Continuity mistake: When the guys are in the garage with the mechanic who had an engine fall on him, when Johnny contacts Rampart, Dixie presses the fifth button on the tape recorder, to record the transmission. Once they lift the engine off the mechanic, when Johnny contacts Rampart again, Brackett presses both the third and fifth buttons to record the transmission.
Continuity mistake: During the structure fire, when Roy walks into the burning house his SCBA cylinder has a large arrow sticker on it, but when he's in the house searching for the boy it's a completely different tank with two red stickers, then when Roy goes upstairs it's back to the original tank.
Visible crew/equipment: When Squad 51 is dispatched to an 'unknown type rescue', after stopping at the side of the road to talk to the two guys, when the squad follows the motorbike, the corner of the crew's reflector screen becomes visible as the squad pulls onto the road and drives off.
Visible crew/equipment: After rescuing the man from under the engine, when Roy and Johnny load him into the ambulance, the reflections of the array set lighting are visible on the ambulance windows, as Johnny and Roy close the back doors.
Visible crew/equipment: When Roy and John are at the bull corral, trying to rescue the guy who's been gored, in the closeups of the bull we can see metal piping at the top, right corner of the screen, as the camera moves.
Continuity mistake: During the raging brush fire, the scoop stretcher is sent down the cliff to the paramedics in the canyon. Once Gage has it and then drags it towards DeSoto, the boxes and gear switch positions between shots.
Visible crew/equipment: Amid the possible threat of fire from wind shift, when Johnny and Roy rescue the unconscious hiker (John Travolta), the bulging outlines of the mic transmitters are visible on the backs of Johnny's and Roy's shirts, and also the second hiker's shirt.
Visible crew/equipment: When Johnny and Roy are trying to get the boy's head unstuck from the small window opening, the bulging outline of the lav mic transmitter is visible on the back of Johnny's shirt.
Visible crew/equipment: When the guys are rescuing the little boy from the hole in the ground, the outlines of the mic transmitters are visible on the backs of Johnny's and Roy's shirts.
Visible crew/equipment: When Early walks over to the nurses' station after removing the boy's stuck finger from the steering wheel, the two actors' tape marks are visible on the floor, where Brackett stands and where Early is about to stand.
Other mistake: While the guys are in the kitchen, deciding whether or not to keep the dog and then what to name him, when Chet is drinking the milk, we can see the red tape covering one side of the container to hide the brand name and logo.

Continuity mistake: After Boot shows up for the first time at Station 51, when Chet scares him away, there is a turnout coat and helmet hanging on the hook near the radio receiver base station, but when the dispatcher transmits the tones, the turnout coat and helmet have vanished as Chet turns away.
Continuity mistake: When Roy and Johnny are with the injured hiker (John Travolta), after the gear-filled stokes is lowered to them Johnny places it right behind the hiker's head, but in the hiker's closeups the stokes basket vanishes, only to reappear in wide shots.
Visible crew/equipment: While en route to the boy who fell in the hole, Mike is driving Engine 51, and seated backwards in the jumpseat behind Mike is Marco, who's wearing a helmet and his turnout, but in the shot from the POV behind Mike, we see the reflection in the rear-view mirror of the grey haired crew member, who is seated facing forward behind Mike.
Continuity mistake: After Johnny and Roy rappel down into the canyon to rescue the unconscious hiker, when Johnny reaches the hiker, suddenly there's a grey 12" reflective strip attached to the back of his life belt, where there was none before. Then it vanishes when he gets the stokes basket, but it reappears when they attach the stokes to Truck 43's snorkel.
Continuity mistake: When Johnny and Roy are with the boy whose head is trapped in the window under the porch, the guys use the Porta-Power to lift the top jamb. When the child gets his head out and his mom tells him to come out from under the porch, the top jamb is straight and level, but when the boy walks away with his mom, the top jamb has lifted itself again.

Continuity mistake: During this episode, treatment 4 and treatment 2 keep switching places, between being located beside the nurses' station or being located near the ER entrance. For instance, when Johnny is on the line telling Rampart that Dr. Knott doesn't want to come in, treatment 2 is by the nurses' station, but when Roy ribs Johnny about his sex fantasies, treatment 2 is near the entrance. Quite fun to try and keep track of the repeated switching.
Other mistake: When Squad 51 is on scene at the drowning incident, the victim's wife is wearing very unusual rings. One ring has a jumbo orange ball, another has a large cluster of small gold balls, and the third has large black and white pearls. Later, when the models are at the station they are wearing identical rings as seen in the previous scene, Suzanne is wearing two of the prop rings and Kathy is wearing the pearl ring.
Visible crew/equipment: When Station 51 is dispatched to the movie studio, during the rescue of the injured stunt guys, the bulging outlines of the mic transmitters and wires are visible on either the backs or sides of Chet's, Roy's, and Johnny's shirts.
Visible crew/equipment: When the deputy arrives at the scene of the overturned tractor, the reflection of set equipment is visible at the hood of his vehicle, over the tire.
Answer: It is standard practice to wet down driveways so that they stand out in a long shot.