Fan Fiction - S10-E5
Plot hole: Marie says at the beginning that Chuck quit writing after Swan Song (season 5). Later she says she hates the "Metastories" which don't happen until season 9. She couldn't have known about the Metastories since those books were not published.
Suggested correction: I was mistaken about what a 'meta-story' is when I wrote this. A meta-story is when the characters refer to their own fictional state. I thought it was referring to the Metatron stories.
Hell House - S1-E17
Continuity mistake: Both Sam and Dean show no signs of bodily damage or harm, even though in the previous episode "Shadow," both brothers were attacked and their faces had been slashed by the shadow demons summoned by Meg.
Suggested correction: First part of the episode, it said "2 months ago" below the place where the episode takes place. So it probably took place before episode 16.
Thats before they showed up when the first group of kids went on the house and found the girl hanging.
All Hell Breaks Loose: Part 1 - S2-E21
Factual error: Dean finds a body in the house that burned down. The arm has a metal watch still on the wrist with hardly any damage. It has some black soot on it but that's it.
Suggested correction: Your entry is based on opinion/theory only. It's possible for someone who died in a fire to have parts of their body to not be affected by the fire.
Character mistake: Sam describes the books as being from "pre-Biblical lore" and then says they are written in Aramaic. Aramaic was a language during New Testament Biblical times and didn't exist in pre-Biblical times i.e. prior to 4000 B.C.E.
Suggested correction: I believe he meant the book "contained" pre-biblical lore.
Keep Calm and Carry On - S12-E1
Continuity mistake: Mary does not recognize adult Dean and claimed that her Dean is 4 years old. In Season 1 Episode 9: Home, she recognized adult Dean and Sam.
Suggested correction: Mary was a ghost in "Home" and knew that 22 years had passed and her sons would be older now. When the Darkness resurrected her, it was without the memories of her time as a ghost. Mary said so explicitly.