. White Death - S3-E8

Continuity mistake: When Higgins brings Earl at the airport, the same extras can be seen walking back and forth over and over - some instantaneously recognizable like the dark haired woman with the long azure patterned dress, or the woman with short hair, white top and khaki shorts, wearing a purple lei. (00:42:30)


More mistakes in Magnum, P.I.

Almost Home - S3-E10

Magnum: I could appeal to his heart.
Lieutenant Maggie Poole: Yeah. And his stomach.
Magnum: Oh, come on! That food stuff, that was just an excuse. Listen, underneath that stomach was a heart as big as...that stomach.


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