Doctor: So, that's the trap. Or the test or the final judgment, I don't know. But if I kill you, I kill her. Except that implies, in this big grand scheme of Gods and Devils, that she's just a victim. But I've seen a lot of this universe. I've seen fake gods and bad gods and demi-gods and would-be gods - out of all that - out of that whole pantheon - if I believe in one thing... Just one thing... I believe in her.
The Day of the Doctor - S7-E16
Clara: Doctor, what's going on?
Eleventh Doctor: It's a... Uh... Timey wimey... Thing.
The Doctor: "Timey" what? "Timey wimey"?
Tenth Doctor: I... I have no idea where he picks that stuff up.
Vincent and the Doctor - S5-E10
[Van Gogh overhears conversation.]
The Doctor: But I just wondered, between you and me, in a hundred words, where do you think Van Gogh rates in the history of art?
Dr. Black, museum curator: Well, um, big question. But, to me, Van Gogh is the finest painter of them all. Certainly the most popular, great painter of all time. The most beloved. His command of color the most magnificent. He transformed the pain of his tormented life into ecstatic beauty. Pain is easy to portray, but to use your passion and pain to portray the ecstasy and joy and magnificence of our world, no one had ever done it before. Perhaps no one ever will again. To my mind, that strange, wild man who roamed the fields of Provence was not only the world's greatest artist, but also one of the greatest men who ever lived.
The Day of the Doctor - S7-E16
Eleventh Doctor: Gentlemen, we're ready. [Straightens bow-tie, throws lever on his TARDIS console.] Geronimo!
Tenth Doctor: [Theatrically throws lever on his TARDIS console.] Allons-y!
War Doctor: [Works controls on his TARDIS console, disgusted.] Oh, for God's sake! Gallifrey stands!
The Doctor: I'm not... I'm not... I'm not from Mars!
The Day of the Doctor - S7-E16
War Doctor: Anyone lose a fez?
Tenth Doctor: You! How can you be here? More to the point, why are you here?
War doctor: Good afternoon. I'm looking for the Doctor.
Tenth Doctor: Well, you've certainly come to the right place.
War Doctor: Good. Right. Who are you boys? Oh, of course, are you his companions?
Eleventh Doctor: His companions?!
War Doctor: They get younger all the time. Well, if you could point me in the general direction of the Doctor...
[Tenth Doctor raises his sonic, and then Eleventh Doctor raises his.]
War Doctor: Really?
Eleventh Doctor: Yeah.
Tenth Doctor: Really.
War Doctor: You're me? Both of you?
Tenth Doctor: Yup!
War Doctor: [nods disbelief toward the Eleventh Doctor, as he looks at Tenth Doctor.] Even that one?
Eleventh Doctor: Yes!
War Doctor: You're my future selves?
Tenth Doctor and Eleventh Doctor: [in unison.] YES!
War Doctor: Am I having a mid-life crisis?
Vincent and the Doctor - S5-E10
Amy: So you were right. No new paintings. We didn't make a difference at all.
The Doctor: I wouldn't say that. The way I see it, every life is a pile of good things and bad things. Hey. The good things don't always soften the bad things, but vice versa, the bad things don't necessarily spoil the good things or make them unimportant. And we definitely added to his pile of good things.
Nardole: You're completely out of your mind!
Doctor: How is that news to anyone?
The Day of the Doctor - S7-E16
War Doctor: There's still a billion billion Daleks up there attacking
Eleventh Doctor: Yeah there is, there is.
Tenth Doctor: But there's something those billion billion Daleks don't know
Eleventh Doctor: Because if they did they'd probably send for reinforcements
Clara: What? What don't they know?
Eleventh Doctor: This time there's three of us.
The Day of the Doctor - S7-E16
Rose: Oh, look at you, stuck between a girl and a box. The story of your life, aye Doctor?
Ambrose: [Talking about the church door.] I can't open it. It keeps sticking, the wood's warped.
The Doctor: Any time you want to help?
Rory Williams: Can't you sonic it?
The Doctor: It doesn't do wood.
Rory Williams: That is rubbish!
The Doctor: Oi! Don't diss the sonic!
The Girl in the Fireplace - S2-E7
Doctor: I think we just found the hole. Must be a spatio-temporal hyperlink.
Mickey: What's that?
Doctor: No idea. Just made it up. Didn't wanna say 'magic door'.
The Impossible Planet (1) - S2-E11
Doctor: Pfft... I'd have to settle down. In a house or something, a proper house with... With... With... With doors and things. Carpets! Me! Living in a house! Now that... That is terrifying.
Rose: You'd have to get a mortgage.
Doctor: No.
Rose: Oh yes.
Doctor: I am dying. That's it. I am dying, it is all over.
Elton: But what I wanted to say is... You know, when you're a kid, they tell you it's all, grow up. Get a job. Get married. Get a house. Have a kid, and that's it. Ah. But the truth is, the world is so much stranger than that. It's so much darker. And so much madder...And so much better.
Jackie: I'm in my dressing gown.
The Doctor: Yes, you are.
Jackie: There's a strange man in my bedroom.
The Doctor: Yes, there is.
Jackie: Well, anything could happen.
The Doctor:
The Doctor Dances (2) - S1-E10
[The Doctor, Capt. Jack and Rose are cornered by the empty children.]
The Doctor: Go to your room. Go to your room! I mean it. I'm very, very angry with you. I'm very, very cross! Go to your room! [The children lurch away.] I'm really glad that worked. Those would have been terrible last words.
Chosen answer: 1) When Stephen Moffat took over he ignored a lot of what had been developed before (there is not in-universe answer). 2) It would have killed Rose, so the Doctor absorbed the energy. His body regenerated before the energy could do a significant amount of damage that would prevent regeneration.