Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds (2005)

119 mistakes since 4 Apr '15, 00:00

(17 votes)

Season 1 generally

Continuity mistake: They keep showing the aerial view of one type of jet (such as Gulfstream 100 with its rectangular windows), but the inside shots are always in a "heavy" Gulfstream (such as Gulfstream IV or Gulfstream V, which have round windows). Also, the tail numbers (the N-numbers written on the engine) are always different in the aerial views. Some end with GV, some with SP etc.

Criminal Minds mistake picture

Brothers in Arms - S4-E10

Continuity mistake: When Reid is talking there's a big crack at the top of the window that might be a problem since they're supposed to be flying. Then a few seconds later they cut back to him and it's filled with putty. (00:05:00 - 00:06:00)

Jones - S2-E18

Factual error: Reid says that it's been speculated that Mary Jane Kelly was murdered in a flat rented by the killer - this is completely incorrect. She was murdered in her rooms, where she'd been living since early 1888.

Annabel Keeley

No Way Out - S2-E13

Factual error: Gideon says that Frank is the most prolific serial killer ever, with 177 victims. This is incorrect - Pedro Lopez murdered 350+ young girls and Luis Garavito murdered 300+ plus girls.

Annabel Keeley

Beyond Borders - S10-E19

Factual error: Rossi recognizes a "typical Dutch gesture" The suspect hits his forehead with his hand and then moves it towards another person, saying that the person is "crazy" This gesture is German. In the Netherlands we use a different gesture. We point to our forehead with our index finger and then point at the person we think is crazy, with that same finger.

Rob Hasenbos

Tribute - S11-E19

Continuity mistake: After Emily shoots the unsub in the head and he falls on the bed, the gun falls beside him. A second later they show her walking over to his body to remove the gun from his hand. (00:51:00)

Robyn Beth

Criminal Minds mistake picture

Tribute - S11-E19

Other mistake: A mugshot of a suspect is showing with some personal information. Name, license number, address, etc. The field for "Home address" shows a valid address but "Work Address" shows "Male." The correct field title should be "Sex." (00:40:00)


Criminal Minds mistake picture

Honor Among Thieves - S2-E20

Continuity mistake: When Garcia accesses the bank's page online Prentiss gives her the account number login, 1552 9384 6729, and we see Garcia typing it correctly on the screen with the password, but when it cuts to the account's page showing deposit and balance, we see in the balance box the account number's last four digits are 7629, not 6729.

Super Grover

Protection - S10-E22

Continuity mistake: In the final stand off, Daniel fires 16 rounds through the door/wall at the team. We've already been told his gun only holds 14 bullets. Not to mention without reloading he fires a few more bullets shortly afterwards.

House on Fire - S4-E19

Audio problem: When Garcia is talking about the cross-examination she's done and how she should be praised for how quickly she'd done it, she crosses the room away from the computers (and the webcam she's shown through) to a bulletin board. While she's walking away, her voice gets fainter, and then becomes louder again when she returns, as though she were getting further and then closer again to a microphone. However, she is wearing a headset with a microphone - the volume wouldn't have changed. (00:13:15)

Run - S7-E24

Continuity mistake: The clock on the bomb's secondary timer doesn't match with reality while Prentiss is trying to defuse it - going from 15 seconds to 10 too slowly, then skipping the final few seconds so it can end on 1 second remaining.

Jon Sandys

Run - S7-E24

Factual error: While JJ and Will might have exchanged "commitment vows" with a willing officiant, they could not have actually married in the time frame given for multiple reasons. The bank robbery occurred on a Saturday and the proposal was that evening at the hospital, with a stated intention to go down to the court Monday to wed. Instead, Rossi and Will set it up for the next evening, which was Sunday. The following is taken from Washington, D.C.'s marriage information site: 1) the court offices that issue licenses are only open M-F; 2) there is a mandated three day waiting period between obtaining the license and performing the ceremony; 3) there is a ten advance notice required to arrange a civil ceremony through the court office. Therefore, the earliest they could be legally wed would be on Thursday with a license and a private ceremony, while a civil ceremony would actually have taken an additional week. As for JJ's "lets get married tonight", I can't see any hospital chaplain obliging.

Zoe's Reprise - S4-E15

Visible crew/equipment: After Prentiss and Morgan catch Eric and his girlfriend in the park it cuts to Prentiss and the girlfriend in the interrogation room, and as the camera tracks backward from the door's window we can see a nice reflection of the moving camera and also a crew member standing behind Hotchner.

Super Grover

Zoe's Reprise - S4-E15

Continuity mistake: When Rossi is in Zoe's bedroom the camera pans the room and we see the laptop on the desk with nothing on its lid, but in the closeup suddenly there's a large embroidered flower sticker on the laptop's lid, which vanishes again when Rossi lifts the lid.

Super Grover

Final Shot - S9-E3

Revealing mistake: As Reid explains human reaction time, near the end of it you can see a brunette woman get hit and fall to the ground, she hits ground with the back of her head and then, while supposedly been shot dead, moves her right hand in under her head.

Criminal Minds mistake picture

Reflection of Desire - S6-E8

Continuity mistake: While Morgan and Prentiss are at the crime scene talking to the homeless man, when Morgan moves the tent and finds the text written on the wall, the homeless man smudges the text with his fingers, but when Morgan sends a photo of the evidence the smudges and text differ.

Super Grover

Extreme Aggressor - S1-E1

Agent Hotchner: This is Special Agent Dr. Reid.
Man: You look too young to have gone to medical school.
Agent Reid: They are PhD's. Three of them.
Man: What, are you a genius or something?
Agent Reid: I don't believe that intelligence can be accurately quantified, but I do have an IQ of 187, an eidetic memory, can read 20,000 words per minute...yes, I'm a genius.


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Show generally

Question: I never saw the whole episode, only near the end of it twice. The episode was about a boy about 10 or 11 who took a girl his age Into the Woods so he could kill her using a baseball bat. What was the name of this episode and what was the reason for him wanting to kill her?

Answer: "The Boogeyman", s02e06. Spoiler alert: The kid is Jeffrey Charles and at that point he had already killed 3 other kids. Jefferey basically hated and resented other kids after his mother abandoned him and his father spent a lot of time with other children because of his job. Jeffery would lure kids Into the Woods and then beat them to death with his bat just because of hate, no particular "reason." The scene you're describing, Jefferey agrees to walk Tracy home when her "buddy" leaves her (at this point the FBI announced there's a serial killer on the loose and kids should walk with a buddy). Jeffrey gets mad at Tracy for walking too slow and for complaining, and he takes a swing at her, causing her to flee Into the Woods and have Jeffery chase her.


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