The Vacation Solution - S5-E16
Character mistake: In Amy's lab, when she is complaining to Sheldon how she gave him the simplest tasks, and that they're still not done, Sheldon replies with how Einstein failed math because he wasn't challenged, and that it is the same case with him. Einstein never failed math. Sheldon of all characters should know that.
The Relaxation Integration - S11-E3
Character mistake: When Sheldon is telling Leonard, Amy and Penny about how his voice is like a white James Earl Jones, he quotes the famous Darth Vader line "Luke, I am your father." This is an example of the Mandela Effect, that apparently even Sheldon Cooper is susceptible to. Darth Vader actually says "No. I am your father."
The Shiny Trinket Maneuver - S5-E12
Character mistake: The bird that Sheldon is afraid of is referred to in the scene as a "Blue Jay." In fact, the bird is a Black-throated Magpie. A Blue Jay is a little smaller, has a shorter tail, does not have the darker plumage, and can be quite obnoxiously vocal.
The Einstein Approximation - S3-E14
Character mistake: When working in the Cheesecake Factory, Sheldon says "Bonne appétite," with a hard T at the end. He should know that this is incorrect and would be the first to remind others that the correct phrase is "Bon appétit" (pronounced "appéti" - it is masculine and the t at the end is not pronounced).
The Hamburger Postulate - S1-E5
Character mistake: When Sheldon knocks on Penny's door to seek advice about the tie on Leonard's doorknob, he does not use his typical triple knock. (00:07:43)
First time he knocks 3 times is in Episode 2 of Season 1. First time knocking 3 times followed by saying the name is episode 10 of Season 1. The ritual of 3 knocks and 3 times saying the name and then stopping is Episode 5 of season 2.
Sheldon knocks three times because he once walked into his parents bedroom and saw his father with another woman. He's been doing the triple knock since he was a teenager.
Yet, he didn't in the show till Season 2. Funny ain't it?
Suggested correction: A one-time lapse in someone's usual behavior does not count as a "character mistake", even in the case of someone given to ritualistic behavior as Sheldon is.
Ah, but in an episode he explains he had developed this particular ritual at age 13 after walking into his parent's bedroom without knocking and seeing his father having sex with another woman. He says he started knocking 3 times since then and would never forget. So its not consistent and a mistake as this is not the only example one can name.
Character mistake: Wolowitz warns his fellow halo players that their enemy is "charging his Plasma Rifle". This is impossible since only the plasma gun can be charged up. (00:20:00)
Character mistake: When Leonard and Sheldon sit down for lunch at work, Sheldon grabs the salt and pepper and begins to shake the "shakers" over his food. However, these are grinders and not shakers. He would have had to twist the tops in order to get any salt or pepper. (00:16:10)

The Cooper/Kripke Inversion - S6-E14
Character mistake: As Leonard is leaving the Mechanical Engineering lab, the sign on the door is spelled incorrectly as 'resticted area' instead of 'restricted area'. (00:04:07)
The Russian Rocket Reaction - S5-E5
Character mistake: Sheldon says he drove for hours in a bus to meet Wil Wheaton. He meant he rode on a bus. Sheldon never would've made that semantic error.
The Proton Regeneration - S11-E6
Character mistake: While bedridden after his vasectomy, Howard asks Bernadette to grill up a couple steaks instead of picking up Chinese for dinner. She gives him a disapproving look and he says "Kung Pao Chicken, please." A major ingredient of Kung Pao Chicken is peanuts. A major allergy for Howard is peanuts. (00:09:04)
Suggested correction: Since they are both quite well aware of it, they likely have either found a Chinese restaurant that doesn't use them, or they get it without peanuts.
Yup. My friend is allergic to peanuts and our local Chinese restaurant makes hers with almond instead of peanut.
Character mistake: Raj cannot talk with a woman around, but when Leonard claims they'd have to cut him in half to play teams, he blatantly argues back, and Penny is present with them. Regardless of if he was facing her or not, he shouldn't have said anything.
The Zarnecki Incursion - S4-E19
Character mistake: As they drive to Todd Zarnecki's to confront him, Sheldon says, "I almost feel sorry for the poor fool, sitting in his split-level suburban ranch..." Architecturally, split-level (technically three levels joined by half flights of stairs) and ranch (single level) are separate and distinct designs. There is no "fusion" of the two. I can't help but think Sheldon would have corrected anyone who said the same thing.
Suggested correction: Actually the term "split level ranch" is used to describe a house that has one full floor above ground and a partial lower level, vs the traditional split level house which has a full floor above ground, a second partial floor and a partial lower level.
The Justice League Recombination - S4-E11
Character mistake: Even with Penny and Zack the guys are one man short to be the original JLA because they they don't have the Martian Manhunter. If they used the same costumes in the previous year, they would have been three people short of the original line-up.
The Werewolf Transformation - S5-E18
Character mistake: In S5-15, Sheldon is asking his friends to take him to SuperCuts. But in this episode, he goes to Mr. D'Onofrio's barber shop where he says he's gone to since he moved to CA, and he said D'Onofrio had his "haircut records."
The Retraction Reaction - S11-E2
Character mistake: When Leonard arrives at the Human Resources office, he tells the HR person that he's not used to being called into the Dean's office. He's not in the Dean's office, he's in HR.
The Colonization Application - S8-E17
Character mistake: Leonard and Penny were using the body paint the second time, the entire canvas is covered, and they each are covered with paint. But not a bit got into their hair.
The Einstein Approximation - S3-E14
Character mistake: Sheldon is an extreme germophobe to the extent he doesn't even shake hands. There is no way he would be climbing around in a ball pit.
Suggested correction: If he was acting normally (for Sheldon), he wouldn't. However, Sheldon isn't acting as he normally would due to lack of sleep, and his obsession with solving a problem.
The severity of his phobia would not be minimized by lack of sleep.
Sheldon's mind is distracted by the problem he is trying to solve. He grabs other people's food, he allows Raj to touch his food, he handles dirty cutlery at the cheesecake factory, All characteristics that would be present if he was acting normally. The fact that he is in the ball pit is simply an extension.
Severe sleep deprivation could certainly affect how Sheldon reacts to phobias. The brain requires sleep to function and with a severe lack of sleep, the brain is no longer able to send the signals that alert Sheldon to his fear of germs.
The Vengeance Formulation - S3-E9
Character mistake: When Leonard, Sheldon, and Raj are watching Kripke entering his office with the board of directors, Kripke says "President Siebert", yet Siebert is not among the people standing with him.
The Friendship Contraction - S5-E15
Character mistake: Sheldon told Leonard at lunch that they were no longer friends, only roommates but later that day, he told start moved up to ninth place on his friends list because he dropped someone (can't remember who) off his friends list). In actuality, it would've bumped him up to eighth place because he kicked Leonard off the list.
The Proton Displacement - S7-E7
Character mistake: When Raj shows Penny, Amy, and Bernadette how to make jewelry, Penny keeps having trouble with the glue and gets it all over her fingers. However, in Season 2, episode 5, she has no trouble at all with the glue when making 1000 Penny Blossoms.