Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds (2005)

119 mistakes since 4 Apr '15, 00:00

(17 votes)

Legacy - S2-E22

Visible crew/equipment: A crewman's left hand (with wedding ring) on a black metal railing is visible on the left side of the shot of the woman at the corridor intersection. (00:24:57)

Supply and Demand - S6-E24

Visible crew/equipment: As Rossi comes to Morgan's rescue you can see a guy behind Agent Rossi seemingly holding a camera. A few seconds later Morgan gets up and right before he turns to punch the henchman guy you see the same camera guy again. (00:34:33)

The Fisher King: Part 1 - S1-E22

Visible crew/equipment: When Elle arrives back at her home the camera pans and you can see the face of a man in the mirror. A man who is not the Fischer King as he has no facial burn marks on him. Potentially simply a stand-in for the character or the actor without the makeup as when the Fischer King is going to shoot Elle you cannot see his face.

A Higher Power - S3-E15

Visible crew/equipment: When the team enters the house of the unsub it is dark. You can see a second camera man twice off to the side who is getting the close ups of the team coming through the door. (00:32:00)

Lucky Strikes - S13-E5

Other mistake: In the opening scene, the car has a Florida license plate visible on the front. Vehicles registered in Florida (and eighteen other states) don't have plates on the front.

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Suggested correction: Rossi is talking about the next victim after the girl.

Anonymous - S10-E12

Other mistake: When Hotch, Morgan and JJ review the footage from the first murder, they are able to zoom extremely close on the victim's hand. Why don't they do the same with the car license plate as the killer leaves? (00:21:45)

Tribute - S11-E19

Audio problem: Garcia is typing on a flat, foldable rubber keyboard but the keys' sound is loud like from a plastic keyboard. The rubber keyboard shouldn't make noise. (00:39:00)


Won't Get Fooled Again - S1-E3

Audio problem: The video game Penelope is playing is supposed to be Tetris, but the sound effects are from the Atari 2600 version of Pac-Man. You can hear Pac-Man die four times during the scene. (00:12:20)

Scared to Death - S3-E3

Other mistake: When the character is buried alive the psychiatrist pours bags of dirt on the head of the victim. First, there is a pile of bags that shows only 8-10 bags of dirt, which is not enough to fill the hole. Secondly, the victim was conscious and standing up with no apparent broken bones, which means she could have just stood on the dirt as it was (very slowly) poured in. Additionally, she was buried completely during the entire time the murderer was evading police, having a conversation with Hotchner, and jumping to his death. Then the BAU talked about their suspicions she was still there and had to make it all the way to the basement. She would not have had a "faint pulse" after all of that time.

Demons - S9-E24

Continuity mistake: While Reid's asleep in the hospital bed, Garcia places four Doctor Who figurines (one Dalek we don't see her place) on the overbed table - two Daleks, Matt Smith's Doctor, and David Tennant's Doctor. In the first shot Garcia's holding Smith's Doctor in her right hand and Tennant's Doctor in her left hand, but in the next shot those two figurines have switched hands.

Super Grover

Criminal Minds mistake picture

The Boogeyman - S2-E6

Visible crew/equipment: When James Charles, the guidance counselor, says, "It could be someone you know, or it could be a stranger you pass at the grocery store," the actors' red T-marks are visible on the floor at Reid's and Gideon's feet. Then when Charles continues to say, "gathering information on the case," we can also see the actor's white T-mark beside the counselor's feet, where he will stand after he introduces Gideon.

Super Grover

Exit Wounds - S5-E21

Factual error: The BAU is called in to assist the Sheriff's Dept. in Franklin, Alaska (a made-up town, although there is a ghost town by that name). By statute, Alaska has never had any Sheriffs. Functions filled by sheriffs elsewhere fall mostly under the auspices of the Alaska State Troopers. Other law enforcement is by community or (rarely) borough which is what Alaska has instead of counties.

Criminal Minds mistake picture

Machismo - S1-E19

Continuity mistake: In the elderly victim's home, when Gideon is going through the dresser drawers he finds the small frame with the picture of her son, and there is a blue frame lying in the drawer, but in the next shot that blue frame is lying on the dresser even though he never touched it. (00:02:10)

Super Grover

The Crossing - S3-E18

Other mistake: When it shows Keri's license it says it expires in 2003, but the episode takes place way after that year, considering Katrina had already happened.

Criminal Minds mistake picture

Charm and Harm - S1-E20

Continuity mistake: At the start, JJ puts a file down on the desk, and her left hand is in front of her, and she has 2 items in her right hand. When the camera angle changes to behind JJ, her left hand is now on her hip. (00:02:20)


Extreme Aggressor - S1-E1

Agent Hotchner: This is Special Agent Dr. Reid.
Man: You look too young to have gone to medical school.
Agent Reid: They are PhD's. Three of them.
Man: What, are you a genius or something?
Agent Reid: I don't believe that intelligence can be accurately quantified, but I do have an IQ of 187, an eidetic memory, can read 20,000 words per minute...yes, I'm a genius.


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Question: The crew takes a private jet to most locations but always have the same black S.U.V.s. How do the vehicles get there as fast as the crew?


Chosen answer: Black SUVs are common police, military and dignitary vehicles around the world. It is not too much to assume they could be rented or owned by the police forces in the areas.


Other people have explained it but fore more information, federal cars would most likely be brought to the airport from the nearest agency, so they can drive out to their locations especially in rural situations.

Answer: There is only one BAU (or that's the impression the show gives, in reality there's 5 teams within the BAU), and they're based out of Quantico. However, the FBI has 56 field offices, each with their own vehicles leased from the over 200,000 vehicles that make up the Federal motor fleet. There are long term leases to federal agencies on these cars, in addition to there always being vehicles being made available to lease on an ad hoc basis for assignments. Plus, local and state police likely also have their own unmarked fleets, but due to the vehicles being mostly the same make/model/color in most episodes, they'd likely be borrowed from the nearest field office or other local federal office or ad hoc leased from the fleet for the assignment.

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