Visible crew/equipment: While en route to the structure fire, Mike is driving Engine 51, and seated backwards in the jumpseat behind Mike is Marco, who's wearing a helmet and his turnout, but in the shot from the POV behind Mike, we see the reflection in the rear-view mirror of the grey haired crew member, who is seated facing forward behind Mike.
Continuity mistake: When Mrs. Epps begs Dr. Morton to tell her the truth about her son's condition, the stethoscope is hanging around Morton's neck with the headset on his left side and the chestpiece on his right side, but then it flips to the opposite way, and then back again, between shots.
Continuity mistake: When Johnny runs inside the burning house to get to Toby and his grandfather, he's wearing a distinctive SCBA tank on his back, but when Johnny's inside the house he's wearing a different tank. Additionally, when Roy takes the mother's pulse he's also wearing a tank, but when Johnny and Toby have come out his tank is different.
Visible crew/equipment: When Gage and DeSoto are at Harry Teal's house for the third time, there is an actor's white tape mark on the floor in front of the cabinets, just below where the Biophone is placed.

Continuity mistake: While Brackett is with Ken in the ER he's wearing a blue/white striped tie, and when he calls Ken's doctor the tie is tied differently, but then it's tied the original way.
Other mistake: When all the guys are asleep in the dorm, at 12:47 AM the dispatcher drops tones for Squad 51 and we hear him say, "Squad 51, person sick," yet the footage that is shown is of all the guys getting up, not just Roy and Johnny, putting on their turnouts.
Continuity mistake: When Brackett leads Mr. Teal to his wife they walk into treatment 2, which has a windowless door, but in the shot from inside the room they're actually in treatment 1, which has a window on its door.
Visible crew/equipment: When John and Roy are dispatched to the couple's house, for the second time, after they've checked the rooms upstairs and downstairs they join the couple in the living room, and the reflection of the large overhead set lighting is visible in the mirror hanging over the mantel.
Continuity mistake: When Johnny and Roy are in the water trying to rescue the the man trapped in the submerged car, they are wearing water-type shoes, not their regular uniform shoes.
Visible crew/equipment: During the rescue of the man trapped in the submerged car, when 110's Captain is handing John and Roy (who are in the water) the cave-in gear's air hose, in the shots from behind him on deck, the reflection of a crew member wearing white pants can be seen on the chrome surface beside him.
Visible crew/equipment: The first three times that Squad 51 is dispatched to 1012 Clinton Drive, before they leave the apparatus bay, we can see the reflections of set lighting in the squad's spotlights, particularly the driver's side.
Revealing mistake: During the rescue of the man trapped in the submerged car, when 110's Captain hands John and Roy (in the water) the special cave-in gear's air hose, then when he opens the O2 valve and also when he revs up the jaws, we see that The Boat's port side has a taught line tying it off at the stern in the closeups (seen from The Boat's deck) to prevent it moving, but in the long shots there is no line.
Continuity mistake: When Engine 51 rolls up to the Teal house and quickly enter, we can see the flames inside through the living room window - no shade blocks the view, but in the next shot from the living room, the shade is now pulled halfway down the window.
Continuity mistake: During the fire at Rampart's lab building 8K, when Roy and Johnny are placing the salvage covers on important records, Johnny is wearing the SCBA tank with the two red stickers and Roy's tank has a large arrow sticker, but when they exit the building their tanks have switched.

Continuity mistake: When Brackett asks Early to see the patient (Jamie Farr) who belongs to an occult group and has no function in his right arm, Brackett's wearing a blue/white striped tie, Early's wearing a red/blue striped tie, and Dixie's wearing a uniform dress. However, in the previous and following shots, Brackett's wearing a blue/red/gold patterned tie, Early's wearing a solid black tie, and Dixie's wearing a 2-pc nursing uniform with pants.

Visible crew/equipment: After the explosions at Rampart, when Dixie runs out of the hospital with the gurney and reaches Brackett, the outlines of the mic transmitter, its cable, and even the dark strap (that holds the lav transmitter) around her waist are visible on the back of Dixie's uniform.
Visible crew/equipment: When Johnny is taking Boot's temperature, the uncovered top of the set is visible at the corner behind Marco and Captain Stanley.

Continuity mistake: When Roy and John are at the inexperienced cook's apartment the second time, when her fingers are caught in the mixer, she's wearing a blue/white striped dress and a watch on her left wrist, but in the closeup as she reaches for the boiling pot her watch is gone and it's a white sleeve on her arm.

Continuity mistake: After Brackett gets off the phone with Dr. Meier, he walks back to treatment 1, and when Brackett speaks to Morton about the patient being on warfarin, the stethoscope around Brackett's neck vanishes in his closeups, and reappears in wide shots.
Other mistake: After Marco offers Boot the ground beef while the guys are trying to figure out what's wrong with the dog, the tones drop and we hear the dispatcher say, "Station 51, Engine 95, Foam 27," but the odd subtitles read "Engine 95, Phone 27." Subtitles from Universal Studios 2010 DVD.
Answer: I believe you are speaking of the old man, Mr. Wilson. He's played by J. Pat O'Malley.
Correct, it was J. Pat O'Malley...he also played the grandfather with his grandson when their rocket exploded, and also played "Old Bill" in the episode with Ann Prentiss, where Gage saves the little girl from the burning tree house, and her mother falls in love with him.