Doctor Who

Correction: This is alien technology. There is also no way these suits should fit around these aliens but they do.

Correction: Caucasian babies are almost always born with blue eyes. Eventually, they turn to the color that they'll remain for the rest of their lives. Typically within 9 months, however, it's been reported happening as late as age 2. Baby Rose is about 20 months old at this time (According to her bio at Tardis Index File, anyway), so it's possible her eyes haven't changed yet.

Captain Defenestrator

Boom Town - S1-E11

Corrected entry: When the Doctor asks Jack about the extrapolator, Jack replies, "It's not compatible, but it should knock off about 12 hours". How can it knock off 12 hours if it's not compatible?

Correction: Meaning it will work, just not as well as it would if it were compatible.


The Unquiet Dead - S1-E3

Corrected entry: Charles Dickens says he is going off to catch a mail coach ("Quite literally 'Post Haste'" is the line). However, mail coaches ceased to be in regular use some 40 years earlier in the 1830s, killed off by the arrival of the railway network.

Correction: He could be using slang. Mail coach = Mail train.

Correction: He states he changed his jumper, however, it has been widely stated that he simply 'blends in.'

Correction: The Doctor almost never bothers to dress in period-appropriate clothing. He doesn't really care what people think of his attire, no matter when he is.

The Empty Child (1) - S1-E9

Corrected entry: Capt. Jack Harkness introduces himself as "American Volunteer, 133 Squadron, Royal Air Force". It is an historical fact that there was such a squadron, made up of American volunteers.but it was not formed until August 1941. The events in "The Empty Child" and "The Doctor Dances" are supposed to have taken place during the "Blitz" on London, which lasted from October 1940 to May 1941. Capt. Jack could not be a member of an RAF squadron that didn't yet exist.

Correction: Capt. Jack is from the future, as is Rose and the Doctor. There are many possibilities, e.g., looking in history to find a random designation and found one from the wrong time, or it might even be his designation from the future.

World War Three (2) - S1-E5

Corrected entry: After the Slitheen realize that the Doctor's ruse with the alcohol is a ruse, the metal shielding around the windows and doors slams shut quite quickly. Later, while talking with the Slitheen again, the shielding closes much slower. Seems like their motors run at speeds determined by the dramatic tone of particular scenes.

Correction: When we see the doors closing slower, the scene is happening in slow motion which is an artistic decision not a mistake.

Correction: He doesn't say 18th century. His exact words are, "1860, how does 1860 sound?"


Correction: No, they're not. It's more subtle than Mickey's coat and Jackie's hair, but if you look the trees are moving in the wind.

World War Three (2) - S1-E5

Corrected entry: The reference to the UK needing special "secret launch codes" from the UN is a compete fiction. The UK could launch a nuclear strike without needing permission from the UN. The UK would, however, need permission from the United STATES [not United NATIONS] to launch a nuclear strike, as the Polaris missiles are leased from the US Government [although the UK owns the warheads].

Correction: This "mistake" is actually part of the fictional plot. The dialogue states that the reason the UN has the nuclear launch codes is because of previous poor history by the UK when handling them, referencing "Robot" from the old series of Doctor Who.

Father's Day - S1-E8

Corrected entry: Near the end, when Rose's dad runs in front of the car at the church, a Renault Clio is seen down the street. Clios weren't available to buy until 1990 (three years after the episode was set) and the one seen is a Clio II, which weren't available until 1998.

Correction: Time was falling apart, as seen with the first telephone "call" and the unreleased rap song, so why couldn't the Clio fall into that time?

Correction: The Dalek changed the codes when it smashed the computer.

Dalek - S1-E6

Corrected entry: Any security system worth its salt would stop accepting codes after too many incorrect ones have been entered. This is pretty much standard for security software, even today. No security system of the future would be written so badly as to just allow millions of combinations to be sent one after the other so quickly. The Dalek should really never have been able to get out as the door panel should have blocked after three or four invalid codes were entered.

Correction: Technically true, but Van Statten was so arrogant that he never thought that anyone could possibly hack the code anyway. Character mistake.


