Corrected entry: When Rory is shown on the Hoover Dam, running to the edge, twice you see the Mike O' Callaghan/Pat Tillman Bridge. An impossibility as this scene takes place in 1969, and the bridge did not begin construction until February 2005.
Corrected entry: In the episode, because the Doctor was not around as he was killed in the alternate reality, all the present day invasions that he stopped in the normal reality happened. However, since his death was before many invasions in later seasons in the normal reality that were chronologically before his death (for example, The Carrionite invasion in 1599) the Earth should be already destroyed. Therefore, he couldn't die on Earth, so it would be a paradox that would erase his timeline.
Correction: Except none of this happened. All of this is an illusion brought on by the bug on her back. She just woke up.
Corrected entry: Dr Singh says that the Void sphere has no atomic mass. Atoms, not objects, have atomic mass, hence the name. (00:08:05)
Correction: He meant that whatever substance the void sphere was made of did not have a determinable atomic mass.
Utopia (1) - S3-E11
Corrected entry: When Jack fires his gun in the air to frighten the Futurekind, his arm is straight, raised above him. The camera cuts away, and then cuts back to a shot with Jack in it, where his arm is now suddenly bent. (00:09:50)
Correction: There's a shot facing the Futurekind mob inserted between the two shots with Jack, and in that moment Jack has ample time to merely lower his arm. No problem with continuity.
Utopia (1) - S3-E11
Corrected entry: As Jack gets done in the red room, and runs past the Doctor to help with controls, he's wearing a white T-shirt. After Martha comes down, he suddenly has a black T-shirt on.
Correction: Jack, in this episode, has a black button-down shirt, which he initially wears over the white T-shirt. The alleged "black T-shirt" is merely this shirt, which Jack took off before he went in the red room, and has just put back on.
Rise of the Cybermen (1) - S2-E8
Corrected entry: At the beginning of this episode Big Ben has a square face, yet at the end of the next episode it's a round face.
Correction: It has a round clockface both times. The only reason it appears to be different is due to illumination: in "Rise of the Cybermen", Big Ben is seen in daytime, with sunlight shining on it, making the clockface proper difficult to distinguish from the frame around it, which is ultimately square-shaped. At the end of "The Age of Steel", it's nighttime and the clockface is illuminated, making it easy to distinguish from the frame.
The Girl in the Fireplace - S2-E7
Corrected entry: When Madame de Pompadour is walking in the gardens with her friend, the Doctor ducks down behind a pillar so he will not be seen. He puts his hands on the pillar but in the next shot they are gone, then they are back again.
Correction: Having just watched that scene, the Doctor's hands don't disappear when he's ducking behind the pillar. There are no continuity errors in the placement of his hands in the scene at all.
The Parting of the Ways (2) - S1-E13
Corrected entry: In the part where Rose opens up the TARDIS as she flies away, Mickey and Jackie's clothes move in the wind coming off the TARDIS, but the trees around them are still.
Correction: No, they're not. It's more subtle than Mickey's coat and Jackie's hair, but if you look the trees are moving in the wind.
Corrected entry: In the final scene, where the Doctor and Clara are entering the TARDIS, you can see that the inside of the TARDIS has not been animated and shows just the bare metal walls of the TARDIS prop.
Correction: That's not the wall of the prop, it's part of the console room. The Twelfth Doctor's console room has a sort of archway at the entrance, with walls around the door, which is what is actually being seen here. In fact, it's almost certain that that design choice was made precisely to reduce potential incidents of the prop's interior being seen.
The Christmas Invasion - S2-E2
Corrected entry: The Sycorax begin speaking English for all of the humans because the TARDIS is suddenly activated when the Doctor wakes up. However, it is stated elsewhere in the series that the TARDIS only translates for those who have been in the TARDIS, which Harriet and her translator haven't.
Correction: The TARDIS translates for anyone the Doctor wants it to, including not only companions but people that he and his companions are dealing with.
Corrected entry: Hitler is depicted as right-handed, most noticeably when he pulls out his gun to shoot at the Teselecta. In reality, he was left-handed.
Correction: Rubbish. As already corrected for Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, there are many pictures of him signing documents with his right hand.
Corrected entry: After the TARDIS sets down on the planet, the Doctor rushes to and opens the door to see where they are, and doesn't have his brown coat on. A second later, he emerges with his overcoat on.
Correction: We don't actually see him open the door, we see him running for the door. He could very easily have grabbed his coat from where he always leaves it and put it on before opening the door.
Corrected entry: The intro scene shows the thief hanging from the skylight trying to steal a gem. She escapes where she came in and yet the next scene shows her walking inside the museum. This scene doesn't make sense because she already had an effortless exit on the rooftop.
Correction: She wasn't on the roof, she was on an upper floor of the museum. She was stealing a large golden cup, not a gem. She did not enter through a skylight, either, but a hatch at the top of the dome.
Corrected entry: When the cupboard is drawing the Doctor and Alex in, the crane and the table it's on falls over. But when the cupboard door closes, the table and crane are back in place.
Correction: The entire bedroom is restored to normal after the wardrobe shuts because of the reality-warping alien child. It's not a mistake.
Corrected entry: The Weeping Angels move across a busy street with dozens of people around looking, yet later on they can't get across a couple of meters in two minutes with only Larry and Sally looking.
Correction: The Angels were moving above the street level. How many people look up on a regular basis, especially when it's raining as it was in the scene?
Corrected entry: Toby is seen crashing headfirst out of the ship but in the shot of his death, he is facing the ship.
Correction: Toby/The Beast turned around. It's even visible.
Corrected entry: When the Doctor and Amy are in the star whale's mouth, the light given off by the sonic screwdriver is the previous version's blue, instead of the usual current green.
Correction: This happens several times throughout the series (such as in "Closing Time" in series 6). It suggests that the blue (or sometimes white) light is actually used as a torch instead of the green light, as blue and white are better colours for torches than green.
Exactly right. That version of the sonic screwdriver is shown to have a flashlight function.
Corrected entry: When the Plasmavore drinks the doctor's blood, she inserts her straw into his neck just under his jaw on the right-hand side. However, when Martha starts CPR on the doctor after the Judoon leave, there is no visible wound from the straw's penetration.
Correction: When Martha performs CPR she is on the doctor's right & you can only see the left side of his head so you would not see the wound anyway.
Corrected entry: There in a noticeable gap between the second and third funnels on this Titanic. The original had even spacing between all four funnels, as does the model on Max Capricorn's desk.
Correction: How on earth is this a mistake? The Titanic in this episode is a spaceship with a nuclear storm drive, so there might be a gap for some engineering reason. And the model is not meant to be a completely accurate model, there are small discrepancies in most model ships.
Correction: Helpful on-screen text informs us that this is the Glen Canyon Dam in Arizona, not Nevada's Hoover Dam.