Corrected entry: In this episode, Kellerman insists that there is no way of identifying Stedman. The brothers ask about DNA, dental records, etc. Kellerman states that they were erased. However, Stedman's DNA can always be tested and compared to that of the president. DNA will show that they are siblings. There is no "erasing" that.

Corrected entry: On multiple occasions, Angela claims to be a vegetarian, although in Jury Duty, she tells Oscar that when Phillip was conceived, there was too much wine in her chicken piccata. (00:14:20)
Correction: Characters will evolve. My sister was veggie until she got pregnant. I'm a chef and have seen this happen with people I don't know as well.

Corrected entry: Barney drives fast to prove to his friends that he can talk his way out of a ticket, however in the earlier seasons, when Marshall's car broke down, they tell a story about Barney driving and he cannot drive, and seems to have a fear of driving.

Corrected entry: Toby is seen crashing headfirst out of the ship but in the shot of his death, he is facing the ship.
Correction: Toby/The Beast turned around. It's even visible.

Compulsion - S1-E2
Corrected entry: When the professor gets killed, a kid is shown trying to drink out of the water fountain, but the water is turned off. Gideon figures out that there will be no water to the sprinklers, so a fire is soon going to be set. In real life, fire sprinklers are not connected to the main water supply. Sprinklers are on a separate pump. (00:15:00)
Correction: There are times when a building sprinkler system may be completely separate from the building water supply, but this isn't necessarily the case. The sprinkler system may tee off the water main. The interconnect valves would be secured and alarmed, but that wouldn't be impossible to circumvent.
Correction: If the building's water main has been shut off the will be no water to either sprinklers or water fountains. A "typical" building has only one water main.

Band Aid Covers the Bullet Hole - S2-E21
Corrected entry: Derek tells Meredith to do an MRI on the lady that has a fork stuck in her neck. But an MRI-machine is actually a huge magnet; that's why there's absolutely no metal allowed inside of it. Doing an MRI on someone with a fork stuck in her neck is extremely dangerous.
Correction: Not all metal is magnetic so "absolutely no metal allowed" is incorrect. People with metal hardware in their bodies have MRI's all the time. Cutlery is sometimes magnetic but this could be checked with a small magnet first. An MRI would then be the best type of scan for this situation if it was not magnetic.

Corrected entry: Season 1, Episode 5, "Prime Suspect": Charlie Epps is discussing the Riemann Hypothesis, and its relation to very large prime numbers. In the graphics shown on the screen to depict what he is talking about, one of the large numbers shown has "10" for its final two digits. This cannot be a prime number.
Correction: At the zoomed in shot, it appears to be a 10, but something is cut off to make it look like a zero. At a zoom out of this shot, the block reads 719, a prime number.

Corrected entry: In the episode "Hotel Hangout," when the kids are at the pool, Cody/Zack has a red drink in his hand, but a few shot later it's gone.
Correction: When Zack is holding the drink, the hotel waitress brings out a tray of desserts and it cuts to a shot as she serves one of the other boys, during which we do not see Zack. Then, when it cuts back to a shot of the twins, Zack's drink is gone. There is enough time between those shots for Zack to have simply put his drink down.

Corrected entry: At The End of the episode, Dean and Sam pull up to the house to say goodbye. The moving truck has its back end facing the right, toward the front of the brothers' Impala. However, when they are driving away, heading straight without turning around, the moving truck is now facing in the opposite direction.
Correction: If you look at 39mins and 41 seconds. You can easily see that there are two moving trucks, facing opposite directions. So the truck they drive past would be the one facing the same way as the Impala.

Corrected entry: It is mentioned that the girls' dorm is a different dorm from the year before, though they are in the same hall and have the same room number - 101.
Correction: They are in a different hall as said in the first episode in season 2, just the same room number within the new building.