Aliens of London (1) - S1-E4

Corrected entry: Rose's mum phones the Alien hotline and tells them all about the Doctor. She says that he's called the Doctor and has a Blue Box, fair enough. But then she says he called it a TARDIS. Except that no one called it a TARDIS in front of her. The closest was Mickey calling it "that box thing"

Correction: What is seen on screen does not represent every second of real time, so therefore it is quite possible that the name was mentioned at some moment which was not seen on screen.

Mad Ade

Correction: That's the Doctor's shoulder and arm. The material of the clothing is the same as his jacket, and he's standing the same distance away from Rose and Gwyneth.

Rose - S1-E1

Corrected entry: When the Doctor goes into Rose's house, he checks his face to see if his regeneration has gone well, but later, we discover that he has been in his current carnation for days (Maybe months). Shouldn't he have looked into a mirror before that?

Correction: Perhaps the Doctor hasn't had a chance to look at himself since his last regeneration, or he may still be getting used to his new face.

The Doctor Dances (2) - S1-E10

Corrected entry: Written on the side of the German bomb Jack is sitting on are the words "Schlechter Wolf. which is a mistranslation of the English "Bad Wolf. It should have been "Böser Wolf. Böse = bad, as in evil. Schlecht = bad, as in rotten, as in 'the milk has gone bad'. You are unlikely to say that the milk has 'gone evil'

Correction: Given that the name Bad Wolf is from the company that runs Satellite Five in the future & that is where Rose got the name from I don't think that she's going for the correct terminology when she scatters the words through time, just that she makes the connection between all the instances of seeing Bad Wolf & getting back to Satellite Five.

The End of the World - S1-E2

Corrected entry: The Doctor and Jabe make all this fuss about the lever that slows down the fans, when you can see that the space under the fans is big enough to crawl through. Jabe didn't have to die, as the Doctor could have crawled over there in like 20 seconds.

Correction: While it is true that someone could crawl along the side of the catwalk over to the lever on the other side of the fans, it would take a lot longer than 20 seconds, since walking is always faster. Furthermore, they don't have that much time, since Platform One's shields are failing and the station will be destroyed by the heat of the Sun if the computer is not reset. The fastest way to access the switch is to use the lever to slow the fans down, and walk across the catwalk, which is what is done.

The Parting of the Ways (2) - S1-E13

Corrected entry: The extrapolated shield covers the TARDIS and about 3 metres in front of it (it isn't even centred on the TARDIS), thus stopping Dalek lasers. The Doctor and co immediately walk out of this range and out of the cover it provides and spend the next few minutes talking outside this shield. Crazy and trigger-happy Daleks don't resume shooting or attempt to shoot at any point they are outside this shield, even the emperor doesn't take a shot. Side note: This shield can be walked though! Why didn't the Daleks move a metre forwards and resume firing. Daleks are known for their hyper-intelligence and a need to exterminate anything different, these Daleks seem more interested in being a bullies or parrots. (00:03:55 - 00:07:55)

Correction: The Doctor explicitly says that he has extended the force field to give them protection. Since the TARDIS is sentient, one presumes that she's extending the field to follow our heroes about.

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Season 2 generally

Trivia: "Torchwood" is an anagram for Doctor Who. Russell T Davies came up with it during the filming of Series 1 to label the tapes in order to prevent theft and potential leakage, and decided to use the name in the show proper.

More trivia for Doctor Who

Season 1 generally

Question: 1. Why was Rose not allowed to touch her past self without creating a paradox and causing those creatures to appear and eat everyone, but Amy was allowed to touch her younger self without any repercussions? 2. Why was Rose able to have the time vortex in her head for a few minutes and it only knocked her unconscious whereas the Doctor had it inside him for about 30 seconds and it basically killed him and caused his regeneration?


Chosen answer: 1) When Stephen Moffat took over he ignored a lot of what had been developed before (there is not in-universe answer). 2) It would have killed Rose, so the Doctor absorbed the energy. His body regenerated before the energy could do a significant amount of damage that would prevent regeneration.

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