Everybody Loves a Snowman - S3-E14
Continuity mistake: Carter and Newkirk have just taken the escapees down the tree trunk to the tunnels. When they go to open it, they clear off the snow to open it. When the shot goes to a German soldier that was chasing them, the phony stump is suddenly covered over again. It would still have been visible, having just been exposed.
Continuity mistake: After Hogan, LeBeau, and Newkirk leave, Carter is sitting, holding the glass with both hands. After the cut, he's holding the glass in his right hand only.
Two Nazis for the Price of One - S3-E17
Continuity mistake: Freitag is shot at night, but when Hogan goes outside and talks to his men it's daytime.
Is There a Doctor in the House? - S3-E18
Continuity mistake: Hogan pulls a container with a red cross out of the drop box and opens it. It is labeled "penicillin" inside and contains among others several vials of clear liquid. Back in the camp, Hogan gives a box with a red cross on top to Kinchloe, saying "here's the penicillin." It is a completely different box.
Continuity mistake: After getting Crittendon to turn around, Hogan grabs his hat with his right hand. When the camera looks at Hogan, he's pulling his left hand back, holding his hat.
Continuity mistake: When Hogan is by the truck, Newkirk responds to his question about packages. Crittendon has his swagger stick under his arm, then it's suddenly in front if him in his hands.
Continuity mistake: In Hogan's quarters, as he and Critendon are talking, his arms are by his sides, and suddenly crossed. As Hogan goes to get his hat off Critendon's sword, his right hand is shown, then after the angle changes, his left hand draws back with the hat, and his right comes up to grab it.
Continuity mistake: When Klink goes to leave his quarters to meet the plane, he doesn't have his familiar outer coat in his arm or on him. When he gets to the rendezvous point, he has it on.
Axis Annie - S3-E23
Continuity mistake: As Newkirk is talking to Axis Annie, his arms are crossed. They are uncrossed a second later without moving.
Axis Annie - S3-E23
Continuity mistake: At dinner in the hotel, Hogan suggests a picture. Axis Annie agrees, and reaches down for the camera. After the shot cuts to a wide angle, she is reaching down again.
What Time Does the Balloon Go Up? - S3-E24
Continuity mistake: When the British spy is trying to get to the camp, the area around him seems fairly lit, as at dusk, after the sun just set. When he glances toward the gates, the sky is black, suggesting night (the shot of the gate is stock footage). When the shot goes back to the spy, it's dusk again.
LeBeau and the Little Old Lady - S3-E25
Continuity mistake: When Newkirk and Carter are playing Gin, Newkirk puts a card on his forehead so Carter can't get it. When he puts it on his head, it's about a quarter inch below his hairline. In the close up, the card is now at the hairline. In the wide shot, the card is again about a quarter inch lower.
Continuity mistake: The apple that Freddie is eating at the end goes from green to red.
Drums Along the Dusseldorf - S3-E30
Continuity mistake: At the end, when Hogan and Schultz are admiring the Indian headband sent by Carter, Klink comes walking out behind them. As he stands in the door, you see Klink fold his hands in front of his waist as Hogan is talking. After Klink starts to talk, the camera cuts to a close up of him and he suddenly has his riding crop under his arm.
Clearance Sale at the Black Market - S4-E1
Continuity mistake: When Hogan is talking to Kiegel, Hogan's eyes are level as he looks across the table at Kiegel. After Kiegel says "Not good enough!", the camera cuts to a close up of Hogan, and he's now looking up as if the Major is standing. A moment later, the Major stands and leaves.
Klink vs. the Gonculator - S4-E2
Continuity mistake: In the barracks, as Lutz stands by the gonculator, Hogan's hand toys with the power cord. A second later, both his hands are at his sides.
How to Catch a Papa Bear - S4-E3
Continuity mistake: When LeBeau comes out of Hogan's quarters after feeding Newkirk chicken soup, he is holding a bowl with a spoon in his right hand. As he talks back and forth with Hogan and Schultz, the spoon jumps from in front of his thumb to behind it.
Man's Best Friend Is Not His Dog - S4-E6
Continuity mistake: The dog LeBeau is holding shifts position on his arm with each camera change.
Man's Best Friend Is Not His Dog - S4-E6
Continuity mistake: Hogan's arms change position when holding the dog. First, his left is under the dog, and after the angle change, his right is under the dog.
Continuity mistake: In Klink's quarters, Hogan is complaining about Berger's activities. As he does, he goes to eat a sandwich with his left hand. After the angle change, he has both hands on it.
Answer: Nimrod's actual identity was never revealed in the series. It was only known that he was a British intelligence agent. Nimrod was not Colonel Klink. Hogan had only implied it was him as a ruse to get Klink returned as camp commandant, not wanting him replaced by someone more competent who would impede the Heroes war activities. The term "nimrod" is also slang for a nerdy, doofus type of person, though it's unclear why that was his code name.
raywest ★
"Nimrod" is originally a king and hero mentioned in the Tanach and taken into the Bible and the Koran. His name is often used in the sense of "stalker," "hunter," and sometimes figuratively as "womanizer" as in "hunter of women." I've never seen it used to denote a nerdy person, and although I cannot disprove that connotation, I think given his role, the traditional meaning is more likely the intended one.
Doc ★
It's widespread enough that Wikipedia has an entire section on it: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nimrod#In_popular_culture