Easter egg: In the special features on Disc 6, select "The Making of Criminal Minds" and press up on your remote. A small "x" should become highlighted. Select it to view the presentation of the "First Annual Gooby Awards", a collection of fictional awards for the cast and crew.
Easter egg: In the special features on Disc 6, go down to "Inside Quantico and the Criminal Mind", and press right on your control; this should highlight the image of a gun. Select it to view a short tour of the CM offices and set with Edward Allen Bernero's assistant Rosalie.
Chosen answer: Back in Target Rich, a hitman named Giuseppe Montolo dies whilst being interrogated by Derek. The men who abducted Derek were hired by his father, Chazz, who seems to blame Derek for his son's death. It's explained further in A Beautiful Disaster.
Annabel Keeley