Factual error: In Oregon and New Jersey, state law requires that a gas station attendant pump the gas. Romero pulls into an Oregon gas station and encounters a nosey person. They are both pumping their own gas.

Chapter Two: The Weirdo on Maple Street - S1-E2
Factual error: When Chief Hopper and his fellow patrolman are standing over the lake, Hopper has a radio on his belt. The radio is a modern Motorola walkie talkie and at least a decade newer than it should be.

Factual error: Mulder refers to a Royal Navy vessel that sailed from Leeds. No large ship can sail from there - it is at least 50 miles from the coast.

Factual error: When Rick has given Andrea his revolver to end her life, he leaves the room with the others to leave Andrea and Michonne alone. The next thing you see is Rick, Tyrese and Daryl waiting outside the room. You hear the gun go off and then you hear a tinkle as a shell casing hits the floor (noticeably "lighter" than the sound the revolver would make when dropped). Revolvers do not eject a shell casing.

Factual error: At the beginning of the intro, the narrator says that the only way to resurrect a vampire is with a sacred rite that can only be performed once a century when the moon is in the eighth house of Aquarius. In Astrology, the eighth house is Scorpio.

Factual error: When Sam and Dean show up at the crime scene to investigate, they are stopped by a woman wearing digital Army ACU's. She introduces herself as Sergeant Miranda Bates, even though she has rank insignia on her cover and her chest that identifies her as a PFC (private first class). (00:14:05)

Factual error: Nick tells fellow vampire Aristotle, "You still owe me for that time at the Battle of Hastings." Nick was brought across in 1228, or so the intro told us every week. The Battle of Hastings, as any British school kid knows, was fought in 1066, over 100 years before Nick's mortal birth. (00:29:30)

Factual error: Dominic Wingrave says "it took me 6 years to do the math." Not something any British person would say - in the UK it's always "maths."

Factual error: When the 747-aircraft of the fake German airline is being shown, you can see the German flag on the plane. But you also see an "N-xxxxx" registration which stands for USA. If it were a real German plane, it would have a "D-xxxx" registration.

Factual error: The astronauts land on an asteroid said to orbit a binary star 655 million miles from Earth. This is impossible, as that distance would place them well within our solar system. In fact, they'd be inside the orbit of Saturn, where of course there aren't (nor could there be) any extraneous suns. The nearest star to our system is, in fact, trillions (not millions) of miles away. (00:02:15 - 00:04:00)

Factual error: The Los Angeles police car pulls up to John's loft, which has the address number 923 on the wall. The building across the street is numbered 929. In California (in fact, in the vast majority of the US) address numbers are odd on one side of the street and even on the other. 923 and 929 wouldn't be on opposite sides. (00:29:30)

Heads Of Beef / Klub Katz - S1-E11
Factual error: In "Klub Katz" the captian yells "Iceburg, Iceburg, on the starboard side." But when you see the iceburg and the ship, the iceburg was about to hit the bow of the ship.

Edward Mordrake: Part 1 - S4-E3
Factual error: Season 4 takes place in 1952. Elsa sings Lana Del Rey's Gods and Monsters. The lyrics say "living like Jim Morrison." Jim Morrison was not famous until 1960. He was born in 1943, which would have made him only 9 at this time.

Factual error: When she's giving the historical tour, Sarah talks about how the Puritans who settled in Point Pleasant faced hardships during their first winter there. But the first village at Point Pleasant was built in 1817, a century and a half after Puritans ceased to exist as a distinct group.

Factual error: Sir Malcolm tells Vanessa to wear a facemask when they go to minister to the poor as cholera is rife in the area. However, the series is set in the 1890s and it had been well-known since the 1850s that cholera was caused by contaminated food and water and not by airborne germs. As an educated man, Sir Malcolm is bound to know this.

Factual error: There is no entry hole in the tree branches covering the pit where the gorilla fell through. A gorilla that size would have punched a large hole through the branches.

Factual error: When Johnny and Bruce are riding in the truck, listening to the 'shock jock', Bruce turns off the radio by turning the volume control on the left side of the radio. Johnny says he wants to hear it and turns the radio back on by turning the knob on the right, which is the tuning dial.

It Crawled Out of the Woodwork - S1-E11
Factual error: When the energy monster kills his entire research staff by stopping their hearts, Dr. Block brings them all back to life (with their minds and personalities intact) by installing pacemakers. But when the heart stops functioning, brain death occurs within minutes. For this to work, he'd not only have to operate on several people simultaneously, he'd also have to be the fastest heart surgeon on Earth. (00:40:00)

Factual error: On the Series 3 DVD extra disk, it says that the Doctor's role model is "Patch Adams (Robbie Williams)", but the actor Robin Williams was Patch Adams, not the pop star Robbie.

Occultation - S1-E6
Factual error: Eichhorst seems to be unsure what his SS rank is. He is addressed as Standartenführer (Colonel) but wears the epaulettes of an Obersturmbannführer (Lieutenant-Colonel) and the collar patch of a Sturmbannführer (Major). In addition, his other collar patch bears the standard SS lightning runes instead of the death's head of the Totenkopf concentration camp personnel.