
Scarecrow - S1-E11

Factual error: At the beginning of the episode it is stated that we are in the month of April - yet in the orchard there are ladders, fallen apples and baskets filled with fresh fruit everywhere, as if it were harvest time. The god is declared to grant fertility and not climate change, so the harvest decoration seems definitely out of season.

And Then There Were None - S6-E16

Revealing mistake: Samuel is very much dead, laid out on the table in the canning factory employee lounge, but as Sam stands over him, talking about whether or not it was right to gank him, you can see Samuel's chest rising and falling as he breathes. (00:26:30)

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Answer: Over the next few episodes, it is revealed that something is not quite right with Sam - that his soul is missing since he returned from Hell, and he does not feel any emotion or attachment to his brother.


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