Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds (2005)

110 mistakes since 4 Apr '15, 00:00

(17 votes)

What Happens at Home... - S6-E10

Character mistake: After the murder that takes place while the team is at the church meeting, they gather together to talk about narrowing down the suspect list to the people who didn't show up to the meeting. Spencer shows up with a stack of papers and says 18 suspects didn't show up. We then see his actor break character and almost laughs when he looks over at Ashley, whose actress too almost breaks character from laughing.

Legacy - S2-E22

Visible crew/equipment: A possible cameraman's hand with a wedding ring holding a bar with the camera is visible as one of the victim looks down a two way route. (00:24:50)

Mirror Image - S12-E7

Continuity mistake: In the episode the team is discussing the unsub. He was a man who believed he was Tara's brother. They do not know his name yet. JJ says "He must have put Gabriel's whole life inside of Desmond". Only later does Garcia find out the unsub's name is Desmond Holt. (00:15:22 - 00:18:20)

The Stranger - S6-E21

Audio problem: When Reid and Morgan are walking up the stairs to the first victim's apartment they are talking, but their mouths aren't moving. (00:06:05)

A Real Rain - S1-E17

Continuity mistake: When Gideon puts on a glove to examine the flint blade from the fourth victim's head, the glove snaps and breaks. In the next shot, more close up, Gideon's glove is not broken.

The Sandman - S11-E17

Continuity mistake: After Garcia traces the phone call, Morgan and Rossi are shown driving to the area of the cell tower. When the shot is from outside the car, the car is a 10th generation (07-14) Chevy Suburban. When the shot changes to inside the car, it's an 11th gen (15-16).

Protection - S10-E22

Continuity mistake: The old lady victim under the bridge has a change in clothes. When the shooting happens she is wearing a red jumper and what looks like flowery red top, when the team arrives at the crime scene she is wearing a grey jumper and a white polka dot top. (00:15:54 - 00:26:30)

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Suggested correction: The change of clothes happens in every crime scene/flashback to show us the killer's delusion. If you pay attention, it happens with the girl whose boyfriend gets killed and also with the cop/mailman.

The Inspired - S9-E2

Plot hole: At the beginning of the episode, PD let the suspect go (twin 1) because they accidentally arrested him for the crimes that his twin brother (twin 2) committed. Hotchner still wants to question twin 1, but a lawyer threatens Hotchner to not go near the wrongfully accused twin 1. However, in the previous episode, FBI and cops pursued twin 1 and twin 1 didn't pull over. It would be legal for twin 1 to be detained on a reckless driving or eluding the police charge.

In Name and Blood - S3-E2

Other mistake: The boy says he is doing multiplication and the rest of the class is still on long division. You can not do long division without first learning multiplication.

Won't Get Fooled Again - S1-E3

Other mistake: Just after they were finished explaining that you can not tilt the mystery package because it would instantly blow up, they show the little girl at her doorstep holding the package completely tilted. Just when you think that means that this package now doesn't fall into the "explosive" category, they then show the mom freaking out, and later police making the girl hold the package in a completely different (non-tilted) position.

3rd Life - S3-E12

Factual error: When Garcia asks Reid about the IP address of one of the victims father's computer he says "374.54.12.3." On screen also the IP address of the router can be seen which reads " Neither is possible. The numbers in any IP address can only range between 0 and 255, since they are actually 4 groups of 8 bits each. (00:10:45)

The Last Word - S2-E9

Other mistake: While Hotchner and Reid are talking about Hollow Man and the Mill Creek Killer, Reid's going through the newspapers and when he figures out that the two killers have been talking to each other via the classifieds, there are two closeups of an ad's text. After Hotchner suggests using their relationship against them, Hotch says that Reid's fake ad will imitate Hollow Man's language patterns to send a message to the Mill Creek Killer. Then we hear Reid reading the fake ad they just placed in the classifieds, but the problem is it's the same ad that was shown in the closeups earlier, plus an additional line at the end - "here's my gift to you."

Super Grover

The Longest Night - S6-E1

Other mistake: JJ calls Hotch unsure if she can make direct contact with the unsub, fearing that she will make a mistake. Hotch tells her she will do fine and tells her that they are gathering background information about Flynn, who is the unsub. At this point the team have not yet figured out the identity of the unsub and Hotch should not know his name. (00:27:35)

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Suggested correction: Morgan doesn't ask what song on that album would speak to an insomniac, he asks what Metallica song in general would. He says, and I quote, "Okay, so I'm an insomniac who listens to Metallica to get to sleep. What song could possibly speak to me?" His query is in regards to the band's discography as a whole; neither he nor Reid mention a specific album, so the fact that "Some Kind of Monster" is the CD that they find is, ultimately, irrelevant.

Cubs Fan

The team was looking for what CD Slessman listened to the most to figure out what his password could be. They had no luck going through all his metal collection. The clue was suppose to be Slessman listened to "Some Kind of Monster" CD the most to help him sleep, which is why it wasn't in the case.


As Bishop73 says, its implied that Some Kind Of Monster is played most. And so the hint would be one of those tracks. But as stated in the mistake, Enter Sandman isn't on that album.


Taboo - S12-E3

Factual error: Agents are staking out a suspect in Boynton Beach, Florida. A truck approaches and they can see the license plate on the front of it. There are no front license plates in Florida. Only rear.


Criminal Minds mistake picture

Perennials - S8-E11

Deliberate mistake: In the outside shot of the unsub's motel in Pensacola, Florida, the sky is black as if someone behind the scenes tried to digitally remove part of the background in post, but did a really bad job.


Poison - S1-E13

Character mistake: Reid makes the statement that the amount of LSD the victims had in their system was enough to kill a small child. However, there is no evidence to suggest a lethal dose is known to scientists. (00:04:50)


Limelight - S3-E13

David Rossi: When I interviewed Bundy, he had a theory about pornography. He said "If you want to stop people from becoming like me, don't burn Catcher in the Rye."
Aaron Hotchner: "Burn Hustler." I read your books, too, Dave.

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Question: The crew takes a private jet to most locations but always have the same black S.U.V.s. How do the vehicles get there as fast as the crew?


Chosen answer: Black SUVs are common police, military and dignitary vehicles around the world. It is not too much to assume they could be rented or owned by the police forces in the areas.


Other people have explained it but fore more information, federal cars would most likely be brought to the airport from the nearest agency, so they can drive out to their locations especially in rural situations.

Answer: There is only one BAU (or that's the impression the show gives, in reality there's 5 teams within the BAU), and they're based out of Quantico. However, the FBI has 56 field offices, each with their own vehicles leased from the over 200,000 vehicles that make up the Federal motor fleet. There are long term leases to federal agencies on these cars, in addition to there always being vehicles being made available to lease on an ad hoc basis for assignments. Plus, local and state police likely also have their own unmarked fleets, but due to the vehicles being mostly the same make/model/color in most episodes, they'd likely be borrowed from the nearest field office or other local federal office or ad hoc leased from the fleet for the assignment.

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