Corrected entry: In the episode "Whatever Possessed You?" Colleen's doctor tells the district attorney that her sickness doesn't follow the guidelines of normal schizophrenia in that the normal medicines don't help. This gives Allison and DeValas an opening to investigate what is causing her to be ill. Why would she give them such important information when she is in on the ruse?
Correction: The family would probably have found out that the schizophrenia didn't follow the normal guidelines, as they would have tried to find information about the disease when Colleen got ill. Even if they didn't they would have registered that none of the medicine helped. As Devalos is a friend of the family and they might have told him, the doctor probably found that it was best just to tell him herself, so it wouldn't seem like she was hiding something.

The Desert - S2-E11
Corrected entry: When Aang enters The Avatar State, his eyes and forehead arrow glow like normal, but the arrows on his hands do not.
Correction: It is canonized in the final episode that, depending on how deeply Aang is tapping the power of The Avatar State, his every tattoo does not always radiate with energy.

Son of Hades - S2-E2
Corrected entry: Vorenus declares that he is the Son of Hades. Hades was a Greek god, the Romans called him Pluto or Dis. He should have called himself a son of Pluto, not Hades.
Correction: Vorenus would have been well aware of the Greek god Hades and that could have been a character choice. It's not a secret that Hades and Pluto are the same Deity, and with Rome having a Greek quarter during this period, Vorenus would have been exposed to both names.

Corrected entry: In season 5, Jim is referred to as Jim, but never Sam Lucas even though Jim died at the beginning of season 4.
Correction: Sam's middle name was James. (On his lab coat it says Dr. S. James Lucas) explaining why Sam was called Jim from the end of season 4 and all through season 5.

Corrected entry: Bones and Booth arrive at the FBI after she has identified the body. The two argue about Booth's having a relationship. In the medium shot, Bones has her hair tucked behind her right ear. In long shots, it's not. (00:13:45)
Correction: The hair is still tucked behind her ear, however with her moving her head a lot, it comes loose.

Barn Burner - S1-E11
Corrected entry: In this episode, when Earl makes Randy cross things off his list, he tells Randy to do Number One, "Took doughnuts from a bank where I was not a customer." However, in the episode "Number One," it is revealed that Number One on Earl's list is stealing 10 dollars from a man at a convenience store.
Correction: Earl doesn't tell Randy to do "Number One", he tells Randy he's chosen "the first one" of the tasks that Randy must do.

Dreaming of a White Porsche Christmas - S10-E6
Corrected entry: Because of a Christmas wish Stan becomes Principal Lewis. While running away from the CIA Avery Bullock yells out "Smith, stop or we'll shoot!" Stan hadn't changed back to himself yet. (00:14:40)
Correction: Stan doesn't become Principal Lewis, they just change lives (e.g., decisions they made, careers, lifestyle, etc). This is evident by the fact that his name is still Stan and Brian Lewis is still Brian.

Corrected entry: 1-8 Tourist Trap: One of Sparkville's 'giant' attraction is a huge ketchup bottle - filled with ketchup. It would rather be strange to keep the stuff - or even just paint - in a huge bottle out in the open, since it would either spoil, evaporate or dry up, and refills would come too expensive for a container this size.
Correction: It wouldn't evaporate as ketchup's a paste, not a fluid. It wouldn't dry up as long as the lid was on it. It wouldn't spoil as long as it had never been opened (ketchup in the grocery store isn't refrigerated). There's no reason not to have it full. And every reason, even if they must refill from time to time, to keep it topped off: tourist money.

Home Alone - S2-E10
Corrected entry: When Robert came back from his trip and opened the door, he saw Huey and Riley lying on the floor. Riley, who usually wears a white tank top and jeans, suddenly was wearing an orange jumpsuit that he wore earlier in the episode. When Huey and Riley went to hug Robert, Riley suddenly wasn't wearing the jumpsuit any longer. Instead, he's back to his usual attire. (00:18:25)
Correction: I reviewed the scene several times, he never was wearing the orange jumpsuit.
Correction: In order to do this though they would need the president's DNA. She knows the truth so would deny a sample voluntarily. So the police would have to get a warrant for the DNA sample. No judge would ever sign that warrant as it could be considered career suicide.