Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds (2005)

119 mistakes since 4 Apr '15, 00:00

(17 votes)

Magnum Opus - S8-E13

Character mistake: Blake says the unsub must be a universal recipient blood type, AB pos, but they are talking about receiving plasma. The plasma universal recipient is O neg, the opposite of what it is for regular blood transfusions. (00:33:27)

Protection - S10-E22

Continuity mistake: When JJ picks up Lizette Castro in her car to take her to her son, JJ gets Lizette to confess about the man in the pictures. We see JJ stop the car outside In the Dark by some trees before a flashback plays. After the flashback, it looks like the car is in some sort of parking house. (00:14:16 - 00:15:16)

A Real Rain - S1-E17

Factual error: When BAU walks up the stairs on the way into the courthouse the first time, the John Ferraro building in Los Angeles is visible in the background. They are walking up the stairs toward Los Angeles City Hall. The episode takes place in New York.

Profiling 101 - S7-E22

Other mistake: During the flashbacks, they show Prentiss with the rest of the BAU, but Prentiss didn't join until season two. If it was accurate it would've shown Elle, not Prentiss. (00:19:49 - 00:21:01)

Criminal Minds mistake picture

L.D.S.K. - S1-E6

Visible crew/equipment: After the three people at the restaurant patio are shot it cuts to the black screen, and in the next shot as the camera pans over the blood stained table, the red T-mark is visible on the ground in front of Gideon's feet. (00:13:15)

Super Grover

Charm and Harm - S1-E20

Visible crew/equipment: During the plane interior scene after the opening credits as JJ is walking around handing out documents to the team, you can see a gap in the lighting outside and a crew member's face peeking out from behind the white walls. (00:04:00)

Unforgettable - S12-E20

Other mistake: When Stephen looks at his phone you can see the phone charging symbol even though the phone he's holding isn't charging. (00:06:53)

Sex, Birth, Death - S2-E11

Character mistake: In the meeting room, there's a clear spelling mistake of "Manditory" in bold letters on the whiteboard behind Gideon. Flashes up there several times during the scene. (00:16:00)

The Perfect Storm - S2-E3

Continuity mistake: When Gideon, Morgan, Reid and Greenaway are watching Hotch interrogating the suspect Tony Canardo there is a box on the table, then Hotch gets up and walks out of the room and the box on the table is gone. In the next shot on the TV the box has reappeared. (00:30:08)

Criminal Minds mistake picture

Extreme Aggressor - S1-E1

Continuity mistake: When Gideon is talking when we first see him, the pictures behind him on the screen change instantly. It should be noted, that when we see the pictures change, there is the audible click and visual delay of a slide change which is not present on the instant change. (00:04:20)


Target Rich - S11-E7

Character mistake: When the unsub puts the lock on the woman's collar, he hooks it onto the part where a leash would go. She could easily take the collar off. Later, the lock is on a different hook that is pushed through the collar, so she would not be able to escape. (00:19:10 - 00:33:30)

JJ - S6-E2

Character mistake: When Reid and Rossi propose the theory that Kate knew Syd and Jimmy before her disappearance, and JJ expresses her skepticism, Rossi retorts "they're handsome, charming, 19." But while reviewing the case on the flight to Maryland, JJ mentions that the boys are both 20.

Cubs Fan

The Boogeyman - S2-E6

Continuity mistake: When the pregnant lady came in with her child saying her 8 year old Matthew was missing, JJ sits her down and says she has a niece who is 8. We later learn that JJ's only sibling was her sister who committed suicide and who didn't have any children.

Route 66 - S9-E5

Continuity mistake: When the thief tries to steal the truck and the owner is beating him up, the passenger window behind the driver breaks. When his daughter later gets into the truck, very briefly the window is not broken. Then the next shot shows her in the truck, the window is broken again.

Limelight - S3-E13

David Rossi: When I interviewed Bundy, he had a theory about pornography. He said "If you want to stop people from becoming like me, don't burn Catcher in the Rye."
Aaron Hotchner: "Burn Hustler." I read your books, too, Dave.

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Show generally

Question: The crew takes a private jet to most locations but always have the same black S.U.V.s. How do the vehicles get there as fast as the crew?


Chosen answer: Black SUVs are common police, military and dignitary vehicles around the world. It is not too much to assume they could be rented or owned by the police forces in the areas.


Other people have explained it but fore more information, federal cars would most likely be brought to the airport from the nearest agency, so they can drive out to their locations especially in rural situations.

Answer: There is only one BAU (or that's the impression the show gives, in reality there's 5 teams within the BAU), and they're based out of Quantico. However, the FBI has 56 field offices, each with their own vehicles leased from the over 200,000 vehicles that make up the Federal motor fleet. There are long term leases to federal agencies on these cars, in addition to there always being vehicles being made available to lease on an ad hoc basis for assignments. Plus, local and state police likely also have their own unmarked fleets, but due to the vehicles being mostly the same make/model/color in most episodes, they'd likely be borrowed from the nearest field office or other local federal office or ad hoc leased from the fleet for the assignment.

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